Moods, promoting good screen use among teenagers and young people

Publications Bank of innovations

Moods, promoting good screen use among teenagers and young people

Nous Cims Foundation and Adsis Foundation

Community intervention project with a comprehensive approach to prevent risks in the use of new technologies among adolescents and young people and promote their proper use.

The Moods Project was born from the realisation that, in a modernity governed by social networks and mobile phones that change the way we live and relate to each other, new technologies pose new challenges and risks –such as addiction, pathological gambling, grooming, cyberbullying or social isolation– to be prevented. Specifically, it is aimed at adolescents and young people, as the name of the project indicates: mood is the English word that refers to the state of mind and is a colloquial expression widely used among young people.

The project is developed through a set of workshops and interventions that are carried out in secondary schools with the aim of promoting the good use of screens among students. It is well known that the use they make of social networks and new technologies is diverse and can have consequences on mental health. Through the workshops, participants reflect on and become aware of their use of screens. Thus, the project provides them with tools that allow them to identify risky and addictive behaviours. In addition, the workshops encourage critical thinking –allowing them to reflect on video games and online gambling, for example– and debate on the values that are transmitted through networks and on the need and importance of combining virtual leisure with live leisure. The project includes an impact evaluation plan that allows measuring and assessing the changes produced among participants through questionnaires.

The project has been implemented in the neighbourhood of Horta Guinardó, in Barcelona, and in Quatre Carreres, in Valencia, where a team of professionals has given workshops to young people aged between 12 and 16 in secondary schools in the neighbourhoods. Apart from workshops in secondary schools, the project also includes prevention workshops in leisure and free time organisations and training for families and teaching teams from the schools.

Banc d’innovacions


Cuppa, virtual meetups for unpaid carers

Cuppa is a video call program aimed at carers with the goal of sharing experiences and building community.

ATENEA, device adapted to combat the digital divide

ATENEA is an adapted device that contributes to the digital and technological transformation of social services, focusing on the most vulnerable citizens
Projecte IWI

IWI Project, a support program for families seeking to improve their well-being

The IWI Project is a program that provides support to families with minors in their care who detect difficulties within their own homes and wish to address them in a community-based manner.
Metaverso Plena Inclusión Aragón

Virtual Metaverse to Improve Daily Skills of People with Intellectual Disabilities

Plena Inclusión Aragón and Cooperativa Kairós’ metaverse is an avatar that enables learning daily skills to enhance the autonomy of people with intellectual disabilities
Energy Control

Energy Control, a drug analysis service to reduce risks

Energy Control is a drug analysis program that promotes responsible consumption

Predictive Telecare Service in Home Care

The Adinberri Foundation has launched a telecare service that enables anticipation and action through a personalized intervention plan based on the 4P model: prediction, prevention, personalization, and participation.

b-resol, a channel for alerts against bullying in adolescents

Publications Bank of innovations

b-resol, a channel for alerts against bullying in adolescents


An alert channel that provides early detection of possible cases of bullying, cyberbullying, eating disorders, addictions and other common problems among adolescents. It is designed especially for adolescents, but also for adult teachers and specialised staff, who receive, manage and document the alerts.

b-resol was born out of concern for the large number of abuses and mistreatments of minors that occur in educational, sporting or leisure environments, and the difficulty for the victims to report them. The figures are alarming: 40% of pupils have experienced some form of bullying during their schooling. Beyond being used by educational centers, it is also useful for youth and sports organizations where young people socialise.

On the one hand, b-resol speaks the language of teenagers, as it is a friendly and intuitive app. Students can communicate their suspicions or alerts derived from unwanted situations, whether experienced or observed, to the trusted people designated by the educational centre. Through this mobile application, which is free and available on all devices, they can do so securely, confidentially and anonymously, if they wish. On the other hand, b-resol is also easy for adults, with a comprehensible internal web environment. Apart from enabling a chat with the sender of the alert, it also allows for a complete follow-up of the incident –of the actions taken– and the generation of reports and statistics.

Thus, b-resol stands as an example of good use of mobile technology as an innovative element and how it can be used to raise social awareness. It is therefore a complementary tool to the protocols implemented or planned to deal with cases of bullying, and is suitable for digitised adolescents and for centres and organisations immersed in digital transformation.

Banc d’innovacions


Cuppa, virtual meetups for unpaid carers

Cuppa is a video call program aimed at carers with the goal of sharing experiences and building community.

