MigApp, trusted mobile information for migrants around the world

Publications Bank of innovations

MigApp, trusted mobile information for migrants around the world

IOM (International Organization for Migration)

Image from MigApp.

An initiative of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) which, through a mobile app, offers a platform of relevant and up-to-date information so that migrants around the world can make informed decisions. It is available in 8 languages: English, Chinese, Arabic, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Russian.

Migrants from all five continents need a trusted source of information that also provides them with assistance and support to migrate safely. MigApp is an application that helps migrants to make informed decisions by providing information organized in various thematic and location areas.

In addition, the application also provides the possibility to make international bank transfers at no cost. It also has an option to find out the location of friends and family.

It also provides information on travel risks, access to IOM programmes and services for migrants, and data on migration profiles and trends around the world. This makes it useful not only for migrants and their families, but also for NGOs and governments.


Bank of innovations


V-TOOLS, Virtual Reality Applied to Social Innovation

V-TOOLS is a project that combines technology and social innovation through immersive experiences with the aim of improving the lives of people and communities

Jooay, an app that helps children with disabilities find leisure activities

Jooay is a free app that connects leisure activity offerings with families of children with disabilities

ShareAmi, intergenerational language exchanges through videoconferences

ShareAmi és un programa d’intercanvis lingüístics a través de videoconferències entre persones grans i persones joves que viuen fora del seu país

Kloosiv, technology and social intervention to ensure social inclusion in access to housing

Kloosiv is a web platform that promotes social inclusion in housing to combat speculation and unwanted loneliness.

STOP, artificial intelligence to prevent suicide

STOP és un projecte de recerca per prevenir el suïcidi a través d’intel·ligència artificial aplicada a les xarxes socials
Imatges Posts Web 64 min 2

NaviLens, a code system that guides individuals with visual impairments in public spaces

NaviLens is a code system with relevant information about public spaces to increase the autonomy of people with visual impairments.

VioGén, comprehensive monitoring system for cases of male violence against women

Publications Bank of innovations

VioGén, comprehensive monitoring system for cases of male violence against women

Ministry of Home Affairs


Big data system for the comprehensive monitoring of cases of gender-based violence that brings together and coordinates the different public institutions in Spain with competencies in the area of gender-based violence. In this way, the system integrates all the information of interest deemed necessary to be able to assess the existing risk and, depending on the danger involved in each case, the monitoring and protection mechanisms best suited to the needs of each victim are activated.

VioGén provides women victims of male violence with a “Personalized Safety Plan”, with self-protection measures. Likewise, preventive work is carried out by issuing “Automated Notifications” when an incident is detected that could endanger the integrity of the victim.

The aim of all this is to establish a network that allows for better monitoring and protection of the victims, in a rapid, comprehensive and effective manner, whether they are battered women or minors who depend on them.


Bank of innovations


V-TOOLS, Virtual Reality Applied to Social Innovation

V-TOOLS is a project that combines technology and social innovation through immersive experiences with the aim of improving the lives of people and communities

Jooay, an app that helps children with disabilities find leisure activities

Jooay is a free app that connects leisure activity offerings with families of children with disabilities

ShareAmi, intergenerational language exchanges through videoconferences

ShareAmi és un programa d’intercanvis lingüístics a través de videoconferències entre persones grans i persones joves que viuen fora del seu país

Kloosiv, technology and social intervention to ensure social inclusion in access to housing

Kloosiv is a web platform that promotes social inclusion in housing to combat speculation and unwanted loneliness.

STOP, artificial intelligence to prevent suicide

STOP és un projecte de recerca per prevenir el suïcidi a través d’intel·ligència artificial aplicada a les xarxes socials
Imatges Posts Web 64 min 2

NaviLens, a code system that guides individuals with visual impairments in public spaces

NaviLens is a code system with relevant information about public spaces to increase the autonomy of people with visual impairments.

How are you doing? The conversation heals. Mass calls to the elderly

Publications Bank of innovations

How are you doing? The conversation heals. Mass calls to the elderly

Barcelona City Council

Image from Pixabay.

