The “Innovation Coffees in social services”, a new bimonthly activity of iSocial

Publications News

The “Innovation Coffees in social services”, a new bimonthly activity of iSocial


On 14 June, the iSocial Foundation will launch a new activity aimed at professionals of its member organizations: the “Innovation Coffees in social services”. This is a bimonthly activity, aimed at sharing knowledge about innovative initiatives of interest to our sector.

The 1st Coffee will be dedicated to exploring the possibilities that immersive technology can provide to improve intervention in social services, based on real experiences that are already being carried out today.

Immersive technology makes it possible to generate virtual environments that have more and more applications in fields such as health, education, etc., and that can also be useful in social services: aging, mental health, addictions, disability, caregivers, vulnerable young people, etc.

The Catalan company Broomx will be the guest of this 1st Innovation Coffee, as it has developed a pioneering technology that is becoming more successful, here and in other countries, because it does not use 3D glasses but allows you to create immersive spaces in the facilities of any service or entity.

The Coffee will consist of a welcome by Montse Cervera, president of iSocial, a presentation and demo by the representatives of Broomx: Ignasi Capellà, Co-founder & CMO; Robert Cornfield, Business Development, and Nile Baron, Sales Development Rep; and an open debate among participants to identify possible new applications for the social sector.

This first Coffee will take place virtually, and the next Coffees planned for this year 2021 will be dedicated to new methodologies of social intervention with ni-ni young people; remote accompaniment and support systems for people with disabilities or mental illness; and therapeutic gardens for people with long-term care needs.


iSocial presents in Bilbao the report “Technological innovation and social services”.

iSocial presents in Bilbao the report “Technological innovation and social services”.

On March 20, nearly 90 people took part in the event at the Bilbao Berrikuntza Faktoria (BBF) auditorium of Mondragon University.
Retrieve the Catalunya Ràdio PodCast about iSocial

Retrieve the Catalunya Ràdio PodCast about iSocial

On February 6, we explained iSocial’s current projects in the POPAP program.
Open Day of the Welcome Project in Barcelona

Open Day of the Welcome Project in Barcelona

iSocial and the other 14 project partners presented the new tools developed for the reception and integration of migrants and refugees.
Innovació tecnològica i serveis socials

iSocial presents the report “Technological innovation and social services”

In a public event held on 22.11.2022 at the NTT Data auditorium in Barcelona.
iSocial has moved to a new headquarters in District 22@ of Barcelona

iSocial has moved to a new headquarters in District 22@ of Barcelona

The new office is at 105 Sancho de Ávila Street, in the epicenter of innovation in the city, a few meters from the Glòries Tower and the MediaTIC Building.
Biel Digital Glasses, 2022 Award for social integration through ICTs

Biel Digital Glasses, 2022 Award for social integration through ICTs

iSocial and GrausTIC awarded the prize in the framework of the ICT Party in Catalonia 2022, at the Telefónica Tower in Barcelona.

InvisiCare, monitoring without sensors of the homes of the elderly

Publications Bank of innovations

InvisiCare, monitoring without sensors of the homes of the elderly


Old woman accompanied by her granddaughter. Retrieved from InvisiCare’s website.

A proactive, preventive and community technology system to support older people and their families in a non-invasive, secure, autonomous and community-integrated way. Use the collected encrypted data to detect unexpected patterns or behaviours that require family, social or health intervention. And through artificial intelligence, it warns whoever is relevant. This will help to prevent situations that may pose a long-term problem. In addition to this preventative aspect, it also has a proactive one, since through an App and through a network of communities and accompaniment it provides active and permanent support to the elderly, from the family, the community and public social and health services.

The InvisiCare technology is not invasive as it does not use appliances, does not need contact with people, nor does it need any installation or house maintenance, so it does not face any kind of technological barrier by users. It works thanks to these pillars: the obtaining of data, which is securely and encrypted, by telecommunications and supply operators (TV, telephone, light, water, etc.); the detection of triggers, since it uses the data collected with algorithms to detect abnormal situations that require attention; the generation of notifications, by means of artificial intelligence that decides the type of notification to be sent; and at the same time advises on the type of accompanying and support that needs to be put in place and, if this is a prolonged action, the system will create a roadmap to carry out.