ATENEA, device adapted to combat the digital divide

ATENEA is an adapted device that contributes to the digital and technological transformation of social services, focusing on the most vulnerable citizens
Projecte IWI

IWI Project, a support program for families seeking to improve their well-being

The IWI Project is a program that provides support to families with minors in their care who detect difficulties within their own homes and wish to address them in a community-based manner.
Metaverso Plena Inclusión Aragón

Virtual Metaverse to Improve Daily Skills of People with Intellectual Disabilities

Plena Inclusión Aragón and Cooperativa Kairós’ metaverse is an avatar that enables learning daily skills to enhance the autonomy of people with intellectual disabilities
Energy Control

Energy Control, a drug analysis service to reduce risks

Energy Control is a drug analysis program that promotes responsible consumption

Predictive Telecare Service in Home Care

The Adinberri Foundation has launched a telecare service that enables anticipation and action through a personalized intervention plan based on the 4P model: prediction, prevention, personalization, and participation.

Startblok, self-managed housing for local youth and young refugees

Publications Bank of innovations

Startblok, self-managed housing for local youth and young refugees

Woonstichting De Key, Ajuntament d’Amsterdam, Socius Wonen

An innovative model that addresses the housing needs of both young people and refugees. It promotes the integration of young people from different backgrounds who have the common goal of an affordable home. It offers them housing at an affordable price and with a secure rent, which allows young people, both locals and refugees, not to be expelled from the city and to be able to access a job or continue their studies.

Startblok Riekerhaven is aimed at Dutch people and refugees between 18 and 28 years of age who want to get actively involved socially. For a much lower price than the market price, Startblok offers self-contained temporary housing –with a kitchen, a bathroom and a toilet– which is variable in size –around 20 m²– and common areas for each residential group, equipped with a kitchen and a balcony. This space allows for the sharing of life experiences and knowledge, thus contributing to the creation of a community respectful of diversity and reinforcing social cohesion. Residents are selected on the basis of their vulnerability and willingness to be involved in the social and cultural aspects of the project and to commit themselves as a long-term member of the community. The maximum tenancy is five years and, when someone moves on, they are replaced by a new resident of a similar profile –gender, age and educational level– to maintain the balance and diversity of the project.

At Startblok, equal and respectful treatment of all residents is key, as well as the coexistence of very different cultures, languages, customs and ways of doing things. The community functions through the self-management and self-organisation of the residents themselves, with spaces to elaborate and implement their initiatives, both for the formation of community and social cohesion and for the day-to-day maintenance of the model, such as the selection of new tenants and the management of applications. It is this way that a comfortable and pleasant living environment is created, where everyone feels welcome, valued and supported; in short, a home. This housing model thus makes it easier for refugees –who have just arrived in a new country– to build friendships and contacts and to rebuild their lives. It is thus an innovative example of how to address the needs of refugees in a positive way, while providing much-needed affordable housing for young people.

Banc d’innovacions


Cuppa, virtual meetups for unpaid carers

Cuppa is a video call program aimed at carers with the goal of sharing experiences and building community.

ATENEA, device adapted to combat the digital divide

ATENEA is an adapted device that contributes to the digital and technological transformation of social services, focusing on the most vulnerable citizens
Projecte IWI

IWI Project, a support program for families seeking to improve their well-being

The IWI Project is a program that provides support to families with minors in their care who detect difficulties within their own homes and wish to address them in a community-based manner.
Metaverso Plena Inclusión Aragón

Virtual Metaverse to Improve Daily Skills of People with Intellectual Disabilities

Plena Inclusión Aragón and Cooperativa Kairós’ metaverse is an avatar that enables learning daily skills to enhance the autonomy of people with intellectual disabilities
Energy Control

Energy Control, a drug analysis service to reduce risks

Energy Control is a drug analysis program that promotes responsible consumption

Predictive Telecare Service in Home Care

The Adinberri Foundation has launched a telecare service that enables anticipation and action through a personalized intervention plan based on the 4P model: prediction, prevention, personalization, and participation.

Able4Work, a digital tool to support the integration of vulnerable young people into the labour market

Publications Bank of innovations

Able4Work, a digital tool to support the integration of vulnerable young people into the labour market

Probens, SeaTeach, DanmarComputers, Knowl, Multitudei Gävle AB, Werkstatt-Berufskolleg

Able4Work is the digital tool that facilitates the process of finding a job for young people who are often in a situation of social vulnerability. It is designed for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds and aims to offer them support and accompaniment during the complex stages of their job search. In this way, it helps them to redirect their present and future socio-labour situation, facilitating interaction and contact with social workers.

