Protection People app (PPa), biometric recognition to assist undocumented vulnerable people

Publications Bank of innovations

Protection People app (PPa), biometric recognition to assist undocumented vulnerable people

It Will Be

Worker of an NGO creating a profile in the App

App that uses biometric technology to reliably identify and record vulnerable people without papers, especially children, and at the same time share this information between various NGOs to coordinate and improve the care of the registered people. Protection People app (PPa) is primarily intended to register users of services that are outside the system or have no identification documents, are homeless, had to suffer humanitarian disasters or other difficult situations.

The information collected in the App has a high level of encryption to ensure its protection. In addition, PPa is easy to use and maintain and is multilingual (English, French, and Spanish). Another advantage is its accessibility from different mobile devices allows to register people on the street, on the open field and anywhere, and at the same time it makes the app available to NGOs of any size and capacity.

PPa uses multifactorial biometric recognition software (palmar, facial and fingerprint) to register users. Its reliability is very high because it does not read the palmar print but the vein pattern, which does not change with age. Once the person is identified, a profile can be created that briefly describes their situation, history, and needs.

PPA Protection People App

Biel Digital Glasses, 3D glasses to adapt the world to lower vision

Publications Bank of innovations

Biel Digital Glasses, 3D glasses to adapt the world to lower vision

Biel Digital Glasses

Biel using one of the prototypes of Biel Digital Glasses

Intelligent 3D glasses that facilitate mobility and personal autonomy for people with low vision. Low vision is a visual impairment that cannot be corrected with conventional glasses or surgery. It is a much more common disability than blindness (it affects 7 million people in Europe, and 70 million worldwide) and prevents daily tasks such as reading, moving in public spaces, avoiding obstacles or interpreting signals.

“Biel Digital Glasses” glasses use a combination of new technologies such as 3D vision, artificial intelligence, and augmented reality to adapt reality to the visual ability of people with low vision. In addition to improving images, they identify obstacles, and warn about possible dangers, such as steps or semaphores. In this way, these glasses allow these people to reduce their social isolation and improve their mobility and personal autonomy.

Biel Digital Glasses

TripApp, an application to reduce the risks of drug abuse

Publications Bank of innovations

TripApp, an application to reduce the risks of drug abuse


A mobile application that can reduce risks and harms related to drug abuse.

It is based on delivering reliable and objective information and engaging the community. On one hand, the application collects information from a large European network of drug analysis laboratories and alerts real-time to users about the presence in the market of adulterated, contaminated or dangerous drug products. On the other hand, it also offers to the users who use simple colorimetric methods to determine the purity of the drugs, the possibility of directly uploading their they got to the application. This second feature is particularly useful in countries that do not have a network of analysis laboratories.

The app also offers a map for locating drug analysis services, sexual health services, drug use rooms, opioid substitution therapy programs, health and party projects, and exchange  programs for syringes and needles.

To ensure total security and privacy of users, the application does not store any personal data, neither location, nor image metadata.

The application has been developed for Android in 15 different languages. The iOS operating system is expected to be available soon.


Nelson Mandela, a program for reintegration to life in freedom

Publications Bank of innovations

Nelson Mandela, a program for reintegration to life in freedom

Xunta de Galicia

by whereslugo on Unsplash

Program for the social reintegration of ex-prisoners, which offers personalized itineraries tailored to the needs of each participant, with both technical and personal preparation, as well as training and support activities for work integration. The goal is for those who have been released from prison to expand their competencies and improve their personal and professional skills to help them on their path to full inclusion.

The program is part of the Social Inclusion Strategy of Galicia 2014-2020, designed and funded by the Xunta de Galicia and the European Social Fund. It has been developed so far in a single prison, Teixeiro, and has benefited more than 1,500 inmates.

Xunta de Galicia

PACT, Big Data tool to predict the risk of chronic social exclusion

Publications Bank of innovations

PACT, Big Data tool to predict the risk of chronic social exclusion

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


Foto: Mark Bende, Unsplash

Algoritme desenvolupat a partir de tècniques de Big data i Machine learning, que preveu el risc de les persones beneficiàries d’ajudes públiques de patir una situació d’exclusió social crònica.

L’algoritme s’ha creat a partir de l’anàlisi anonimitzada de més de 16.000 casos i de 60 factors predictius. Mitjançant l’aprenentatge automàtic (machine learning) s’han determinat els deu factors principals de risc, i s’ha desenvolupat una aplicació en línia, accessible per als professionals de Serveis Socials des de qualsevol dispositiu, ordinador, tauleta o telèfon mòbil, que permet que aquests professionals coneguin amb precisió el risc d’exclusió social d’una persona, per facilitar-los així les decisions o actuacions professionals a prendre.

