Alella Poble Cuidador, a community support network in loneliness, illness and the end of life

Publications Bank of innovations

Alella Poble Cuidador, a community support network in loneliness, illness and the end of life

Ajuntament d’Alella, Fundació Sant Francesc d’Assís and Fundació La Caixa

Picture taken from Alella Poble Cuidador’s web.

Community network that promotes the articulation of collective action to care for people in the municipality who suffer from loneliness, a chronic illness or are at the end of life, and their families, so that they feel cared for and accompanied , whether they live in their private home or live in any of the health and social entities in the village. The goal is to create a safe, friendly, and caring community environment for these people.

Alella Poble Cuidador acts in three areas of intervention: care and support, training, and education and awareness. In each area of ​​intervention it has structured a set of resources (families, social and health centers, schools, companies, etc.) to promote the development and use of personal and community skills and resources for the care and the accompaniment, and to assert, throughout the life cycle, the values, beliefs and practices for good living and good dying.

At the same time, it carries out activities such as care and support; group meetings of bereaved people and caregivers; training of professionals and caregivers; support for the preparation of the advance directives document; exchange of orthopedic and sanitary equipment; support for the organization of farewell ceremonies; intergenerational musical encounters; and theatrical lectures.

Emotional and professional support available to everyone.

Citizens of the municipality can participate in the network by registering, at no cost, to benefit from the services offered; becoming network partners and participating in working groups; becoming network volunteers; collaborating financially; or following current affairs and network news.

A consultancy has externally evaluated the results of the program, which can be consulted on the web. Proponents of her case have been working to make the actual transcript of this statement available online. The network has, in addition to volunteers, a team of specialized professionals.

Alella, poble cuidador

Banc d’innovacions

App Morada

App Morada, support against gender-based violence for women with disability

App Morada is an application that helps and guides women with disability and victims of gender-based violence
Nagaya Tower

Nagaya Tower, an intergenerational building to combat unwanted loneliness

Nagaya Tower is a building that connects people of different generations to combat the feeling of loneliness.
Imatges Posts Web 6 min 1

Barnahus, care service for child victims of sexual abuse

Barnahus is an integrated unit formed by a specialized multidisciplinary team, whose objective is to prevent the re-victimization of children and adolescents who are victims of sexual abuse.

Access4you, accessibility certification for people with disabilities

Access4You is an Innovative initiative based on the certification of accessibility of the built environment for people with special needs
Help to care

Help to care, support for people who care for others

Help to Care is an innovative mobile application created to support people who care for others in Kent and Medway, England.
Audivers 360

Audivers 360º, immersive reality speech therapy for individuals with hearing impairment

Audivers 360º is a pioneering speech therapy project with immersive reality, aimed at children and adults with hearing loss.

Projecte Alimenta, community kitchens and food workshops to get away from welfarism

Publications Bank of innovations

Projecte Alimenta, community kitchens and food workshops to get away from welfarism

Ajuntament de Barcelona, Fundació Privada Jovent

Image from the Ajuntament de Barcelona website.

A programme to escape from the welfare-based approach to food aid. It offers community kitchens and workshops where people who receive food can also learn how to optimize their food, prepare healthy dishes and extend food preservation. This promotes the right to decent, sustainable and healthy food among people in a situation of food vulnerability.

Each Espai Alimenta is located in a different area of the city and managed by a social organization. The aim is not only to offer a space to meet needs, but the programme also seeks to enable people in need of food aid to create a community bond and exchange knowledge.

Ajuntament de Barcelona

Banc d’innovacions

App Morada

App Morada, support against gender-based violence for women with disability

App Morada is an application that helps and guides women with disability and victims of gender-based violence
Nagaya Tower

Nagaya Tower, an intergenerational building to combat unwanted loneliness

Nagaya Tower is a building that connects people of different generations to combat the feeling of loneliness.
Imatges Posts Web 6 min 1

Barnahus, care service for child victims of sexual abuse

Barnahus is an integrated unit formed by a specialized multidisciplinary team, whose objective is to prevent the re-victimization of children and adolescents who are victims of sexual abuse.

Access4you, accessibility certification for people with disabilities

Access4You is an Innovative initiative based on the certification of accessibility of the built environment for people with special needs
Help to care

Help to care, support for people who care for others

Help to Care is an innovative mobile application created to support people who care for others in Kent and Medway, England.
Audivers 360

Audivers 360º, immersive reality speech therapy for individuals with hearing impairment

Audivers 360º is a pioneering speech therapy project with immersive reality, aimed at children and adults with hearing loss.