It is an online platform and functional app, available and free to use for both mentors and interested users. It offers support in the process of searching for employment or educational programmes, adapting to the needs of vulnerable young people. Thus, it is mainly aimed at young people between 18 and 35 years old in a situation of social vulnerability -new immigrants, ethnic minorities, economic problems, etc.- and, consequently, at risk of social exclusion. The app also targets mentors and youth workers who implement the socio-occupational and educational insertion programmes digitally and partially remotely, offering support, advice and guidance to vulnerable young people.

Able4Work works in a way that allows young users to easily interact with the social workers and mentors assigned to them –including a chat– and social workers to better follow up and monitor tasks. In addition, the digital tool allows young people to constantly monitor the phases and progress of their pathway –with a calendar showing guidance actions and pending tasks– and to receive notifications about job and educational possibilities. In this way, it increases the autonomy of programme participants and promotes the value of self-responsibility among young people in the job search process.

Finally, the app has gamification elements that make it interactive and engaging, which motivates young people to meet the objectives of their pathways. As a result, the app Able4work reduces the high drop-out rates of Youth Guarantee programmes, improving their efficiency and success.

Banc d’innovacions


Cuppa, virtual meetups for unpaid carers

Cuppa is a video call program aimed at carers with the goal of sharing experiences and building community.

ATENEA, device adapted to combat the digital divide

ATENEA is an adapted device that contributes to the digital and technological transformation of social services, focusing on the most vulnerable citizens
Projecte IWI

IWI Project, a support program for families seeking to improve their well-being

The IWI Project is a program that provides support to families with minors in their care who detect difficulties within their own homes and wish to address them in a community-based manner.
Metaverso Plena Inclusión Aragón

Virtual Metaverse to Improve Daily Skills of People with Intellectual Disabilities

Plena Inclusión Aragón and Cooperativa Kairós’ metaverse is an avatar that enables learning daily skills to enhance the autonomy of people with intellectual disabilities
Energy Control

Energy Control, a drug analysis service to reduce risks

Energy Control is a drug analysis program that promotes responsible consumption

Predictive Telecare Service in Home Care

The Adinberri Foundation has launched a telecare service that enables anticipation and action through a personalized intervention plan based on the 4P model: prediction, prevention, personalization, and participation.

Primero, a digital platform for the protection of children in migratory contexts

Publications Bank of innovations

Primero, a digital platform for the protection of children in migratory contexts


Open source software platform that helps social services, humanitarian and development workers manage data related to child protection through tools that facilitate case management, incident tracking, migrant child tracing and family reunification.

The platform collects and manages data on children encountered in emergency migration contexts, and combines proven tools, global best practices and the latest open source technology to offer social service and humanitarian protection workers an easy-to-use and scalable solution to their data management challenges.

Primero enables its users to document events and violations to provide protection programs with up-to-date information on risk factors and patterns of violations. At the same time, child victims of violence can be linked to the services they need and prevention measures can be implemented to mitigate future risks. The platform’s powerful analytics and reporting tools ensure that the data is actionable.

Primero offers intuitive digital forms and clear workflows to help document case management processes, from identification and registration, to assessment, case planning, referrals and transfers, and case closure. With robust monitoring capabilities including email notifications for certain processes.

The platform uses sophisticated matching technology to match follow-up requests made by caregivers with the records of children registered as separated or unaccompanied. Matching criteria can be configured to meet the needs of the context. These functions are supported by a comprehensive case management module to ensure that children receive appropriate care.

Primero is a progressive web application (PWA) and leverages the latest technology to combine the best of web and mobile apps. The web app works across all browsers, regardless of operating system and on any device (mobile, tablet, laptop). It requires no previous user experience and can also be used offline, so that social workers can manage their work from anywhere, wherever they are. At the same time it offers the security and efficiency of digital case management in low connectivity configurations.

Banc d’innovacions


Cuppa, virtual meetups for unpaid carers

Cuppa is a video call program aimed at carers with the goal of sharing experiences and building community.