A més, en el marc del projecte PACT també s’ha creat i implementat un programari per a la gestió activa de casos, basat en l’anàlisi de riscos personals. Aquesta anàlisi permet identificar millor les necessitats de formació de cada persona atesa per facilitar la seva inserció socio-laboral.

Pact Project

Pis Zero, night shelter for highly-vulnerable people

Publications Bank of innovations

Pis Zero, night shelter for highly-vulnerable people

Arrels Fundació

Foto: Elisava

Housing that is offered as a safe and cozy night shelter for homeless people who can’t adapt to any other space. It tries to cover the most basic needs of the person, it is characterized by its low exigency, and seeks to strengthen the links with the people who use it.

The Zero Flat is conceived as an extension of the street, and for this reason, its regulations are more flexible, simple, and reduced than those that exist in shelters or other types of homes for the homeless. Thus, for example, people can access with dogs, drinks, and their luggage; smoking is allowed in a designated area, and length of stay is unlimited.

Fundació Arrels

The Opportunity Atlas, Big Data analysis to optimize the social support system

Publications Bank of innovations

The Opportunity Atlas, Big Data analysis to optimize the social support system

Seattle Housing Authority

Foto: Seattle Housing Authority

A tool for the analysis of anonymized census data in order to optimize the system of public subsidies to the vulnerable population based on the detailed knowledge of the characteristics and social differences between disadvantaged neighborhoods.

The tool has allowed detecting in several US big cities that nearby neighborhoods with very low incomes offer many different opportunities to leave poverty to the children who live there. Seattle Housing Authority has pioneered the analysis of the “Opportunity Atlas” data and concluded that, unlike other American cities, the differences between neighborhoods that offer high social mobility and those that do not, are invisible to the naked eye and only by means of this data analysis it is possible to identify them.

Among other results, the city of Seattle has discovered that most of the subsidies were allocated to neighborhoods with low social mobility and this has led to a rethinking of the social assistance system to promote the residence of vulnerable families in the neighborhoods with a higher social mobility rate.

Seattle Housing Authority

Les meves ajudes, an on-line tool to facilitate access to social assistance

Publications Bank of innovations

Les meves ajudes, an on-line tool to facilitate access to social assistance

Barcelona’s City Council

Foto: Ajuntament de Barcelona

A simulator called “Les meves ajudes”, allows on line consultation of the social aids a person is entitled to regardless of the Administration that manages them.

The simulator works anonymously and, based on the input, indicates which social aids may be requested, estimates the amount, and links to the procedures to be followed to request them.

Les meves ajudes

Buurtzorg, autonomous teams of community healthcare

Publications Bank of innovations

Buurtzorg, autonomous teams of community healthcare


Foto: Buurtzorg

Home care organization that works through teams that have professional freedom and are responsible for their own operation. Each team is made up of 12 people and works in a neighborhood taking care of people who need support and managing the team’s work. Each new team looks for their own office in the neighborhood, dedicates time to introduce themselves to the local community and to get to know the GPs, therapists and other social and health professionals. The team decides how to organize the work, share responsibilities and make decisions.

As a KMPG study states: “Essentially, the program allows nurses (rather than nursing assistants or caregivers) to provide all the care the patient needs. And while this has meant higher costs per hour, the total number of hours has been lower. In fact, by changing the care model, Buurtzorg achieved a 50 percent reduction in hours of care, improved the quality of care and increased employee job satisfaction. ”

An Ernst and Young study estimated that the new system allowed a 40% savings on home care in the Netherlands.


Therapeutic gardens for dementia or Alzheimer patients

Publications Bank of innovations

Therapeutic gardens for dementia or Alzheimer patients

Fontenuovo, Mati 1909, Generali Arredamenti

Foto: Mati 1909

In January 2016, the Fontenuovo residence opened a unit for Alzheimer’s patients that includes an innovative therapeutic garden designed by a multidisciplinary team that emphasizes the social value of the garden.

The design meets the requirements defined in the most recent scientific studies aimed at improving the health, behavior and quality of life of patients. Thus space is planned naturally, with inputs, outputs, paths, work and rest areas and well-defined points of reference that allow easy orientation and reduce the feeling of insecurity. The garden has five sensorial areas that contain more than thirty plant species and that allow the stimulation of the senses of the patients.

Other Italian institutions and companies are working on the design of these types of gardens. Recently, two companies, Mati 1909 and Generali Arredamenti, presented in Pistoia a garden prototype for patients with Alzheimer’s disease, also with the aforementioned general characteristics.

MATI 1909