Idecide, decision-making support tools for people with psychosocial difficulties

Publications Bank of innovations

Idecide, decision-making support tools for people with psychosocial difficulties

SUPPORT-Fundació Tutelar Girona

Project to enhance the autonomy of people with disabilities when making decisions

Despite the existence of the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which promotes autonomy and equality of rights, guardianship procedures still prevail in the judicial sphere.

IDecide is an initiative aimed at empowering people with intellectual disabilities in making daily decisions. For example, in areas such as finances, consumption, or health.

On the other hand, the project aims to provide tools to overcome the legal and social barriers that limit the autonomy of these individuals. It also aims to become a reference space for international best practices in this field, with the creation of guides and materials for professionals.

RefAid, an app for refugees arriving in Europe

Publications Bank of innovations

RefAid, an app for refugees arriving in Europe



Application aimed at migrants and refugees arriving in Europe every day so they can identify the services they can access

RefAid is a mobile application that shows migrants, refugees, and accompanying social workers which nearby services they can access, on a map with a simple interface.

The platform ensures that the information and location of the users is completely confidential, it is not stored, and it is not shared with any authority or police force.

The organizations that appear on the map are trustworthy and verified. The search includes filters for themes such as food, shelter, bathrooms, and information.

Noves Oportunitats, educational center for training and job placement for youth

Publications Bank of innovations

Noves Oportunitats, educational center for training and job placement for youth

Fundació El Llindar

Model of accompaniment and guidance that combines quality and qualified training and work to combat educational dropout

The Educational Center Noves Oportunitats advocates for extended, comprehensive, and personalized training pathways. Thus, it guides and accompanies young people towards adulthood by promoting their return to the educational system and access to professional qualification. The program offers tailored itineraries for each individual. Youth can choose from various training offerings, ranging from a flexible adapted ESO (Obligatory Secondary Education) to a certified Level 2 Vocational Training.

The program consists of three phases. The first corresponds to Initial Qualified and Specialized Vocational Training (Levels 1 and 2). Secondly, young people have access to training grants for internships in different workplaces. Finally, the Noves Oportunitats Educational Center offers the Youth Services area. This last phase is designed to extend professional training while guaranteeing real work experience through companies with social economy models.

Beyond promoting education and work experience, the center guides and accompanies young people through personal meeting spaces where, jointly, their professional future is constructed. Students acquire transversal competencies such as learning ability, teamwork, and responsibility.

Fuel Poverty Group, defending the right to energy

Publications Bank of innovations

Fuel Poverty Group, defending the right to energy

ABD, EcoServeis

Imatges Posts Web 21 min 2

Network of individuals and entities from different fields to combat energy poverty

Fuel Poverty Group promotes tools to reduce the amount of the gas and electricity bill by understanding the concepts that appear on the bill, as well as practical advice in daily life to make rational and efficient use of energy.

On the other hand, they also organize preventive and empowerment actions such as workshops, personalized information points, assistance in procedures, and interventions to defend energy rights.

A person is in a situation of energy poverty when they have difficulty paying for electricity, water, or gas supplies, or when they are unable to afford the economic cost of maintaining adequate temperature and humidity conditions in their home. According to the organization, this poverty has effects and consequences on the health, economy, and well-being of people who are in situations of greater social vulnerability.

Housing and accompaniment services for people with intellectual disabilities

Publications Bank of innovations

Housing and accompaniment services for people with intellectual disabilities

Fundació Esment

Habitatge i acompanyament

Individual housing and support for people with intellectual disabilities

The Esment Foundation promotes individual housing for people with intellectual disabilities, for which a common support program is established. This program is adapted to their needs, preferences, and life stage, while also being coordinated with the person’s personal network and various professional services. Each case is supervised by a designated technician.

Furthermore, to promote autonomy, support is provided to the individual in daily life activities such as personal hygiene, housing, nutrition, shopping, and financial management. The spaces are calm and pleasant, and the specialized team ensures the person’s well-being.

IPS Methodology for the employment insertion of young people with mental disorders

Publications Bank of innovations

IPS Methodology for the employment insertion of young people with mental disorders

Fundació Joia

Metodologia IPS

Pioneering methodology for employment insertion specialized in intervention with the mental health collective

The IPS methodology considers both training and job placement as part of the person’s recovery process from the very beginning. The traditional approach introduced this aspect at the end of clinical intervention with the youth. The new system prevents chronicity, facilitates recovery, and increases work motivation.

Weekly face-to-face contact between clinical professionals and job placement professionals allows for the creation of a climate of trust. In this way, workers from different fields work towards the same goal for the youth.

Fundació Joia IPS Methodology

Èpica i Singular, a new employment experience for at-risk youth

Publications Bank of innovations

Èpica i Singular, a new employment experience for at-risk youth

La Fura dels Baus, City Council of Badalona, FLC

Èpica i Singular

Program for accompanying young people seeking employment through scenic creation

The Épica y Singular initiative is aimed at individuals aged 18 to 29 enrolled in the Youth Guarantee Program. The program provides young people with professional skills and competencies through the creation of a scenic and artistic project, led by the theater company La Fura dels Baus and other professionals.

In this way, in a more attractive and different manner, they can acquire knowledge of audiovisual and construction techniques related to the show (vertical work, assembly of structures and scaffolding, etc.). Through this program, young people can obtain professional certificates and licenses.

The project also includes guidance and counseling in job search and agreements with companies for internships and hiring. Practical training is paid at €300. Additionally, it offers a range of resources to facilitate the launch of entrepreneurial projects and self-employment in various sectors.