Nelson Mandela, a program for reintegration to life in freedom

Publications Bank of innovations

Nelson Mandela, a program for reintegration to life in freedom

Xunta de Galicia

by whereslugo on Unsplash

Program for the social reintegration of ex-prisoners, which offers personalized itineraries tailored to the needs of each participant, with both technical and personal preparation, as well as training and support activities for work integration. The goal is for those who have been released from prison to expand their competencies and improve their personal and professional skills to help them on their path to full inclusion.

The program is part of the Social Inclusion Strategy of Galicia 2014-2020, designed and funded by the Xunta de Galicia and the European Social Fund. It has been developed so far in a single prison, Teixeiro, and has benefited more than 1,500 inmates.

Xunta de Galicia

Innovation and change management

Campus Training offer

Innovation and change management

Management skills for continuous improvement and transformation.
Training-action programs for professionals and social services teams

“Hope is like a path in the countryside. Originally, there is nothing – but as people walk this way again and again, a path appears” (Chinese proverb)

Innovation within organizations is not possible if the change processes involved are not properly managed. Change management seeks to facilitate and achieve a successful implementation of the transformation processes that an organization has decided to carry within its professional teams. This implies working with them in the acceptance and assimilation of the expected changes, and in resistance reduction.

iSocial Foundation offers a training program for successful management of change processes, and to complement it with an advisor service, because innovation in Social Services always requires working on its human side in parallel, that is, the impact on the teams and people who will have to implement them.

Good change management in Social Services teams promotes stability, self-esteem and group cohesion, allowing organizations not only to face specific changes but also to achieve a mentality and a constant state of evolution.

It is a flexible training offer that can be adapted to the needs and characteristics of the professional team of each public administration or social entity.

iSocial Foundation will co-direct with UB the “Postgraduate course in Public Management of Local Social Services” of ACM

Publications News

iSocial Foundation will co-direct with UB the “Postgraduate course in Public Management of Local Social Services” of ACM


From the 5th of February, in which the classes will begin, the iSocial Foundation will co-direct, together with the School of Social Work of the University of Barcelona, ​​the “Postgraduate Degree in public management of local social services” of the Association Catalana de Municipis (ACM), addressed to the managers and technicians of Social Services of its 937 associated councils. Last August, the ACM selected the proposal submitted by the UB and iSocial, in the process of awarding the public tender, which had tendered previous months for this purpose.

The course will be held in the ACM training classroom at its headquarters on Valencia Street in the city of Barcelona, ​​every Wednesday from February to December. This is a university course of 30 credits, 256 hours face-to-face and adapted to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) system.

Among the teachers of the course will be teachers of the School of Social Work of the University of Barcelona, ​​experts and collaborators of the iSocial Foundation, as well as specialists in various subjects of other Catalan universities such as the University of Girona, Rovira University and Virgili, and University of Lleida. The course will include a thematic block on innovation in Social Services, which will be the responsibility of the iSocial Foundation.

The ACM has been offering this Postgraduate Course since 2015, and this will be the fourth edition. To register for the Postgraduate Course you must do so through the ACM, which funds 50% of each enrollment, and be a Social Services professional in some of the municipalities associated with the institution. You can find more information here and on the ACM website.


iSocial, FATEC and SCGG ask to redesign the model of long-term and residential care in Catalonia

iSocial, FATEC and SCGG ask to redesign the model of long-term and residential care in Catalonia

In a manifesto, we propose to rethink the model of all long-term care, covering all the services and supports that older people needs, both in the residential and at home, and with the support of the community.
We participate in a study led by UdL on the consequences of Covid-19 on youth employment

We participate in a study led by UdL on the consequences of Covid-19 on youth employment

In addition to the iSocial Foundation and the University of Lleida (UdL), researchers from the universities of Barcelona (UB), València (UV) and Pompeu Fabra (UPF), and the Fundació Francesc Ferrer i Guàrdia also participate.
iSocial and UPC have started a study to predict the impact that COVID19 will have on the Social Services of the municipalities

iSocial and UPC have started a study to predict the impact that COVID19 will have on the Social Services of the municipalities

The Catalan Government, ACM, FMC and the Barcelona Regional Government are taking part. The prospective study INESS-COVID19 aims to know the vulnerabilities of the Catalan population in the coming months and provide elements of decision that allow the 104 Basic Areas of Social Services of Catalonia to deal with them.
The book we recommend for this Saint George’s Day.