Be Girl, project against menstrual poverty, and the stigma and taboos it entails

Publications Bank of innovations

Be Girl, project against menstrual poverty, and the stigma and taboos it entails

Be Girl and Plan Internacional

Colombian girls with their Smart Cycle. Retrieved from the website of Be Girl.

Project to combat menstrual poverty, as well as the stigma and the taboos it entails. It consists of an offer of reusable and affordable menstrual products, training workshops and a pendant that helps to monitor the menstrual cycle itself.

Be Girl products consist of reusable menstrual products, such as panties or cloth pads, made of waterproof and absorbing materials that prevent loss and allow for affordable and safe menstruation, both for the environment and for users. They have a useful life of two years, avoiding waste from traditional pads and tampons, as well as being safer, hygienic and more economic in the long term. Its design is comfortable, beautiful, and efficient to respond to the needs of people who menstruate.

The project also offers menstrual cycle knowledge workshops, which include the use of Smart Cycle, a tool that allows one to know the menstrual cycle and its different parts (menstruation, ovulation, maximum fertility day, etc.). It is a pendant that helps track the menstrual cycle and better understand one’s body. These workshops are intended for both girls and boys, to show menstruation as a natural and free of stigmas. They are performed in schools and leisure sites, to make them safer and freer from menstrual taboos.

Be Girl products can also be purchased online, and with the benefits of the sales, the impulsive organizations fund the free distribution of products to girls with few resources.

Be Girl

Cycling Without Age, voluntary rickshaws service for older people

Publications Bank of innovations

Cycling Without Age, voluntary rickshaws service for older people

Cycling Without Age

Ole Kassow, founder of Cycling Without Age, driving two users. Retrieved from the Cycling Without Age website

Voluntary service to promote active ageing and good treatment of older people, from the creation of new intergenerational relationships to combat unintended isolation and loneliness.

Cycling Without Age allows the elderly to feel emotion again and the freedom of a bicycle ride in which they can feel “the wind in their hair”. The service is made possible by voluntary people of all ages, who offer themselves to ride elderly people in two-seat rickshaws to recover a type of mobility that many of these people can no longer experience because of their old age.

It is a service that provides an improvement in the quality of life of both voluntaries and users. For the former it can be a way to exercise, connect with the community and other people and create unexpected relationships; and for the elderly it means to feel freer and avoid unwanted loneliness and isolation: during the rides they can tell personal stories while visiting the city or territory where they have lived all or part of their lives and rememorize episodes they can share with the volunteer and other participants.

There is no fixed timetable for rides or volunteers, but everyone decides how much time they can and want to contribute, making Cycling Without Age an activity that is done for the pleasure of doing it, not out of obligation.

It is an activity that began in Denmark, where bicycles are widely used, but has spread rapidly to 51 countries around the world, among which Catalonia, where it’s called “En bici sense edat”, making this experience available for more people. The Catalan initiative “En bici sense edad” is already present today in four Catalan cities and in April 2021 it received the prize of Social Innovation Maria Figueras i Mercè Bañeras from Plataforma Educativa.

Cycling Without Age

3D Community, social housing built with 3D printers

Publications Bank of innovations

3D Community, social housing built with 3D printers

New Story, ICON, Échale

Two kids in front of one of the houses built in Mexico. Retrieved from New Story’s website.

3D-built housing, which enables high-quality housing parks to be generated and in a much faster and more affordable way than with traditional construction options.

The first housing park with this technology has been built in Tabasco, Mexico, and consists of 50 houses. The houses are made with the collaboration of ICON, a construction technology company. Thanks to its 3D Vulcan printer, which uses a cement mix called Lavacrete, it can build secure and durable constructions with very little time, as 3D printers can work uninterruptedly for 24 hours, until completion of construction. End touches, such as roofs or windows, are added in the traditional way, employing local builders.