Village Landais Alzheimer, village that allows autonomy of people with Alzheimer

Publications Bank of innovations

Village Landais Alzheimer, village that allows autonomy of people with Alzheimer

Village Landais Alzheimer Public Interest Group

Imatge from Ehpadia website.

Residential complex with 105 people suffering from Alzheimer’s with a high degree of independence.

It is a small village designed exclusively to allow people with this disease to live autonomously, away from socio-sanitary centres and without the constant support of their relatives. Each inhabitant pays 24,000 euros per year and lives in a family-like house, despite sharing with other residents common spaces such as shops and a theater room. Sociosanitary care, on the other hand, is guaranteed by a group of professionals working there, as well as volunteers working in activities to promote the socialization of the residents.

The village is also a resource center for medical and therapeutic research, as studies are conducted there to assess the results and impacts of this innovative residential model.

Village Landais Alzheimer

Banc d’innovacions

App Morada

App Morada, support against gender-based violence for women with disability

App Morada is an application that helps and guides women with disability and victims of gender-based violence
Nagaya Tower

Nagaya Tower, an intergenerational building to combat unwanted loneliness

Nagaya Tower is a building that connects people of different generations to combat the feeling of loneliness.
Imatges Posts Web 6 min 1

Barnahus, care service for child victims of sexual abuse

Barnahus is an integrated unit formed by a specialized multidisciplinary team, whose objective is to prevent the re-victimization of children and adolescents who are victims of sexual abuse.

Access4you, accessibility certification for people with disabilities

Access4You is an Innovative initiative based on the certification of accessibility of the built environment for people with special needs
Help to care

Help to care, support for people who care for others

Help to Care is an innovative mobile application created to support people who care for others in Kent and Medway, England.
Audivers 360

Audivers 360º, immersive reality speech therapy for individuals with hearing impairment

Audivers 360º is a pioneering speech therapy project with immersive reality, aimed at children and adults with hearing loss.

Helpper, people with support needs connect with people willing to help them

Publications Bank of innovations

Helpper, people with support needs connect with people willing to help them


Young helpper helping an elderly woman to do groceries. Retrieved from Helpper’s website.

Service that connects people who need some support for their daily life tasks (helppies), with people close to them, in the same neighbourhood or village, who are willing to help them (helppers).

Helppper is a model that seeks the comfort of both sides, because it allows helppers to specify what their availability is (schedule, types of service they can offer, if they offer it free or with remuneration, etc.); and the helppies to select the support to be received (what person, for which support needs, schedule, modality, price, etc.). Helpper offers three subscription modalities: Basic, Standard and Premium, to make it easier for each person to personify the level of assistance they want to receive.

People with disabilities, with chronic diseases, elderly people, parents and mothers who are very busy, and even carers who need help in caring for dependents, can access the service.

The types of assistance or possible tasks to offer/receive include: small home repairs; food aid; support with administrative processes; travel and transport support; company to mitigate unwanted loneliness; babysitting; etc.

The service is available in French and Dutch.


Banc d’innovacions

App Morada

App Morada, support against gender-based violence for women with disability

App Morada is an application that helps and guides women with disability and victims of gender-based violence
Nagaya Tower

Nagaya Tower, an intergenerational building to combat unwanted loneliness

Nagaya Tower is a building that connects people of different generations to combat the feeling of loneliness.
Imatges Posts Web 6 min 1

Barnahus, care service for child victims of sexual abuse

Barnahus is an integrated unit formed by a specialized multidisciplinary team, whose objective is to prevent the re-victimization of children and adolescents who are victims of sexual abuse.

Access4you, accessibility certification for people with disabilities

Access4You is an Innovative initiative based on the certification of accessibility of the built environment for people with special needs
Help to care

Help to care, support for people who care for others

Help to Care is an innovative mobile application created to support people who care for others in Kent and Medway, England.
Audivers 360

Audivers 360º, immersive reality speech therapy for individuals with hearing impairment

Audivers 360º is a pioneering speech therapy project with immersive reality, aimed at children and adults with hearing loss.

Virtual visits to social services to bring them closer to citizenship

Publications Bank of innovations

Virtual visits to social services to bring them closer to citizenship

Vitoria-Gasteiz City Council

Example of a virtual visit. Retrieved from Vitoria-Gasteiz City Council website.