The book we recommend for this Saint George’s Day.

It has just been published. It is the book “Creative thinking and innovative social action”, by sociologist and social worker Sílvia Navarro, contributor to iSocial. A reference book and essential for those of us who believe in innovation in social action. You can buy it now on the publisher’s website and consult the index and the introduction in our newspaper library.
iSocial agrees to a Declaration and a work plan in response to COVID-19

iSocial agrees to a Declaration and a work plan in response to COVID-19

The Board, gathered online, made a first diagnosis of the situation in the Social Services in Catalonia, of the consequences that the pandemic and its effects will have on the most vulnerable population, and the answers that we want to provide from iSocial .
Fantova defends that Social Services need data intelligence to be able to universalize

Fantova defends that Social Services need data intelligence to be able to universalize

About 200 people participated on March 10 in the closing conference of the reflection cycle “Big date and Social Services”, organized by the iSocial Foundation. For 6 months, more than 400 people have participated in the series of debates and seminars of this cycle held at the Palau Macaya in Barcelona.

WeCare Wales, a campaign to attract professionals for Social Services

Publications Bank of innovations

WeCare Wales, a campaign to attract professionals for Social Services

Wales (UK)

WeCare Wales

Communication campaign to increase public awareness of Social Services and attract 20,000 new people to work in this sector in the coming years.

In March 2019, Wales Social Services launched the WeCare Wales campaign, as part of a long-term strategy to increase the number of social workers in the next decade and to guarantee the quality Social Services. The campaign demonstrates the variety of roles and diversity of career advancement opportunities available in the industry, explains the skills and values needed, and emphasizes what makes professional work in this field rewarding and valuable through numerous testimonies of citizens who enjoy the benefits of Social Services.

Glofal Cymdeithasol Cymru Social Care Wales

Mirada Activa (Active Look), a preventive program for the elderly who do not have a supporting network

Publications Bank of innovations

Mirada Activa (Active Look), a preventive program for the elderly who do not have a supporting network

Bilbao City Council


Municipal preventive program that involves citizens and social and economic agents in the detection of situations of social fragility and loneliness among the elderly in the city, which my activate the intervention of Municipal Social Services.

The program is subject to continuous assessment and has been developed in four phases. The first three carried out between 2013 and 2017, were intended to create active networks between associations of the elderly, social entities and socio-economic agents of the city, and to identify people in a situation of vulnerability. The fourth phase, begun in 2018, is a pilot experience that offers to elder people identified as vulnerable, a social integration itinerary based on an active network of autonomous and friendly relationships, in which municipal social integration -services professionals and volunteers of social entities also participate.

Mirada Activa

PACT, Big Data tool to predict the risk of chronic social exclusion

Publications Bank of innovations

PACT, Big Data tool to predict the risk of chronic social exclusion

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


Foto: Mark Bende, Unsplash

Algoritme desenvolupat a partir de tècniques de Big data i Machine learning, que preveu el risc de les persones beneficiàries d’ajudes públiques de patir una situació d’exclusió social crònica.

L’algoritme s’ha creat a partir de l’anàlisi anonimitzada de més de 16.000 casos i de 60 factors predictius. Mitjançant l’aprenentatge automàtic (machine learning) s’han determinat els deu factors principals de risc, i s’ha desenvolupat una aplicació en línia, accessible per als professionals de Serveis Socials des de qualsevol dispositiu, ordinador, tauleta o telèfon mòbil, que permet que aquests professionals coneguin amb precisió el risc d’exclusió social d’una persona, per facilitar-los així les decisions o actuacions professionals a prendre.

A més, en el marc del projecte PACT també s’ha creat i implementat un programari per a la gestió activa de casos, basat en l’anàlisi de riscos personals. Aquesta anàlisi permet identificar millor les necessitats de formació de cada persona atesa per facilitar la seva inserció socio-laboral.

Pact Project

A new debate explores the opportunities and limits of predictive systems and automation in Social Services

Publications News

A new debate explores the opportunities and limits of predictive systems and automation in Social Services


On November 19, Palau Macaya de Barcelona hosted the 3rd debate of the cycle “Big Data and Social Services” of the iSocial Foundation, in which four experts discussed the opportunities and limits of introducing predictive systems and automation processes in the Social Services sector. The debate was led by the data science professor of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Jordi Conesa.