The Barcelona City Council’s Directorate for Ageing and Cures promoted this project with the coordination of the Department for the Promotion of Older People and the Directorate for Social Innovation, to take an interest in the emotional well-being of people aged 70-84 who were not linked to municipal services in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and to inform them, when necessary, about existing resources that could improve their emotional state and their social isolation and/or loneliness.

Throughout the entire project, between June 2020 and July 2021, 53,382 people aged 70-84 were called automatically via 227,153 automated calls. Of the people called, 5,433 responded that they did want someone representing the City Council to call them personally on the phone. As a result of this, 7,961 personal calls were made, in which a telephone conversation was held with 4,714 people, filling out a form of 16 diagnostic questions (about loneliness or social isolation, sadness, anxiety, worries, information needs, etc.) to 4,360 people.

Verbio, a conversational technology company, using artificial intelligence and natural language processing, made the automated phone calls. Fundación Avismón, with expertise and sensitivity in the care and support of elderly people, was in charge of making the personal phone calls and providing information and guidance. And the Fundación Salud y Persona attended to 168 people expressing emotional distress, with professional psychologists by telephone (approximately 3 calls per person referred).

Ajuntament de Barcelona

Banc d’innovacions


V-TOOLS, Virtual Reality Applied to Social Innovation

V-TOOLS is a project that combines technology and social innovation through immersive experiences with the aim of improving the lives of people and communities

Jooay, an app that helps children with disabilities find leisure activities

Jooay is a free app that connects leisure activity offerings with families of children with disabilities

ShareAmi, intergenerational language exchanges through videoconferences

ShareAmi és un programa d’intercanvis lingüístics a través de videoconferències entre persones grans i persones joves que viuen fora del seu país

Kloosiv, technology and social intervention to ensure social inclusion in access to housing

Kloosiv is a web platform that promotes social inclusion in housing to combat speculation and unwanted loneliness.

STOP, artificial intelligence to prevent suicide

STOP és un projecte de recerca per prevenir el suïcidi a través d’intel·ligència artificial aplicada a les xarxes socials
Imatges Posts Web 64 min 2

NaviLens, a code system that guides individuals with visual impairments in public spaces

NaviLens is a code system with relevant information about public spaces to increase the autonomy of people with visual impairments.

Papallona Project, transformation of the Social Services of Mataró City Council

Lab Services

Papallona Project, transformation of the Social Services of Mataró City Council

Innovation project and testing of a new model of proximity care in Social Services, of a more preventive and community nature.


Commissioned by Mataró City Council, we have accompanied a new pilot team of primary care in the Rocafonda district of the city, which, within the framework of the “Papallona Project” (Butterfly), seeks to innovate and test a new model of local social care, of a mainly preventive and community nature, which could later become a new model to be extended to all the city’s Social Services teams.

The experience is part of the mandate of the II Strategic Plan for Social Services of Catalonia 2021-2024, which points to community action and prevention as one of the main levers that should allow to evolve and modernize the current model of Social services of local bodies.

The principles underlying the community social intervention proposed in the Papallona Project are universality, proximity, prevention, proactivity and integration. And the innovative experience underway in the neighborhood of Rocafonda is conceived as a laboratory of social innovation in the field of Social Welfare characterized by:

  • Adopting a forward-looking vision of development needs, expectations and possibilities
  • The participation of a wide range of agents, including technicians from the municipal level (regardless of their organic origin) and other supra-municipal bodies
  • And the participation of social, formal and informal agents, as well as citizens

The aim is to create a multi-specialized team for each area of social intervention, with a double aspect of action on the territory, in which the professionals of each area of specialization are the community referents in the field of social intervention in each area of influence, with availability and direct contact with all those existing entities in the territory, as well as with the services that are developed there, in accordance with each area of specialization.


Ajuntament de Mataró

Reconnect, a professional app to ensure the continuity of social insertion pathways

Publications Bank of innovations

Reconnect, a professional app to ensure the continuity of social insertion pathways

Groupe SOS

Image from Reconnect webpage.

Work app for social professionals, which gives them all the information they need to support users: check their history, update their status, record meeting reports, schedule reminders for upcoming events, find documents and contacts useful, etc. It also allows you to inform team members of the situation of a person being cared for. And, in the event of a job replacement, the new professional can quickly get an overview of the ongoing procedures and the next steps to take in relation to each of the users.

