One View, a predictive and preventative homelessness system

Publications Bank of innovations

One View, a predictive and preventative homelessness system

London Borough of Barking and Dagenham

One View

Predictive system that allows social services to anticipate, prevent and reduce homelessness in the territory

The One View system analyses the data set related to services for adults, children and homeless people. The analytical model includes data on income, benefits and schools, and obtains a comprehensive overview of citizens and households in the territory in order to identify existing risk situations that may lead to homelessness in the near future.

One View enables this preventive approach by using advanced analytical models to identify people at risk, with the aim of detecting potential problems 6 to 9 months before a crisis. In addition, the service provides long-term monitoring, so that social services can also evaluate the effectiveness of the interventions put in place, and adjust them. The specialised software provides robust information governance and security, with strict protocols that determine access levels.

The service enables the district to achieve three objectives. The first is to improve the quality of life of residents by providing the necessary contact and assistance when needed. Secondly, a prevention of evolving needs with better informed and targeted interventions. In other words, social service professionals in the district have a unique view that allows them to select the most appropriate and effective course of action in each case. Finally, it contributes to the management of the demand for social and housing services, generating savings due to the combination of improved interventions and predictive information to identify at-risk situations.

Banc d’innovacions

Metaverso Plena Inclusión Aragón

Virtual Metaverse to Improve Daily Skills of People with Intellectual Disabilities

Plena Inclusión Aragón and Cooperativa Kairós’ metaverse is an avatar that enables learning daily skills to enhance the autonomy of people with intellectual disabilities
Energy Control

Energy Control, a drug analysis service to reduce risks

Energy Control is a drug analysis program that promotes responsible consumption

Predictive Telecare Service in Home Care

The Adinberri Foundation has launched a telecare service that enables anticipation and action through a personalized intervention plan based on the 4P model: prediction, prevention, personalization, and participation.
From Your Eyes

From your eyes, AI technological tools for visually impaired people

From Your Eyes promotes AI-based solutions to improve the daily lives of visually impaired people.

Reviu, a platform that promotes transparency in housing access

Reviu is an online platform for sharing and searching for apartment reviews, with the primary goal of providing transparent and real information about the real estate market.

I·ROC, a tool that evaluates the recovery process of mental health service users

I·ROC is a tool that measures the recovery process of people using mental health services

Social Hotel for drug addicts in a homeless situation

Publications Bank of innovations

Social Hotel for drug addicts in a homeless situation

ABD (Welfare and Development Association)

Hotel Social per a persones drogodependents en situació de sensellarisme

Daniela and Paola, two residents of the Social Hotel

A low-demand temporary residential center for drug addicts who spend the night on the street. It is a pioneering and unique residential resource in Spain, which offers accommodation and coverage of basic needs, as well as a space for professional accompaniment to enable supervised substance use.

It is estimated that 30% of homeless people in the city of Barcelona are drug addicts, a fact that prevents them from accessing the network of shelters and municipal housing for the homeless. In addition, living on the street implies a state of enormous uncertainty and precariousness that hinders any voluntary process of abandoning substance use. Therefore, these people find themselves inside a wheel from which it is very difficult to get out. That is why the ABD Social Hotel does not require abstinence from addictions to enter the center, but offers individualized monitoring of each drug-dependent person without imposing any commitment or specific starting point.

The Social Hotel, which at the beginning of 2022 ABD has been moved to a hotel located in the Horta-Guinardó neighborhood of Barcelona that had been closed due to the drop in tourism caused by Covid-19, has a capacity for 50 people and has single rooms, a dining room and multipurpose rooms, among which there is a room open for those residents who need to consume. In the room there are nurses, psychologists and sometimes a doctor, as well as the necessary material to do so with maximum hygienic guarantees. It is, therefore, an environment in which professionals and users establish relationships of trust that facilitate recovery and personalized follow-up.

Another of the innovative aspects of this new Social Hotel in comparison with other resources is that the shelter works with a gender perspective, since 50% of the places are reserved for women and it has non-mixed spaces and groups to work on gender violence. It also has spaces for people with reduced mobility and places for victims of gender violence.

In short, it is a project that works for the social inclusion of people who are doubly socially excluded: homeless and drug addicts.