In the first place, Albert Isern, CEO of the Big Data company Momentum Analytics, spoke about the opportunities that today has the Social Services sector to take advantage of the success of the commercial sector, during the last 15 years, in the knowledge and segmentation of current clients and potential customers of products and services, through the treatment and massive analysis of data. He explained how big data companies treat the data and the type of results and knowledge that they obtain.

Secondly, Lourdes Rodriguez, from the TIC Salut Social Foundation, has presented the Intersocial project, which seeks to define a commonly controlled vocabulary to use to interoperate information in the field of social care, particularly aimed at people who have needs social and healthcare. Through this vocabulary, the aim is to achieve a greater integration of the data of the different management systems in the field of social care in Catalonia.

Subsequently, the director of Social Services of the Junta de Castilla y León, Carlos Raul de Pablos, has exposed the PACT and ERGOSS projects of this autonomous government in Spain, through which for ten years, Big Data techniques and tools have been developed to know the social needs of the territory, sharing knowledge and integrating resources between social and health systems, segmenting vulnerable population, and foreseeing the future evolution of services and benefits, such as “Guaranteed Citizens’ Income”.

Finally, the director of the Victor Grífols Foundation, Núria Terribas, a bioethics expert, has provided her point of view on the limits and ethical principles that predictive systems and automation processes in Social Services must have in keep in mind and preserve to ensure that ultimately they bring an improvement in the welfare and quality of life of the citizens with full respect for their rights and their privacy.

In the open debate, many questions have been raised by the attendees, in subjects such as automation in the provision of social aids; the right of users to access their history and reports; the possible biases and discriminations of the algorithms; the limits in the anonymization of the data; etc.

After this 3rd debate, the reflection cycle continues during December, January and February with closed doors workshops with city councils and county councils interested in developing predictive tools in the field of Social Services. And it will end on March 10 with a closing conference given by the basque expert Fernando Fantova and the presentation by Isocial of a final document of conclusions.


iSocial, FATEC and SCGG ask to redesign the model of long-term and residential care in Catalonia

iSocial, FATEC and SCGG ask to redesign the model of long-term and residential care in Catalonia

In a manifesto, we propose to rethink the model of all long-term care, covering all the services and supports that older people needs, both in the residential and at home, and with the support of the community.
We participate in a study led by UdL on the consequences of Covid-19 on youth employment

We participate in a study led by UdL on the consequences of Covid-19 on youth employment

In addition to the iSocial Foundation and the University of Lleida (UdL), researchers from the universities of Barcelona (UB), València (UV) and Pompeu Fabra (UPF), and the Fundació Francesc Ferrer i Guàrdia also participate.
iSocial and UPC have started a study to predict the impact that COVID19 will have on the Social Services of the municipalities

iSocial and UPC have started a study to predict the impact that COVID19 will have on the Social Services of the municipalities

The Catalan Government, ACM, FMC and the Barcelona Regional Government are taking part. The prospective study INESS-COVID19 aims to know the vulnerabilities of the Catalan population in the coming months and provide elements of decision that allow the 104 Basic Areas of Social Services of Catalonia to deal with them.
The book we recommend for this Saint George’s Day.

The book we recommend for this Saint George’s Day.

It has just been published. It is the book “Creative thinking and innovative social action”, by sociologist and social worker Sílvia Navarro, contributor to iSocial. A reference book and essential for those of us who believe in innovation in social action. You can buy it now on the publisher’s website and consult the index and the introduction in our newspaper library.
iSocial agrees to a Declaration and a work plan in response to COVID-19

iSocial agrees to a Declaration and a work plan in response to COVID-19

The Board, gathered online, made a first diagnosis of the situation in the Social Services in Catalonia, of the consequences that the pandemic and its effects will have on the most vulnerable population, and the answers that we want to provide from iSocial .
Fantova defends that Social Services need data intelligence to be able to universalize

Fantova defends that Social Services need data intelligence to be able to universalize

About 200 people participated on March 10 in the closing conference of the reflection cycle “Big date and Social Services”, organized by the iSocial Foundation. For 6 months, more than 400 people have participated in the series of debates and seminars of this cycle held at the Palau Macaya in Barcelona.

Pis Zero, night shelter for highly-vulnerable people

Publications Bank of innovations

Pis Zero, night shelter for highly-vulnerable people

Arrels Fundació

Foto: Elisava

Housing that is offered as a safe and cozy night shelter for homeless people who can’t adapt to any other space. It tries to cover the most basic needs of the person, it is characterized by its low exigency, and seeks to strengthen the links with the people who use it.