In addition, it allows you to follow in real time the number of places available in services, accommodation and activities, and find the people who need them; and automatically analyze data statistics related to the people being cared for and assessing the impact of social intervention.

The ergonomics of the application have been specially worked with social professionals and third sector entities so that the management is very simple and allows the professionals to concentrate on accompanying the people being cared for. Co-design with third sector entities also allows you to provide solutions tailored to the specifics of the sector’s programs and services. And, in addition, the configuration of the system allows to satisfy the specific operational needs of each social entity.


Banc d’innovacions


V-TOOLS, Virtual Reality Applied to Social Innovation

V-TOOLS is a project that combines technology and social innovation through immersive experiences with the aim of improving the lives of people and communities

Jooay, an app that helps children with disabilities find leisure activities

Jooay is a free app that connects leisure activity offerings with families of children with disabilities

ShareAmi, intergenerational language exchanges through videoconferences

ShareAmi és un programa d’intercanvis lingüístics a través de videoconferències entre persones grans i persones joves que viuen fora del seu país

Kloosiv, technology and social intervention to ensure social inclusion in access to housing

Kloosiv is a web platform that promotes social inclusion in housing to combat speculation and unwanted loneliness.

STOP, artificial intelligence to prevent suicide

STOP és un projecte de recerca per prevenir el suïcidi a través d’intel·ligència artificial aplicada a les xarxes socials
Imatges Posts Web 64 min 2

NaviLens, a code system that guides individuals with visual impairments in public spaces

NaviLens is a code system with relevant information about public spaces to increase the autonomy of people with visual impairments.

72 professionals of the Penedès follow the course From ACP to Self-directed Support

Publications News

72 professionals of the Penedès follow the course From ACP to Self-directed Support


A total of 72 professionals of Social Services of the Vegueria del Penedès are following since November 26th a new edition of the training course “From Person-Centred Care to Self-directed Support” of the Fundació iSocial. The participants are social workers and social educators from the professional teams of the Alt Penedès County Council, Baix Penedès County Council, Anoia County Council, Vendrell Town Council, Sitges Town Council and Sant Pere de Ribes Town Council.

The course consists of 8 workshops taught virtually, and is part of the training catalogue of the Catalan Association of Municipalities (ACM). In agreement with the ACM, the course will subsequently be offered in other Basic Areas, in a territorialised manner by Vegueries. The next editions will be for the Vegueria de Terres de l’Ebre, starting on 4 February; for the Vegueria de Alt Pirineu i Aran, starting on 11 February; and for the Vegueria de Ponent, starting on 1 April.

The course “From Person-Centred Care to Self-directed Support” aims to raise awareness of the European model of Self-directed Support, which seeks to guarantee and preserve an approach of supporting and accompanying people who turn to the basic Social Services in their decision making, so that they have at all times the possibility of making effective choice and control over how the action or support plan is organised to achieve the results agreed with the professionals, based on their wishes and their rights.

In recent years, the approach of person-centred professional interventions, known as PCA, has been consolidated in Social Services. But today we know that it is not so much a question of putting the person at the centre and having professionals make decisions taking into account their interests and wishes, but rather of offering them the support they need to be able to make their own decisions. And this is what the European model of Self-directed Support seeks to guarantee.


Josep Maria Solé pren el relleu de Montse Cervera com a president

Change in Presidency: Josep Maria Solé Takes Over from Montse Cervera

Montse Cervera, President of iSocial since the foundation’s creation, steps down to make way for Josep Maria Solé.
Rehab-Lab meeting in Liège

iSocial and CIM-UPC Participate in the Annual Rehab-Lab Network Meeting in Belgium

A total of 55 entities from the Rehab-Lab network gathered in Liège to share their knowledge and experiences

iSocial participates in the kick-off meeting of the Care4Skills project in Brussels

Last Thursday, May 23rd, we attended the kick-off meeting of the Care4Skills project in Brussels, organized by the EASPD (European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities), the entity leading the initiative.
Arranquen els tallers participatius de

The participatory workshops of the All By Myself project begin

This May, we inaugurated the first participatory workshops included in the research process of the All By Myself project, coordinated by the iSocial Foundation and supported by the Department of Social Rights of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