The Social Hotel opened during the pandemic, in 2020, in a provisional facility, and since 2022 it has a permanent building in a former hotel. After a year and a half in operation and with 200 residents already having passed through, the professionals of the Social Hotel have been able to note a substantial improvement in the emotional state and health of the residents, some of whom have made a satisfactory transition to other, more autonomous accommodations.

ADB Associació Benestar i Desenvolupament

Banc d’innovacions

Metaverso Plena Inclusión Aragón

Virtual Metaverse to Improve Daily Skills of People with Intellectual Disabilities

Plena Inclusión Aragón and Cooperativa Kairós’ metaverse is an avatar that enables learning daily skills to enhance the autonomy of people with intellectual disabilities
Energy Control

Energy Control, a drug analysis service to reduce risks

Energy Control is a drug analysis program that promotes responsible consumption

Predictive Telecare Service in Home Care

The Adinberri Foundation has launched a telecare service that enables anticipation and action through a personalized intervention plan based on the 4P model: prediction, prevention, personalization, and participation.
From Your Eyes

From your eyes, AI technological tools for visually impaired people

From Your Eyes promotes AI-based solutions to improve the daily lives of visually impaired people.

Reviu, a platform that promotes transparency in housing access

Reviu is an online platform for sharing and searching for apartment reviews, with the primary goal of providing transparent and real information about the real estate market.

I·ROC, a tool that evaluates the recovery process of mental health service users

I·ROC is a tool that measures the recovery process of people using mental health services

Entourage, a citizen support network for homeless people

Publications Bank of innovations

Entourage, a citizen support network for homeless people


A cell phone application that puts homeless people in contact with other people in the neighborhood or city, to break the spiral of loneliness in which they find themselves and their lack of social relationships.

Entourage is a collaborative network that strengthens the community contacts of homeless people, since the lack of relationships, invisibility and little attention are elements that prevent them from living a life of dignity. In addition, it helps to fight stereotypes, fear and lack of knowledge among citizens about how to act in this type of situation.

The application also has a solidarity guide that offers geolocated information on associations that offer services to the group. Entourage does not intend to be a network of only material help, but a network of egalitarian relationships that allows the humanization of both parties.

Entourage also ensures the protection of the data of the people who participate, as well as the obligatory nature of consent when creating a solidarity action towards the people who receive help. In addition, it has a system of moderation and verification of profiles that can delete content if it is not appropriate.


Banc d’innovacions

Metaverso Plena Inclusión Aragón

Virtual Metaverse to Improve Daily Skills of People with Intellectual Disabilities

Plena Inclusión Aragón and Cooperativa Kairós’ metaverse is an avatar that enables learning daily skills to enhance the autonomy of people with intellectual disabilities
Energy Control

Energy Control, a drug analysis service to reduce risks

Energy Control is a drug analysis program that promotes responsible consumption

Predictive Telecare Service in Home Care

The Adinberri Foundation has launched a telecare service that enables anticipation and action through a personalized intervention plan based on the 4P model: prediction, prevention, personalization, and participation.
From Your Eyes

From your eyes, AI technological tools for visually impaired people

From Your Eyes promotes AI-based solutions to improve the daily lives of visually impaired people.

Reviu, a platform that promotes transparency in housing access

Reviu is an online platform for sharing and searching for apartment reviews, with the primary goal of providing transparent and real information about the real estate market.

I·ROC, a tool that evaluates the recovery process of mental health service users

I·ROC is a tool that measures the recovery process of people using mental health services

myCarenet, community support network for people with dependency

Publications Bank of innovations

myCarenet, community support network for people with dependency


Image from myCarenet.

App that allows the person with some kind of dependency or their reference relative to weave and co-create their own support network in their home and their usual environment.

This tool allows maintaining and increasing meaningful social relationships (family, friends, neighbours, etc.) from an inclusive and community point of view, and at the same time prevents an eventual feeling of unwanted loneliness.

The person can contact and contract professional social and health care services on demand, or contact and receive community support for activities of daily living. In this way, myCarenet makes it possible to share the burden of care, lightening the load of the main caregiver.

In addition, both people with dependency and their support (family, community or professional) can access continuous and personalized training that promotes self-care and enables support persons to carry out a quality social and care task.