ATENEA, device adapted to combat the digital divide

ATENEA is an adapted device that contributes to the digital and technological transformation of social services, focusing on the most vulnerable citizens
Projecte IWI

IWI Project, a support program for families seeking to improve their well-being

The IWI Project is a program that provides support to families with minors in their care who detect difficulties within their own homes and wish to address them in a community-based manner.
Metaverso Plena Inclusión Aragón

Virtual Metaverse to Improve Daily Skills of People with Intellectual Disabilities

Plena Inclusión Aragón and Cooperativa Kairós’ metaverse is an avatar that enables learning daily skills to enhance the autonomy of people with intellectual disabilities
Energy Control

Energy Control, a drug analysis service to reduce risks

Energy Control is a drug analysis program that promotes responsible consumption

Predictive Telecare Service in Home Care

The Adinberri Foundation has launched a telecare service that enables anticipation and action through a personalized intervention plan based on the 4P model: prediction, prevention, personalization, and participation.

Emantik, a service for the detection and care of child and adolescent discomfort

Publications Bank of innovations

Emantik, a service for the detection and care of child and adolescent discomfort

Andoain Town Hall

Programme for the early detection and care of situations of vulnerability, discomfort or violence towards children and adolescents.

Emantik is based on an application (Kanjo) that systematically records the emotional state of the pupils of the three schools that have implemented the programme (Aita Larramendi Ikastola, La Salle-Berrozpe Ikastetxea and Ondarreta Ikastetxea) through a tablet and an algorithm that subsequently analyses the emotional patterns in order to detect cases of risk early on. The main function and objective of the programme is to help children and adolescents to learn emotional management, as well as to prevent cases of risk and vulnerability, or a possible situation of violence or suffering of the child or adolescent.

It is a system whereby three times a day (when arriving to school, after playground time and at the end of the school day) children and adolescents have to indicate in the tablet the emotion that best reflects their mood from among calm, contentment, anger, fear, disgust and sadness. In this way, boys and girls learn to identify their emotions, and on the other hand, the analysis of the data makes it possible to detect their emotional states as well as their evolution, in order to prevent situations of isolation, bullying, or other types of situations of discomfort or vulnerability.

The Kanjo system does not have access to the personal data of the boys and girls at any stage of the process, and only the schools have the capacity to link the anonymised IDs of the algorithm with the data of their pupils.


Banc d’innovacions


Cuppa, virtual meetups for unpaid carers

Cuppa is a video call program aimed at carers with the goal of sharing experiences and building community.

ATENEA, device adapted to combat the digital divide

ATENEA is an adapted device that contributes to the digital and technological transformation of social services, focusing on the most vulnerable citizens
Projecte IWI

IWI Project, a support program for families seeking to improve their well-being

The IWI Project is a program that provides support to families with minors in their care who detect difficulties within their own homes and wish to address them in a community-based manner.
Metaverso Plena Inclusión Aragón

Virtual Metaverse to Improve Daily Skills of People with Intellectual Disabilities

Plena Inclusión Aragón and Cooperativa Kairós’ metaverse is an avatar that enables learning daily skills to enhance the autonomy of people with intellectual disabilities
Energy Control

Energy Control, a drug analysis service to reduce risks

Energy Control is a drug analysis program that promotes responsible consumption

Predictive Telecare Service in Home Care

The Adinberri Foundation has launched a telecare service that enables anticipation and action through a personalized intervention plan based on the 4P model: prediction, prevention, personalization, and participation.

P.I.P.P.I., intensive care programme for vulnerable families with young children

Publications Bank of innovations

P.I.P.P.I., intensive care programme for vulnerable families with young children

Laboratory for Research and Intervention in Family Education of the University of Padova, Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policies

Girls playing.

Intensive and multidisciplinary intervention programme in vulnerable families to reduce the risk of children being removed from their nuclear family, articulating a set of combined actions in relation to children’s needs: intensive home care, group activities with other parents, accompaniment by volunteer families, and joint work with teachers and social workers from schools and social services.

In line with the aim of the Convention on the Rights of the Child to develop measures to ensure the best interests of the child, the Italian Ministry of Social Welfare, in partnership with the University of Padua, designed and implemented from 2011 this intensive care programme for vulnerable families called the Intervention Programme for the Prevention of Institutionalization. Its abbreviation, P.I.P.P.P.I. is at the same time inspired by the fictional character Pippi Långstrump, a creative and surprisingly resilient girl known all over the world.