Families living in these early Mexican dwellings previously participated in the process of designing their home, bringing their vision of their own needs and what they thought important to have at home. These families were selected through interviews and surveys in the area, to identify those with the greatest need. The houses have a social mortgage of about 400 pesos per month, a mortgage that does not return to New Story, the sponsoring organization, but rather to a Community fund from which families will be able to dispose in the future to invest in this community. In this way, it not only innovates in the way it is built, but also creates a community of owners that empowers the people who are part of it.

New Story

Ipso, international service of psychosocial peer-to-peer support

Publications Bank of innovations

Ipso, international service of psychosocial peer-to-peer support

International Psychosocial Organization (Ipso)

Peer-to-peer counselling session. Retrieved from Ipso’s website.

International mental health service and psychosocial support for peer-to-peer which offers offline and online in more than 20 languages (such as Arabic, Farsi, Punjabi, among others), and which today has more than 200,000 beneficiaries, mostly people who are immigrants, refugees or victims of armed conflicts.

Ipso counsellors are other persons of the same origin who are previously formed in Value Based Counselling, a type of short-term intervention that seeks to establish empathy with the person concerned and to support them without prejudice. In addition, the sociocultural plurality that allows this methodology makes it easier to adapt it to different contexts and to give service to a very high and diverse number of users.

It is a peer-to-peer service, which serves to empower both parties, and which at the same time seeks to prevent the hardships or traumatic situations that have been experienced from becoming chronic or leading to more serious problems, while helping in social integration.

Ipso services have spread widely in some countries such as Afghanistan, where it is present throughout the country through the public health service. The training of the counsellors is done mainly in Germany, in the headquarters of Ipso in Berlin, Erfurt and Hamburg, where they prepare people who are immigrated to do so. In other countries, such as Jordan, Iraq, Haiti and others, the Ipso service has also been extended through collaborating organisations.

Psychosocial support sessions can be performed face-to-face but also online through a secure video platform called, and this has allowed the territorial scope of Ipso to become much broader, and at the same time indispensable during the Covid-19 pandemic.

It is available in more than twenty languages, such as Arabic, Farsi, English, French, Russian, Turkish, Punjabi and others, because it is considered vitally important that people who receive this service can express themselves in their mother tongue.

International Psychosocial Organization (Ipso)

iSocial Foundation awards the Prize for Social Integration through ICT to Pere Tarrés Foundation

Publications News

iSocial Foundation awards the Prize for Social Integration through ICT to Pere Tarrés Foundation


On April 15, the iSocial Foundation, in the hands of our director Toni Codina, presented the Award for social integration through ICT to Jordi Palouzié, director of information systems and telecommunications of the Pere Tarrés Foundation, for his “Help them grow” campaign.

With this campaign, during the year 2000 the Pere Tarrés Foundation asked for support from companies and individuals in order to be able to accompany, during the period of confinement, the children, young people and families that it usually attends in its socio-educational centers. This allowed it to distribute the following equipment: 295 digital tablets without connectivity; 447 digital tablets with connectivity; 35 laptops; and 451 connectivity cards. In addition, every day, throughout the confinement, about 250 educators from the Pere Tarrés Foundation accompanied the families by making video calls or talking on the phone. The Foundation’s team offered them logistical support when carrying out various procedures (procedures related to the employment situation or to access financial aid from various institutions and administrations) and resolved doubts about the current situation (in relation to issues such as dining grants, health prevention measures or containment restrictions), with the aim of alleviating their emotional burden and to detect and prevent emergencies, such as lack of food or the existence of conflicts relatives. Families were also offered psychological and educational support and resources and leisure activities and educational activities to do with children.

Due to the pandemic, the holding of ICT Day 2020 has had to be postponed to 2021, and it has also had to be done virtually. The closing ceremony was attended by the Vice-President of the Catalan Government, Pere Aragonès, the President of the Catalan Parliament, Laura Borràs, and Minister Jordi Puigneró.