On the other hand, within the values of the circular economy, myCarenet promotes dignified and regulated work for people with difficulties in finding work and who, with a correct training itinerary, can find employment stability in the social and healthcare sector.


Bank of innovations

Metaverso Plena Inclusión Aragón

Virtual Metaverse to Improve Daily Skills of People with Intellectual Disabilities

Plena Inclusión Aragón and Cooperativa Kairós’ metaverse is an avatar that enables learning daily skills to enhance the autonomy of people with intellectual disabilities
Energy Control

Energy Control, a drug analysis service to reduce risks

Energy Control is a drug analysis program that promotes responsible consumption

Predictive Telecare Service in Home Care

The Adinberri Foundation has launched a telecare service that enables anticipation and action through a personalized intervention plan based on the 4P model: prediction, prevention, personalization, and participation.
From Your Eyes

From your eyes, AI technological tools for visually impaired people

From Your Eyes promotes AI-based solutions to improve the daily lives of visually impaired people.

Reviu, a platform that promotes transparency in housing access

Reviu is an online platform for sharing and searching for apartment reviews, with the primary goal of providing transparent and real information about the real estate market.

I·ROC, a tool that evaluates the recovery process of mental health service users

I·ROC is a tool that measures the recovery process of people using mental health services

3D Community, social housing built with 3D printers

Publications Bank of innovations

3D Community, social housing built with 3D printers

New Story, ICON, Échale

Two kids in front of one of the houses built in Mexico. Retrieved from New Story’s website.

3D-built housing, which enables high-quality housing parks to be generated and in a much faster and more affordable way than with traditional construction options.

The first housing park with this technology has been built in Tabasco, Mexico, and consists of 50 houses. The houses are made with the collaboration of ICON, a construction technology company. Thanks to its 3D Vulcan printer, which uses a cement mix called Lavacrete, it can build secure and durable constructions with very little time, as 3D printers can work uninterruptedly for 24 hours, until completion of construction. End touches, such as roofs or windows, are added in the traditional way, employing local builders.

Families living in these early Mexican dwellings previously participated in the process of designing their home, bringing their vision of their own needs and what they thought important to have at home. These families were selected through interviews and surveys in the area, to identify those with the greatest need. The houses have a social mortgage of about 400 pesos per month, a mortgage that does not return to New Story, the sponsoring organization, but rather to a Community fund from which families will be able to dispose in the future to invest in this community. In this way, it not only innovates in the way it is built, but also creates a community of owners that empowers the people who are part of it.

New Story

Banc d’innovacions

Metaverso Plena Inclusión Aragón

Virtual Metaverse to Improve Daily Skills of People with Intellectual Disabilities

Plena Inclusión Aragón and Cooperativa Kairós’ metaverse is an avatar that enables learning daily skills to enhance the autonomy of people with intellectual disabilities
Energy Control

Energy Control, a drug analysis service to reduce risks

Energy Control is a drug analysis program that promotes responsible consumption

Predictive Telecare Service in Home Care

The Adinberri Foundation has launched a telecare service that enables anticipation and action through a personalized intervention plan based on the 4P model: prediction, prevention, personalization, and participation.
From Your Eyes

From your eyes, AI technological tools for visually impaired people

From Your Eyes promotes AI-based solutions to improve the daily lives of visually impaired people.

Reviu, a platform that promotes transparency in housing access

Reviu is an online platform for sharing and searching for apartment reviews, with the primary goal of providing transparent and real information about the real estate market.

I·ROC, a tool that evaluates the recovery process of mental health service users

I·ROC is a tool that measures the recovery process of people using mental health services

Soliguide, a digital guide of services for homeless people

Publications Bank of innovations

Soliguide, a digital guide of services for homeless people


Digital kiosk to access the interactive map of services

Online platform and touchscreens present in different large French cities, which allow homeless people, refugees or people with other serious vulnerabilities to contact specialized services that can meet their basic needs. This platform can be used from different electronic devices such as mobile phones, tablets or computers, or also from digital kiosks installed in public spaces (touchscreens located in train stations, reception centres, etc.).

Soliguide is an initiative of the Solinum association, which answers questions such as: Where can I eat? Where can I maintain my personal hygiene? Where can I sleep safely? And not only this, but also reports on other services such as: support and advice on legal issues, advice on job search, language classes, etc.It is an easy way to find services grouped by category and geographical area, according to the needs of each person, and in different languages: French, English, Arabic and Spanish. The data is regularly updated by the team of the Solinum association and, through an App, social professionals can make themselves known on the Soliguide map.