The Zero Flat is conceived as an extension of the street, and for this reason, its regulations are more flexible, simple, and reduced than those that exist in shelters or other types of homes for the homeless. Thus, for example, people can access with dogs, drinks, and their luggage; smoking is allowed in a designated area, and length of stay is unlimited.

Fundació Arrels

The 2nd debate on Big Data analyzes benefits for Social Services: prevention, personalization, planning and efficiency

Publications News

The 2nd debate on Big Data analyzes benefits for Social Services: prevention, personalization, planning and efficiency


On Tuesday, October 29th, at the Palau Macaya in Barcelona, the 2nd debate on the “Big Data and Social Services” reflection cycle, organized by the Fundació iSocial, with 72 participants, mainly from city councils, academics and Third sector entities. Four prestigious speakers have been exposed and analyzed because today the mass data processing or Big Data can help advance social services in four areas of improvement that are very necessary: prevention, personalization, planning and efficiency.

About the strengthening of the preventive approach of Social Services thanks to the Big Data has spoken Meritxell Benedí, Director of Social Services of the Government of Catalonia, which has highlighted the need for the Social Services system of Catalonia today to have of evidence to be able to improve, and announced that with this objective, soon the program-contracts and concerts of the Department of Work, Social Affairs and Families will include a clause that will allow the Department access to the data of local Administrations and service providers.

From the personalization of the services to the citizens, has talked José Antonio Ondiviela, director of SmartCities Solutions of Microsoft Western Europe, who said that despite the difficulties that have the Social Services information systems, today we already have enough data and of sufficient quality to obtain useful knowledge for the improvement of the Social Services system, and has shown several examples of the benefits that this may entail.

Then, Tomas Lethinen, data analyst at the Espoo Town Hall (Finland), has explained the fifteen-year experience of the city council of this Finnish city, the second in the country, in the massive treatment of data with the purpose of improving the planning of policies and social budgets. For example, they have analyzed the data of their half a million inhabitants for 14 years, to make predictions about the future demand for Social Services; or risk factors of 300,000 families are analyzed for 10 years to predict the future needs of the child protection system. Another of the benefits of the Big Data has been the best knowledge of the efficiency of the processes of social inclusion of the immigrant population of the municipality.

Finally, Dr. Josep Maria Picas, a consultant for ICT and information systems in the healthcare environment, has presented a compilation of recent health sector learning in order to improve their efficiency thanks to the Big Data, which can be very useful today at Social Services sector when addressing this challenge.

The cycle will continue on November 19th. In this 3rd debate we will discuss “Predictive models and automation in Social Services. Opportunities and critical factors”


iSocial, FATEC and SCGG ask to redesign the model of long-term and residential care in Catalonia

iSocial, FATEC and SCGG ask to redesign the model of long-term and residential care in Catalonia

In a manifesto, we propose to rethink the model of all long-term care, covering all the services and supports that older people needs, both in the residential and at home, and with the support of the community.
We participate in a study led by UdL on the consequences of Covid-19 on youth employment

We participate in a study led by UdL on the consequences of Covid-19 on youth employment

In addition to the iSocial Foundation and the University of Lleida (UdL), researchers from the universities of Barcelona (UB), València (UV) and Pompeu Fabra (UPF), and the Fundació Francesc Ferrer i Guàrdia also participate.
iSocial and UPC have started a study to predict the impact that COVID19 will have on the Social Services of the municipalities

iSocial and UPC have started a study to predict the impact that COVID19 will have on the Social Services of the municipalities

The Catalan Government, ACM, FMC and the Barcelona Regional Government are taking part. The prospective study INESS-COVID19 aims to know the vulnerabilities of the Catalan population in the coming months and provide elements of decision that allow the 104 Basic Areas of Social Services of Catalonia to deal with them.
The book we recommend for this Saint George’s Day.

The book we recommend for this Saint George’s Day.