Service that allows virtual visits to the different social services offered by the City Council of Vitoria-Gasteiz. It is a combination of Google Street View and YouTube 360 technologies to be able to offer an immersive and real experience without moving from home. This technology enables the realization of interactive visits, while at the same time providing summary videos of the sites through the local social services website.

Visits are tours that serve to make the services and their facilities known, using them agilely and easily, either through the interaction with the computer’s mouse, touch-like to mobile devices, or even with virtual reality glasses. Spaces can be visited virtually at any time, and thanks to the 360 degrees’ video format the feel is similar to being present in the visited site.

This information instrument seeks, not only to connect social services with citizenship, but also to other institutions, third sector entities, etc. to promote networking and cooperation between services.

Ayuntamiento de Vitoria-Gasteiz

Banc d’innovacions

App Morada

App Morada, support against gender-based violence for women with disability

App Morada is an application that helps and guides women with disability and victims of gender-based violence
Nagaya Tower

Nagaya Tower, an intergenerational building to combat unwanted loneliness

Nagaya Tower is a building that connects people of different generations to combat the feeling of loneliness.
Imatges Posts Web 6 min 1

Barnahus, care service for child victims of sexual abuse

Barnahus is an integrated unit formed by a specialized multidisciplinary team, whose objective is to prevent the re-victimization of children and adolescents who are victims of sexual abuse.

Access4you, accessibility certification for people with disabilities

Access4You is an Innovative initiative based on the certification of accessibility of the built environment for people with special needs
Help to care

Help to care, support for people who care for others

Help to Care is an innovative mobile application created to support people who care for others in Kent and Medway, England.
Audivers 360

Audivers 360º, immersive reality speech therapy for individuals with hearing impairment

Audivers 360º is a pioneering speech therapy project with immersive reality, aimed at children and adults with hearing loss.

Be Girl, project against menstrual poverty, and the stigma and taboos it entails

Publications Bank of innovations

Be Girl, project against menstrual poverty, and the stigma and taboos it entails

Be Girl and Plan Internacional

Colombian girls with their Smart Cycle. Retrieved from the website of Be Girl.

Project to combat menstrual poverty, as well as the stigma and the taboos it entails. It consists of an offer of reusable and affordable menstrual products, training workshops and a pendant that helps to monitor the menstrual cycle itself.

Be Girl products consist of reusable menstrual products, such as panties or cloth pads, made of waterproof and absorbing materials that prevent loss and allow for affordable and safe menstruation, both for the environment and for users. They have a useful life of two years, avoiding waste from traditional pads and tampons, as well as being safer, hygienic and more economic in the long term. Its design is comfortable, beautiful, and efficient to respond to the needs of people who menstruate.

The project also offers menstrual cycle knowledge workshops, which include the use of Smart Cycle, a tool that allows one to know the menstrual cycle and its different parts (menstruation, ovulation, maximum fertility day, etc.). It is a pendant that helps track the menstrual cycle and better understand one’s body. These workshops are intended for both girls and boys, to show menstruation as a natural and free of stigmas. They are performed in schools and leisure sites, to make them safer and freer from menstrual taboos.

Be Girl products can also be purchased online, and with the benefits of the sales, the impulsive organizations fund the free distribution of products to girls with few resources.

Be Girl

Banc d’innovacions

App Morada

App Morada, support against gender-based violence for women with disability

App Morada is an application that helps and guides women with disability and victims of gender-based violence
Nagaya Tower

Nagaya Tower, an intergenerational building to combat unwanted loneliness

Nagaya Tower is a building that connects people of different generations to combat the feeling of loneliness.
Imatges Posts Web 6 min 1

Barnahus, care service for child victims of sexual abuse

Barnahus is an integrated unit formed by a specialized multidisciplinary team, whose objective is to prevent the re-victimization of children and adolescents who are victims of sexual abuse.

Access4you, accessibility certification for people with disabilities

Access4You is an Innovative initiative based on the certification of accessibility of the built environment for people with special needs
Help to care

Help to care, support for people who care for others

Help to Care is an innovative mobile application created to support people who care for others in Kent and Medway, England.
Audivers 360

Audivers 360º, immersive reality speech therapy for individuals with hearing impairment

Audivers 360º is a pioneering speech therapy project with immersive reality, aimed at children and adults with hearing loss.

Raaji, chatbot to inform and empower girls and women

Publications Bank of innovations

Raaji, chatbot to inform and empower girls and women

Aurat Raaj

Girls using the chat-bot Raaji. Retrieved from Aurat Raaj’s website.