23 social entities have been trained to use Flapp! and Nidus

Flapp! and Nidus, the two virtual safes created by the iSocial Foundation in collaboration with Pere Claver Group, are consolidating with the training offered so far to 23 entities.
I Jornada Serveis Socials

The iSocial Foundation participates in the First Social Services Conference

iSocial has presented Nidus, a digital tool to support people experiencing homelessness, promoted jointly with the Pere Claver Group

SOM Salut Mental 360, digital platform to guide, accompany and raise awareness of mental health issues

Publications Bank of innovations

SOM Salut Mental 360, digital platform to guide, accompany and raise awareness of mental health issues

Sant Joan de Déu

Image from Pexels.

A digital platform based on co-creation between users, family members, healthcare professionals, the social sector and the educational environment, and the general public, which aims to inform, accompany, empower and raise awareness of mental health.

The portal incorporates up-to-date content in the field of mental health and will progressively expand the diversity of formats. The aim is to create an intelligent platform that offers content adapted to the preferences of the individual and generates an optimal user experience. In addition, users are the main prescribers of the platform, making it a reliable and secure source of information for anyone who needs accurate information on the field of mental health.

SOM Salut Mental 360 currently offers digital meetings, expert consultation sessions, witnesses from health professionals, users, family members, educators and associations, as well as informative and monographic articles, among others. All the information on the platform is reviewed by a multidisciplinary scientific committee to guarantee the veracity of the information.

The project also offers thematic portals where you can find all the information on a topic or pathology. The first three are focused on eating disorders (ED), autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and depressive disorders.

SOM Salud Mental 360

Banc d’innovacions


V-TOOLS, Virtual Reality Applied to Social Innovation

V-TOOLS is a project that combines technology and social innovation through immersive experiences with the aim of improving the lives of people and communities

Jooay, an app that helps children with disabilities find leisure activities

Jooay is a free app that connects leisure activity offerings with families of children with disabilities

ShareAmi, intergenerational language exchanges through videoconferences

ShareAmi és un programa d’intercanvis lingüístics a través de videoconferències entre persones grans i persones joves que viuen fora del seu país

Kloosiv, technology and social intervention to ensure social inclusion in access to housing

Kloosiv is a web platform that promotes social inclusion in housing to combat speculation and unwanted loneliness.

STOP, artificial intelligence to prevent suicide

STOP és un projecte de recerca per prevenir el suïcidi a través d’intel·ligència artificial aplicada a les xarxes socials
Imatges Posts Web 64 min 2

NaviLens, a code system that guides individuals with visual impairments in public spaces

NaviLens is a code system with relevant information about public spaces to increase the autonomy of people with visual impairments.

ICT tools to combat loneliness in the elderly

Campus InnoBreaks

ICT tools to combat loneliness in the elderly

TEKNOADINEKO (Euskadi, Spain) and ELDCARE (Catalonia, Spain)

Held on Tuesday February 8, 2022.
The speakersthe spoke in Catalan and in Spanish.

In our societies, the general aging of the population, the impoverishment of community ties and the increase in situations of unwanted loneliness in the elderly, both in rural areas and in urban settings, seem an unstoppable process.

Addressing this enormous challenge only from Social Services is now completely impossible. A joint and concerted effort is needed from all public services, from all the associative and community fabric, and from the whole society.

To detect situations of loneliness, often invisible, and to activate the response of people and resources in each environment and territory, technology offers us increasingly effective tools.

In this 3rd Innobreak we presented two very different initiatives but which have in common the fact of having devised and built technological solutions adapted to the characteristics and possibilities of the Social Services of our towns and cities to help the Social Services teams to lead more effectively the answer to this phenomenon of loneliness of the elderly. The first is TEKNOADINEKO, a tool of the cooperative group Agintzari of the Basque Country, which from Big Data assesses the risk and activates the resources of the Social Services and the community. The second is ELDCARE, a tool of the Benestar i Desenvolupament Association-ABD of Catalonia, which with a very simple technology reinforces home care and support for the elderly who live and feel alone.