It has just been published. It is the book “Creative thinking and innovative social action”, by sociologist and social worker Sílvia Navarro, contributor to iSocial. A reference book and essential for those of us who believe in innovation in social action. You can buy it now on the publisher’s website and consult the index and the introduction in our newspaper library.
iSocial agrees to a Declaration and a work plan in response to COVID-19

iSocial agrees to a Declaration and a work plan in response to COVID-19

The Board, gathered online, made a first diagnosis of the situation in the Social Services in Catalonia, of the consequences that the pandemic and its effects will have on the most vulnerable population, and the answers that we want to provide from iSocial .
Fantova defends that Social Services need data intelligence to be able to universalize

Fantova defends that Social Services need data intelligence to be able to universalize

About 200 people participated on March 10 in the closing conference of the reflection cycle “Big date and Social Services”, organized by the iSocial Foundation. For 6 months, more than 400 people have participated in the series of debates and seminars of this cycle held at the Palau Macaya in Barcelona.

1st session in El Prat of “New trends in intervention in the Basic Social Services”

Publications News

1st session in El Prat of “New trends in intervention in the Basic Social Services”


On Friday, October 25, the iSocial Foundation we have started with the whole team of the Social Action Service of the City Council of El Prat de Llobregat the training course “New trends in intervention in the Basic Social Services. From Person-centered Attention to Self-directed Support“.

A total of 60 professionals participated in this first session, which consisted of a debate with three social workers linked to Local Basic Social Services: Glòria Navarro, from the City Council of Barcelona; Sílvia Pérez, from the Consell Comarcal del Vallès Oriental; and Arantza Rodríguez, from the City Council of Vilanova i la Geltrú. The conduction and moderation was carried out by Pilar Rodríguez, also a social worker and vice president of the iSocial Foundation.

In the debate, we have discussed the adequacy of the current intervention model in today’s society; about the areas of improvement to make reality in the Basic Social Services of the ACP and the new European models, both in the daily professional practice and in the configuration of the system; on the image that the Social Services project on the other systems and on the citizenship; or about how to better combine the accompanying function with that of managing aids and benefits.

The course will continue during the next weeks until February, through 8 workshops in which specialists in various fields of intervention will explore how to transfer the ACP approach and Self-directed Support to primary care for people with disorder mental and addictions, people with disabilities, women victims of sexist violence, abused children, elderly people or immigrants without documents. The course will culminate with the elaboration of a manual for the improvement of the model of intervention of the Basic Social Services of El Prat de Llobregat.


iSocial, FATEC and SCGG ask to redesign the model of long-term and residential care in Catalonia

iSocial, FATEC and SCGG ask to redesign the model of long-term and residential care in Catalonia

In a manifesto, we propose to rethink the model of all long-term care, covering all the services and supports that older people needs, both in the residential and at home, and with the support of the community.
We participate in a study led by UdL on the consequences of Covid-19 on youth employment

We participate in a study led by UdL on the consequences of Covid-19 on youth employment

In addition to the iSocial Foundation and the University of Lleida (UdL), researchers from the universities of Barcelona (UB), València (UV) and Pompeu Fabra (UPF), and the Fundació Francesc Ferrer i Guàrdia also participate.
iSocial and UPC have started a study to predict the impact that COVID19 will have on the Social Services of the municipalities

iSocial and UPC have started a study to predict the impact that COVID19 will have on the Social Services of the municipalities

The Catalan Government, ACM, FMC and the Barcelona Regional Government are taking part. The prospective study INESS-COVID19 aims to know the vulnerabilities of the Catalan population in the coming months and provide elements of decision that allow the 104 Basic Areas of Social Services of Catalonia to deal with them.
The book we recommend for this Saint George’s Day.

The book we recommend for this Saint George’s Day.

It has just been published. It is the book “Creative thinking and innovative social action”, by sociologist and social worker Sílvia Navarro, contributor to iSocial. A reference book and essential for those of us who believe in innovation in social action. You can buy it now on the publisher’s website and consult the index and the introduction in our newspaper library.
iSocial agrees to a Declaration and a work plan in response to COVID-19

iSocial agrees to a Declaration and a work plan in response to COVID-19

The Board, gathered online, made a first diagnosis of the situation in the Social Services in Catalonia, of the consequences that the pandemic and its effects will have on the most vulnerable population, and the answers that we want to provide from iSocial .
Fantova defends that Social Services need data intelligence to be able to universalize

Fantova defends that Social Services need data intelligence to be able to universalize

About 200 people participated on March 10 in the closing conference of the reflection cycle “Big date and Social Services”, organized by the iSocial Foundation. For 6 months, more than 400 people have participated in the series of debates and seminars of this cycle held at the Palau Macaya in Barcelona.