As its name suggests, P.I.P.P.P.I. aims to prevent out-of-home care and respond to problems related to child neglect, taking into account the right of all children to quality care. When parental neglect is involved, and there is a subsequent removal of the child, the removal itself expropriates the competence of the parents. This practice does not seem to be the most desirable intervention, so P.I.P.P.Y. experiences a social response that attempts to put the developmental needs of children first.

P.I.P.P.P.Y. represents a co-ordinated and co-operative work between different institutions, professions and disciplines of social services, psychology and pedagogy to act together in order to achieve a reduction in the number of children removed from their families. At the same time, P.I.P.P.P.I. has developed its own tool for the assessment and evaluation of cases based on models from Scotland and Quebec.

P.I.P.P.P.Y. is now widespread throughout Italy, and several academic studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of this intervention model. The evaluation report of the seventh edition of the programme 2018-2020 provides evidence of the bonus results achieved.

Centro Nazionale di documentazione e analisi per l'infanzia e l'adolescenza

Bank of innovations


Cuppa, virtual meetups for unpaid carers

Cuppa is a video call program aimed at carers with the goal of sharing experiences and building community.

ATENEA, device adapted to combat the digital divide

ATENEA is an adapted device that contributes to the digital and technological transformation of social services, focusing on the most vulnerable citizens
Projecte IWI

IWI Project, a support program for families seeking to improve their well-being

The IWI Project is a program that provides support to families with minors in their care who detect difficulties within their own homes and wish to address them in a community-based manner.
Metaverso Plena Inclusión Aragón

Virtual Metaverse to Improve Daily Skills of People with Intellectual Disabilities

Plena Inclusión Aragón and Cooperativa Kairós’ metaverse is an avatar that enables learning daily skills to enhance the autonomy of people with intellectual disabilities
Energy Control

Energy Control, a drug analysis service to reduce risks

Energy Control is a drug analysis program that promotes responsible consumption

Predictive Telecare Service in Home Care

The Adinberri Foundation has launched a telecare service that enables anticipation and action through a personalized intervention plan based on the 4P model: prediction, prevention, personalization, and participation.

Woebot, self-help chat for dealing with mental and emotional discomfort

Publications Bank of innovations

Woebot, self-help chat for dealing with mental and emotional discomfort

Woebot Health

Image from Woebot

A chatbot that helps to manage moods, learn about oneself and cope with mental and emotional distress.

In a cognitive behavioural therapy framework, Woebot asks the user how they are feeling and what is going on in their life in a short conversation format. Woebot also talks about mental health and emotional well-being, and shares videos and other useful tools to address the user’s mood and other needs related to their mental and emotional well-being. Woebot is like a self-help book that adapts to each person’s different needs and concerns.

Woebot uses a combination of natural language processing, psychological expertise, excellent writing and a sense of humour to create an informative and friendly conversational experience.

In a study conducted by Stanford University, Woebot use was shown to generate significant reductions in anxiety and depression, primarily in people aged 18-28 who had spoken to Woebot on a near-daily basis.

Woeboth Health

Bank of innovations


Cuppa, virtual meetups for unpaid carers

Cuppa is a video call program aimed at carers with the goal of sharing experiences and building community.

ATENEA, device adapted to combat the digital divide

ATENEA is an adapted device that contributes to the digital and technological transformation of social services, focusing on the most vulnerable citizens
Projecte IWI

IWI Project, a support program for families seeking to improve their well-being

The IWI Project is a program that provides support to families with minors in their care who detect difficulties within their own homes and wish to address them in a community-based manner.
Metaverso Plena Inclusión Aragón

Virtual Metaverse to Improve Daily Skills of People with Intellectual Disabilities

Plena Inclusión Aragón and Cooperativa Kairós’ metaverse is an avatar that enables learning daily skills to enhance the autonomy of people with intellectual disabilities
Energy Control

Energy Control, a drug analysis service to reduce risks

Energy Control is a drug analysis program that promotes responsible consumption

Predictive Telecare Service in Home Care

The Adinberri Foundation has launched a telecare service that enables anticipation and action through a personalized intervention plan based on the 4P model: prediction, prevention, personalization, and participation.

Apptu@, an app that helps break isolation and alleviate stigma in mental health

Publications Bank of innovations

Apptu@, an app that helps break isolation and alleviate stigma in mental health


Image from the Grup ATRA website.

Innovative, interactive and close mobile app that allows for more continuous, close and close contact between users, professionals and volunteers of three mental health programs: Actua, Actua Jove and Actua Dona. This app also aims to raise public awareness about the collective suffering from mental health problems, while providing information that may be of interest to all citizens.