  • Mila Lopez Aldama, TEKNOADINEKO (Agintzari, Bilbao, Euskadi, Spain)
  • Mireia López Alvarez, ELDCARE (ABD, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)

Full video of the Innobreak

Supported by

Generalitat de Catalunya Departament de Drets Socials

La Inclusivadora, centre for the promotion of self-employment and entrepreneurship for people with intellectual disabilities

Publications Bank of innovations

La Inclusivadora, centre for the promotion of self-employment and entrepreneurship for people with intellectual disabilities


Image from Pexels.

Centre for the promotion of self-employment and entrepreneurship for people with intellectual disabilities, which offers different inclusive workspaces, such as a Coworking (shared workspace for people who want to develop their personal and professional projects) and a Fablab (digital creation space with the latest technology, such as 3D printers, which is ideal for promoting the manufacture of small-scale prototypes), designed for training and digital experimentation, both for people with and without disabilities.

The Catalan Down’s Syndrome Foundation (FCSD) launched this project with the intention of creating a work and training space to promote self-employment for people with Down’s syndrome or other intellectual disabilities who want to start entrepreneurial projects. These spaces are also open to all those people who want to carry out entrepreneurial projects that share the values of the FCSD.

From these spaces, the Inclusivadora aims to provide courses and workshops to learn basic knowledge about the use of Fablab technology, as well as social activities open to everyone, but also to teach basic knowledge about how to carry out a business and/or personal project, thanks to individualized advice and mentoring in entrepreneurship.

La Inclusivadora was created with the aim of encouraging interaction between people with and without disabilities and creating a more diverse and enriching work environment. The key to these spaces is the exchange of knowledge between the different agents.

FCSD Fundació Catalana Síndrome de Down

Banc d’innovacions


V-TOOLS, Virtual Reality Applied to Social Innovation

V-TOOLS is a project that combines technology and social innovation through immersive experiences with the aim of improving the lives of people and communities

Jooay, an app that helps children with disabilities find leisure activities

Jooay is a free app that connects leisure activity offerings with families of children with disabilities

ShareAmi, intergenerational language exchanges through videoconferences

ShareAmi és un programa d’intercanvis lingüístics a través de videoconferències entre persones grans i persones joves que viuen fora del seu país

Kloosiv, technology and social intervention to ensure social inclusion in access to housing

Kloosiv is a web platform that promotes social inclusion in housing to combat speculation and unwanted loneliness.

STOP, artificial intelligence to prevent suicide

STOP és un projecte de recerca per prevenir el suïcidi a través d’intel·ligència artificial aplicada a les xarxes socials
Imatges Posts Web 64 min 2

NaviLens, a code system that guides individuals with visual impairments in public spaces

NaviLens is a code system with relevant information about public spaces to increase the autonomy of people with visual impairments.

Digital transformation of Basic Social Services

Knowledge Research projects

Digital transformation of Basic Social Services

Doctoral thesis “The digital transformation of Basic Social Services: a challenge of the present for the future of the social sector”, by the Doctoral Program in Social Work at the University Rovira i Virgili (URV)


The digital transformation is one of the great challenges facing the Social Services of Local Administrations today. A transformation necessary to adapt to a rapidly evolving society and an increasingly digitalized citizenry, and which at the same time can act as a lever for other deeper transformations that Social Services also need, such as the personalization of services, empowerment of users, streamlining response times, simplifying administrative processes or having the necessary information for management, planning or prevention.

This is the object of the doctoral thesis “The digital transformation of Social Services: a challenge of the present for the future of the social sector”, which is part of the Doctoral Program in Social Work at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) and which has been under development since May 2021 in collaboration with the iSocial Foundation.

The Covid-19 crisis has accelerated the processes of digital transformation of all sectors of society, and in Social Services it has become more evident that it is an unstoppable, dynamic transformation and not without fears, difficulties and even contradictions. A transformation that must contribute to advancing the sector in the strategic changes it needs: person-centered and data-oriented intervention models, the personalization of services, administrative simplification, or the homogenization of processes, among others.

The Social Services of the territory must be the protagonists of their particular change, and through this doctoral thesis the URV and the iSocial foundation offer to the Basic Areas the opportunity to analyze how to face this transformation, and to do so taking into account all the agents involved in the fivefold helix: administrations, private sector, world of research, civil society, and territorial environment.


Universitat Rovira i Virgili