Chat-bot that informs girls and women about gender issues and helps them empower and defend their rights. It uses a virtual character, Raaji, which is able to answer questions and have a conversation through artificial intelligence algorithms. It provides information on issues considered taboo which are of great importance to female empowerment, such as issues of reproductive health, security or economic autonomy. In addition, a team of professionals detects if there are cases that require professional intervention and are derived from them to the most appropriate services.

The Pakistani organization that has developed it, Aurat Raaj, also collaborates with schools and social organizations to make workshops and activities to empower women and girls, and to try to break some stigma surrounding topics such as menstrual hygiene. To further expand this task, they have created an animated series where the main character, Raaji, passes through different situations considered taboo but which are part of the day-to-day life of many girls. In this way, girls see themselves in a character that they identify with, who normalizes and overcomes these situations, encouraging them to take the initiative through activities such as training courses, personal defence, etc.

Chat-bot is a versatile tool available in English and Urdu, and has also been adapted to Covid-19 to provide reliable information about the disease for girls and boys, in an easy way. Raaji is a sample of how technology can help expand and take the work of social organisations further, creating a tool that is easy to access and which allows the easy and private reporting of issues of great importance and on which there are taboos or misinformation.

Aurat Raaj

Banc d’innovacions

App Morada

App Morada, support against gender-based violence for women with disability

App Morada is an application that helps and guides women with disability and victims of gender-based violence
Nagaya Tower

Nagaya Tower, an intergenerational building to combat unwanted loneliness

Nagaya Tower is a building that connects people of different generations to combat the feeling of loneliness.
Imatges Posts Web 6 min 1

Barnahus, care service for child victims of sexual abuse

Barnahus is an integrated unit formed by a specialized multidisciplinary team, whose objective is to prevent the re-victimization of children and adolescents who are victims of sexual abuse.

Access4you, accessibility certification for people with disabilities

Access4You is an Innovative initiative based on the certification of accessibility of the built environment for people with special needs
Help to care

Help to care, support for people who care for others

Help to Care is an innovative mobile application created to support people who care for others in Kent and Medway, England.
Audivers 360

Audivers 360º, immersive reality speech therapy for individuals with hearing impairment

Audivers 360º is a pioneering speech therapy project with immersive reality, aimed at children and adults with hearing loss.

SMART-UP, Smart Meters to fight against energy poverty

Publications Bank of innovations

SMART-UP, Smart Meters to fight against energy poverty

Ecoserveis, Alpheeis SAS, National Energy Action, Projects in Motion Limited, AISFOR SRL

Technicians advising a neighbour on the use of the Smart Meters

Smart monitors that let you know the energy that is being spent in a household at each time and thus be able to change consumption practices to reduce the energy bill. The Smart Meters incorporate small home screens (In-House) in which each household can visualize its consumption in real time.

This system has been developed as part of a European project between 2015 and 2018, with 5 participating countries. The project also included the training of the various agents who are in relation with vulnerable users: social workers, installers, etc. Training guides can be found for free on the project’s website and are adapted to the context and language of each participating country. This training allowed for gaining the knowledge needed to accompany users in the use of Smart Meters, interpreting consumer data, and knowing the possible measures to be taken to reduce the amount of energy bills.


Banc d’innovacions

App Morada

App Morada, support against gender-based violence for women with disability

App Morada is an application that helps and guides women with disability and victims of gender-based violence
Nagaya Tower

Nagaya Tower, an intergenerational building to combat unwanted loneliness

Nagaya Tower is a building that connects people of different generations to combat the feeling of loneliness.
Imatges Posts Web 6 min 1

Barnahus, care service for child victims of sexual abuse

Barnahus is an integrated unit formed by a specialized multidisciplinary team, whose objective is to prevent the re-victimization of children and adolescents who are victims of sexual abuse.

Access4you, accessibility certification for people with disabilities

Access4You is an Innovative initiative based on the certification of accessibility of the built environment for people with special needs
Help to care

Help to care, support for people who care for others

Help to Care is an innovative mobile application created to support people who care for others in Kent and Medway, England.
Audivers 360

Audivers 360º, immersive reality speech therapy for individuals with hearing impairment

Audivers 360º is a pioneering speech therapy project with immersive reality, aimed at children and adults with hearing loss.