As soon as possible, the next annual Days will be held presential again.


iSocial presents in Bilbao the report “Technological innovation and social services”.

iSocial presents in Bilbao the report “Technological innovation and social services”.

On March 20, nearly 90 people took part in the event at the Bilbao Berrikuntza Faktoria (BBF) auditorium of Mondragon University.
Retrieve the Catalunya Ràdio PodCast about iSocial

Retrieve the Catalunya Ràdio PodCast about iSocial

On February 6, we explained iSocial’s current projects in the POPAP program.
Open Day of the Welcome Project in Barcelona

Open Day of the Welcome Project in Barcelona

iSocial and the other 14 project partners presented the new tools developed for the reception and integration of migrants and refugees.
Innovació tecnològica i serveis socials

iSocial presents the report “Technological innovation and social services”

In a public event held on 22.11.2022 at the NTT Data auditorium in Barcelona.
iSocial has moved to a new headquarters in District 22@ of Barcelona

iSocial has moved to a new headquarters in District 22@ of Barcelona

The new office is at 105 Sancho de Ávila Street, in the epicenter of innovation in the city, a few meters from the Glòries Tower and the MediaTIC Building.
Biel Digital Glasses, 2022 Award for social integration through ICTs

Biel Digital Glasses, 2022 Award for social integration through ICTs

iSocial and GrausTIC awarded the prize in the framework of the ICT Party in Catalonia 2022, at the Telefónica Tower in Barcelona.

For three years we will help train the managers of the third social sector in Andalusia

Publications News

For three years we will help train the managers of the third social sector in Andalusia


Commissioned by the Federación Andaluza Enlace, for 3 years the iSocial Foundation collaborates in the process of design and implementation of the new School of training of managers of the third sector TEAL-Andalucía. It is a project funded by CEPES, and also involves EDE Fundazioa, Escuela Andaluza de Economía Social, Leit Motiv and Asociación para la promoción de la economía del bien común.

This new school of managers wants to contribute to promote the transformation of non-profit organizations and the Andalusian social economy, through new organizational models that put people at the center and moving towards organic, transversal and evolutionary processes of management, fullness and leadership. Its aim is to promote a third sector that is more efficient, competitive, sustainable and innovative in intervention, vision and purposes, and that becomes a key socio-economic agent in a context of transition to a care economy, generating employment and promoting the local economy.

The School of the third sector TEAL-Andalucía articulates on two pillars: the development of integral programs of education, learning and impact; and the creation of a community of practice. The approach is to encourage the self-organization and appropriation of knowledge through the innovative TEAL methodology, developing programs and a platform that allows the flow of information and knowledge in a free, open and neutral way.


iSocial presents in Bilbao the report “Technological innovation and social services”.

iSocial presents in Bilbao the report “Technological innovation and social services”.

On March 20, nearly 90 people took part in the event at the Bilbao Berrikuntza Faktoria (BBF) auditorium of Mondragon University.
Retrieve the Catalunya Ràdio PodCast about iSocial

Retrieve the Catalunya Ràdio PodCast about iSocial

On February 6, we explained iSocial’s current projects in the POPAP program.
Open Day of the Welcome Project in Barcelona

Open Day of the Welcome Project in Barcelona

iSocial and the other 14 project partners presented the new tools developed for the reception and integration of migrants and refugees.
Innovació tecnològica i serveis socials

iSocial presents the report “Technological innovation and social services”

In a public event held on 22.11.2022 at the NTT Data auditorium in Barcelona.
iSocial has moved to a new headquarters in District 22@ of Barcelona

iSocial has moved to a new headquarters in District 22@ of Barcelona

The new office is at 105 Sancho de Ávila Street, in the epicenter of innovation in the city, a few meters from the Glòries Tower and the MediaTIC Building.
Biel Digital Glasses, 2022 Award for social integration through ICTs

Biel Digital Glasses, 2022 Award for social integration through ICTs

iSocial and GrausTIC awarded the prize in the framework of the ICT Party in Catalonia 2022, at the Telefónica Tower in Barcelona.