Banc d’innovacions

Metaverso Plena Inclusión Aragón

Virtual Metaverse to Improve Daily Skills of People with Intellectual Disabilities

Plena Inclusión Aragón and Cooperativa Kairós’ metaverse is an avatar that enables learning daily skills to enhance the autonomy of people with intellectual disabilities
Energy Control

Energy Control, a drug analysis service to reduce risks

Energy Control is a drug analysis program that promotes responsible consumption

Predictive Telecare Service in Home Care

The Adinberri Foundation has launched a telecare service that enables anticipation and action through a personalized intervention plan based on the 4P model: prediction, prevention, personalization, and participation.
From Your Eyes

From your eyes, AI technological tools for visually impaired people

From Your Eyes promotes AI-based solutions to improve the daily lives of visually impaired people.

Reviu, a platform that promotes transparency in housing access

Reviu is an online platform for sharing and searching for apartment reviews, with the primary goal of providing transparent and real information about the real estate market.

I·ROC, a tool that evaluates the recovery process of mental health service users

I·ROC is a tool that measures the recovery process of people using mental health services

Pis Zero, night shelter for highly-vulnerable people

Publications Bank of innovations

Pis Zero, night shelter for highly-vulnerable people

Arrels Fundació

Foto: Elisava

Housing that is offered as a safe and cozy night shelter for homeless people who can’t adapt to any other space. It tries to cover the most basic needs of the person, it is characterized by its low exigency, and seeks to strengthen the links with the people who use it.

The Zero Flat is conceived as an extension of the street, and for this reason, its regulations are more flexible, simple, and reduced than those that exist in shelters or other types of homes for the homeless. Thus, for example, people can access with dogs, drinks, and their luggage; smoking is allowed in a designated area, and length of stay is unlimited.

Fundació Arrels

Banc d’innovacions

Metaverso Plena Inclusión Aragón

Virtual Metaverse to Improve Daily Skills of People with Intellectual Disabilities

Plena Inclusión Aragón and Cooperativa Kairós’ metaverse is an avatar that enables learning daily skills to enhance the autonomy of people with intellectual disabilities
Energy Control

Energy Control, a drug analysis service to reduce risks

Energy Control is a drug analysis program that promotes responsible consumption

Predictive Telecare Service in Home Care

The Adinberri Foundation has launched a telecare service that enables anticipation and action through a personalized intervention plan based on the 4P model: prediction, prevention, personalization, and participation.
From Your Eyes

From your eyes, AI technological tools for visually impaired people

From Your Eyes promotes AI-based solutions to improve the daily lives of visually impaired people.

Reviu, a platform that promotes transparency in housing access

Reviu is an online platform for sharing and searching for apartment reviews, with the primary goal of providing transparent and real information about the real estate market.

I·ROC, a tool that evaluates the recovery process of mental health service users

I·ROC is a tool that measures the recovery process of people using mental health services

Mobile Laundry Services for people experiencing homelessness

Publications Bank of innovations

Mobile Laundry Services for people experiencing homelessness

Orange Sky

Foto: Orange Sky

Orange Sky provides a platform for every day Australians to connect through a regular laundry and shower service. The focus is on creating a safe, positive and supportive environment for people who are too often ignored or who feel disconnected from the community. Their volunteers are not social workers or experts on homelessness – they are empathetic listeners and great conversationalists.

Orange Sky volunteers have participated to date in more than 144,000 hours of conversation and have helped to change the perception of the homeless and connect communities throughout Australia.

Orange Sky

Banc d’innovacions

Metaverso Plena Inclusión Aragón

Virtual Metaverse to Improve Daily Skills of People with Intellectual Disabilities

Plena Inclusión Aragón and Cooperativa Kairós’ metaverse is an avatar that enables learning daily skills to enhance the autonomy of people with intellectual disabilities
Energy Control

Energy Control, a drug analysis service to reduce risks

Energy Control is a drug analysis program that promotes responsible consumption

Predictive Telecare Service in Home Care

The Adinberri Foundation has launched a telecare service that enables anticipation and action through a personalized intervention plan based on the 4P model: prediction, prevention, personalization, and participation.
From Your Eyes

From your eyes, AI technological tools for visually impaired people

From Your Eyes promotes AI-based solutions to improve the daily lives of visually impaired people.