Personal budgets, a new model that facilitates the autonomy and decision-making capacity of people with disabilities

Publications Bank of innovations

Personal budgets, a new model that facilitates the autonomy and decision-making capacity of people with disabilities

Flemish Agency for Persons with Disabilities (VAPH, Flemish acronym), Support-Girona Foundation

User creating his Personal Budget with the help of an adviser

A system targeted at disabled people who need long-term care and support, which enables the individual to decide which services he or she wants to receive and how he or she wants to receive them. This is thanks to a Personal Budget that is allocated to him and that the person himself can decide how to spend it.

First, the person, who needs to be over 17 years old, makes a personal budget request, making an application to indicate what activities he wants to do, what support he has currently, whether these are sufficient or not to meet his needs, what are his strengths and weaknesses, etc. Once the request is made, a multidisciplinary team issues a report in which they objectively assess the needs of the person and the Personal Budget that would fit him best.

Once the Personal Budget is granted to the person, they will be able to decide freely, firstly, whether to receive it in the form of coupons or bank transfer. Secondly, what type of services they want to invest in: direct home care, participation in therapies, obtaining an individual supervisor for one day trips, hiring a transport company to manage their mobility, etc.

In this way, the Flemish system of Personal Budgets allows for long-term care which provides greater autonomy for disabled people in deciding how to meet their own needs on the basis of the range of services available.


Banc d’innovacions

App Morada

App Morada, support against gender-based violence for women with disability

App Morada is an application that helps and guides women with disability and victims of gender-based violence
Nagaya Tower

Nagaya Tower, an intergenerational building to combat unwanted loneliness

Nagaya Tower is a building that connects people of different generations to combat the feeling of loneliness.
Imatges Posts Web 6 min 1

Barnahus, care service for child victims of sexual abuse

Barnahus is an integrated unit formed by a specialized multidisciplinary team, whose objective is to prevent the re-victimization of children and adolescents who are victims of sexual abuse.

Access4you, accessibility certification for people with disabilities

Access4You is an Innovative initiative based on the certification of accessibility of the built environment for people with special needs
Help to care

Help to care, support for people who care for others

Help to Care is an innovative mobile application created to support people who care for others in Kent and Medway, England.
Audivers 360

Audivers 360º, immersive reality speech therapy for individuals with hearing impairment

Audivers 360º is a pioneering speech therapy project with immersive reality, aimed at children and adults with hearing loss., world map of accessibility for wheelchair users

Publications Bank of innovations, world map of accessibility for wheelchair users


Volunteer adding information into the map. By Andi Weiland I

Virtual free access map that indicates the accessibility of public sites around the world for persons with reduced mobility or wheelchair users, parents with a stroller, etc. It works similarly to Wikipedia: everyone can contribute with their knowledge of public places to update, expand, and improve the information contained in the map, in a very simple way. The map can be used from both your computer and mobile phone or tablet, using the Apps for iPhone and Android. It works all around the world and has already been translated into 32 languages, including Catalan and Spanish.

The accessibility rating system for each space is very easy to understand because it follows the idea of the traffic light: green if the site is fully accessible to wheelchairs; orange if it is partially accessible; and red if it is not. Sites that still have to be marked have a grey colour label. At the same time, this colour rating follows two important criteria: the first is accessibility in general, meaning whether or not there are stairs at the entry or inside the place to mark. And the second is the accessibility of toilets for wheelchair users. This will provide essential information to these people and shows the level of universal accessibility of the villages and towns of the whole planet.

Banc d’innovacions

App Morada

App Morada, support against gender-based violence for women with disability

App Morada is an application that helps and guides women with disability and victims of gender-based violence
Nagaya Tower

Nagaya Tower, an intergenerational building to combat unwanted loneliness

Nagaya Tower is a building that connects people of different generations to combat the feeling of loneliness.
Imatges Posts Web 6 min 1

Barnahus, care service for child victims of sexual abuse

Barnahus is an integrated unit formed by a specialized multidisciplinary team, whose objective is to prevent the re-victimization of children and adolescents who are victims of sexual abuse.

Access4you, accessibility certification for people with disabilities

Access4You is an Innovative initiative based on the certification of accessibility of the built environment for people with special needs
Help to care

Help to care, support for people who care for others

Help to Care is an innovative mobile application created to support people who care for others in Kent and Medway, England.
Audivers 360

Audivers 360º, immersive reality speech therapy for individuals with hearing impairment

Audivers 360º is a pioneering speech therapy project with immersive reality, aimed at children and adults with hearing loss.