The three programmes included in Apptu@ are community-based, integrative and care-focused that provide support for life in a self-employed capacity for people with issues resulting from mental disorder, as well as women who have also suffered or suffer from male violence in parallel. With Apptu@, social contact between beneficiary and voluntary persons is enhanced.

The application is divided into two parts: one public and one private. Within the public, which is destined for any individual in society – such as people from the mental health collective, health professionals and the social sector, people interested in volunteering, relatives, students, young people, collaborating administrations, etc. – you can know the Actua programmes, as well as the different services and resources that form the Grup ATRA. It also attempts to promote inclusive volunteering and networking. But basically, the app aims to give visibility to the people of the mental health collective, as this helps to break stereotypes and alleviate stigma.

As far as the private part is concerned, Apptu@ allows one to work agreements and goals individually with the users of the program, following them more directly and continuously over time and making them participants of the common project that is Actua.


Banc d’innovacions


Cuppa, virtual meetups for unpaid carers

Cuppa is a video call program aimed at carers with the goal of sharing experiences and building community.

ATENEA, device adapted to combat the digital divide

ATENEA is an adapted device that contributes to the digital and technological transformation of social services, focusing on the most vulnerable citizens
Projecte IWI

IWI Project, a support program for families seeking to improve their well-being

The IWI Project is a program that provides support to families with minors in their care who detect difficulties within their own homes and wish to address them in a community-based manner.
Metaverso Plena Inclusión Aragón

Virtual Metaverse to Improve Daily Skills of People with Intellectual Disabilities

Plena Inclusión Aragón and Cooperativa Kairós’ metaverse is an avatar that enables learning daily skills to enhance the autonomy of people with intellectual disabilities
Energy Control

Energy Control, a drug analysis service to reduce risks

Energy Control is a drug analysis program that promotes responsible consumption

Predictive Telecare Service in Home Care

The Adinberri Foundation has launched a telecare service that enables anticipation and action through a personalized intervention plan based on the 4P model: prediction, prevention, personalization, and participation.

IntermediaJOB, intelligent job portal with a non-discriminatory algorithm

Publications Bank of innovations

IntermediaJOB, intelligent job portal with a non-discriminatory algorithm


Image from the Intermedia website.

Digital platform for the selection of professional profiles, especially aimed at people with vulnerabilities, which differs from other portals in the fact that it is able to make an intelligent matching of skills between job offers and candidates, and does not discriminate based on learned patterns.

This is a paradigm shift since, instead of working like other recruitment platforms that only take into account the candidate’s training and work experience as reflected in a CV, IntermediaJOB also values the rest of the learning that the candidate has acquired throughout his life, both in the training and professional and personal fields. This makes the match between the applicant and the company much more reliable than with other portals.

This tool is only possible thanks to innovation, which is why it is awaiting the incorporation of machine learning, a technology that would improve the reliability of the skills match, as well as big data to take advantage of successful experiences, or the use of bots to make technology more accessible to people.

What has already been implemented are the algorithms used by IntermediaJOB. The platform excludes all those better-positioned candidates who have more knowledge than necessary in a workplace, as well as those that value people of one gender more than another, for the simple fact that they follow learned patterns.

Beyond being just a platform where job offers can be posted, it also allows students to find their university internships.


Banc d’innovacions


Cuppa, virtual meetups for unpaid carers

Cuppa is a video call program aimed at carers with the goal of sharing experiences and building community.

ATENEA, device adapted to combat the digital divide

ATENEA is an adapted device that contributes to the digital and technological transformation of social services, focusing on the most vulnerable citizens
Projecte IWI

IWI Project, a support program for families seeking to improve their well-being

The IWI Project is a program that provides support to families with minors in their care who detect difficulties within their own homes and wish to address them in a community-based manner.
Metaverso Plena Inclusión Aragón

Virtual Metaverse to Improve Daily Skills of People with Intellectual Disabilities

Plena Inclusión Aragón and Cooperativa Kairós’ metaverse is an avatar that enables learning daily skills to enhance the autonomy of people with intellectual disabilities
Energy Control

Energy Control, a drug analysis service to reduce risks

Energy Control is a drug analysis program that promotes responsible consumption

Predictive Telecare Service in Home Care

The Adinberri Foundation has launched a telecare service that enables anticipation and action through a personalized intervention plan based on the 4P model: prediction, prevention, personalization, and participation.