Reviu, a platform that promotes transparency in housing access

Reviu is an online platform for sharing and searching for apartment reviews, with the primary goal of providing transparent and real information about the real estate market.

I·ROC, a tool that evaluates the recovery process of mental health service users

I·ROC is a tool that measures the recovery process of people using mental health services

Street Soccer Barcelona, a socio-sports project for homeless people

Publications Bank of innovations

Street Soccer Barcelona, a socio-sports project for homeless people

Street Soccer Barcelona Associació

Street Soccer BCN

A socio-sports project aimed at homeless people and those in social exclusion

The Street Soccer Barcelona program offers football training, a small meal before or after training sessions, and a hygiene and shower space. Morning training sessions are adapted and non-competitive, integrating sports and a space of trust through speaking and listening, where attendees can safely share the difficulties they face daily.

The project also offers the possibility to play in the Consell Escolar League (CEEB), a mixed team of volunteers that competes with other local groups. Additionally, annual immersive stays are organized in groups of 2 to 30 people over four days, aiming to establish deeper bonds and promote integration.

Street Soccer Barcelona

Banc d’innovacions

Metaverso Plena Inclusión Aragón

Virtual Metaverse to Improve Daily Skills of People with Intellectual Disabilities

Plena Inclusión Aragón and Cooperativa Kairós’ metaverse is an avatar that enables learning daily skills to enhance the autonomy of people with intellectual disabilities
Energy Control

Energy Control, a drug analysis service to reduce risks

Energy Control is a drug analysis program that promotes responsible consumption

Predictive Telecare Service in Home Care

The Adinberri Foundation has launched a telecare service that enables anticipation and action through a personalized intervention plan based on the 4P model: prediction, prevention, personalization, and participation.
From Your Eyes

From your eyes, AI technological tools for visually impaired people

From Your Eyes promotes AI-based solutions to improve the daily lives of visually impaired people.

Reviu, a platform that promotes transparency in housing access

Reviu is an online platform for sharing and searching for apartment reviews, with the primary goal of providing transparent and real information about the real estate market.

I·ROC, a tool that evaluates the recovery process of mental health service users

I·ROC is a tool that measures the recovery process of people using mental health services

Baix Llobregat Mental Health, housing for people with psychological difficulties

Publications Bank of innovations

Baix Llobregat Mental Health, housing for people with psychological difficulties

Fundació Hàbitat3, Fundació Marianao, Fundació Cassià Just

Baix Llobregat Salut Mental

Experimental social housing program to provide accommodation for people with mental health problems

This project, driven by the Habitat 3 Foundation, the Mariano Foundation, and the Cassià Just Foundation, aims to empower and give autonomy to people with mental health difficulties through housing.

Users receive support and assistance in their processes of labor and community integration, always with the purpose of enhancing maximum residential independence.

The program is personalized and integrated with other services, entities, and administrations. It has a reference figure responsible for monitoring the case and ensuring good coordination.

Banc d’innovacions

Metaverso Plena Inclusión Aragón

Virtual Metaverse to Improve Daily Skills of People with Intellectual Disabilities

Plena Inclusión Aragón and Cooperativa Kairós’ metaverse is an avatar that enables learning daily skills to enhance the autonomy of people with intellectual disabilities
Energy Control

Energy Control, a drug analysis service to reduce risks

Energy Control is a drug analysis program that promotes responsible consumption

Predictive Telecare Service in Home Care

The Adinberri Foundation has launched a telecare service that enables anticipation and action through a personalized intervention plan based on the 4P model: prediction, prevention, personalization, and participation.
From Your Eyes

From your eyes, AI technological tools for visually impaired people

From Your Eyes promotes AI-based solutions to improve the daily lives of visually impaired people.

Reviu, a platform that promotes transparency in housing access

Reviu is an online platform for sharing and searching for apartment reviews, with the primary goal of providing transparent and real information about the real estate market.

I·ROC, a tool that evaluates the recovery process of mental health service users

I·ROC is a tool that measures the recovery process of people using mental health services