We are starting a new project to rethink the residential model of Catalonia after the Covid-19

Publications News

We are starting a new project to rethink the residential model of Catalonia after the Covid-19


This April we launched ResiCovid-19, a new research project that for two years will evaluate the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the residential system of Catalonia and, based on the lessons learned, will propose a redesign of the current model so that it is better prepared to offer quality care and to be able to face crisis scenarios like the one we have experienced at the same time.

The project is led by UVic and has been funded by AGAUR, and its partners include iSocial, the Catalan Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology, and the Departments of Social Affairs and Health of the Generalitat.

Despite recurring demands from the scientific community, to date there have been virtually no systematic and in-depth assessments of the impact of the pandemic on the residential environment, either in Catalonia or in other territories. In addition, the Covid-19 pandemic has amplified the previously existing structural deficits of the residential system and the social and health care of the elderly and chronically ill people living in the residential setting.

But the pandemic also offers us a unique opportunity to rethink the model of care, which should be evidence-based, focused on the person and their uniqueness, and with staff and infrastructure that can meet their needs.

The knowledge that ResiCovid-19 will provide aims to contribute to improving the quality of care for the 60,000 people who currently live in the approximately 1,000 residences in Catalonia, and indirectly also benefit families, professionals in the residences. and to the whole social and health system.

iSocial will be in charge, within the project, of the part of international research, consisting of analyzing the learnings and proposals for the improvement of the residential model that other countries with a residential model in ours are also being considered.


iSocial presents in Bilbao the report “Technological innovation and social services”.

iSocial presents in Bilbao the report “Technological innovation and social services”.

On March 20, nearly 90 people took part in the event at the Bilbao Berrikuntza Faktoria (BBF) auditorium of Mondragon University.
Retrieve the Catalunya Ràdio PodCast about iSocial

Retrieve the Catalunya Ràdio PodCast about iSocial

On February 6, we explained iSocial’s current projects in the POPAP program.
Open Day of the Welcome Project in Barcelona

Open Day of the Welcome Project in Barcelona

iSocial and the other 14 project partners presented the new tools developed for the reception and integration of migrants and refugees.
Innovació tecnològica i serveis socials

iSocial presents the report “Technological innovation and social services”

In a public event held on 22.11.2022 at the NTT Data auditorium in Barcelona.
iSocial has moved to a new headquarters in District 22@ of Barcelona

iSocial has moved to a new headquarters in District 22@ of Barcelona

The new office is at 105 Sancho de Ávila Street, in the epicenter of innovation in the city, a few meters from the Glòries Tower and the MediaTIC Building.
Biel Digital Glasses, 2022 Award for social integration through ICTs

Biel Digital Glasses, 2022 Award for social integration through ICTs

iSocial and GrausTIC awarded the prize in the framework of the ICT Party in Catalonia 2022, at the Telefónica Tower in Barcelona.

OKencasa, support for non-professional carers

Publications Bank of innovations

OKencasa, support for non-professional carers


Woman taking care of a dependent elderly man. Retrieved from OKencasa website.

Platform for the support aimed at non-professional carers caring a relative dependent at home. Through the Zaindoo app it offers permanent accompaniment from a care specialist, online training, tools for organizing care tasks, and discounts or advantages in services of physiotherapy, legal advice, home adaptation, etc. The aim is to improve the quality of life of the carers and to make their job easier, that is to say to look after the carers.

OKencasa periodically evaluates the physical, emotional and psychological well-being of the care-givers and, accordingly, offers them a personal plan of improvement and support that can be readjusted in time. The professionals in the service ensure that the caregiver is always accompanied and listened to with regard to the burden of their care tasks.

OKencasa also provides information to public social services so that they can provide better support for families and provide more efficient socio-sanitary care. The application is currently available in Euskera and Spanish.
