La Webteca Inclusiva, a digital bank of educational resources for inclusion

Publications Bank of innovations

La Webteca Inclusiva, a digital bank of educational resources for inclusion

Down Catalunya

Foto: Down Catalunya

Digital bank of pedagogical resources for the social inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities, aimed at teachers, families, social entities, etc. It includes learning materials, activities to put into practice in the classroom, articles of interest, games and dynamics in the field of leisure and entertainment.

The resources offered have previously been valued and selected by professionals, and users can both download materials and propose materials that they themselves have developed and that may be useful to other professionals of education and care for people with disabilities intellectual.

La Webteca Inclusiva

Banc d’innovacions

Vila Veïna, a new public community care system

Vila Veïna, a new public community care system

Nou sistema públic de cures de la ciutat de Barcelona que pretén aconseguir un model d’atenció sociosanitari més reduït i proper a les persones usuàries.
Hotel Social per a persones drogodependents en situació de sensellarisme

Social Hotel for drug addicts in a homeless situation

Social Hotel for drug addicts in a homeless situation.
Inclusively, plataforma digital de cerca de feina per a persones amb discapacitat

Inclusively, a digital job search platform for people with disabilities

Inclusively, a digital job search platform for people with disabilities.

The Alzheimer’s Platform and the Maresme Foundation, the first partner-collaborating entities

Publications News

The Alzheimer’s Platform and the Maresme Foundation, the first partner-collaborating entities


With the aim of broadening the social base of iSocial, the partners-collaborators modality is born: organizations that become part of iSocial to participate in the internal spaces of project generation (Labs) and to collaborate in promoting the foundation and Its economic support.

The Alzheimer’s Federation and the Maresme Foundation have been the first organizations to take this step, and in this way they have joined the iSocial ecosystem, formed now by the founding entities (6), the allied institutions (3), the members of the social council (14) and the project partners (12). Yesterday the directors and managers of both entities met with the Board of Trustees to kick off their participation.

The Federation of associations of relatives of Alzheimer’s patients in Catalonia groups 20 entities that support relatives of older people affected by dementias. Alzheimer’s affects today about 10% of the population of Catalonia over 65 years and is the chronic disease that causes more dependence.

The El Maresme Foundation promotes the social inclusion and improvement of the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities in the Maresme region and their families for more than 50 years. It accompanies and supports more than 2,800 people every year through an extensive network of services and centers.


New project: We promote an App to innovate in the care of adolescents and young people migrated alone

New project: We promote an App to innovate in the care of adolescents and young people migrated alone

On October 15 the Social Foundation and other 8 organizations, we have taken the kick-off meeting of the project, which will develop and experience a package of digital tools for mobile phones aimed at improving and strengthening the socio-educational accompaniment that the Catalan Government’s attention and protection system offers to about 4,000 adolescents and young people migrated alone.
Experts ask for communication strategies to prestige the Social Services system

Experts ask for communication strategies to prestige the Social Services system

In a debate organized by the iSocial Foundation on October 10, the invited experts say that the lack of a clear identity, invisibility or, even, a distorted and stigmatized image, are now a burden for the responsible administrations And for professionals working in Social Services.
We start the international project of a voice assistant for immigrants and refugees

We start the international project of a voice assistant for immigrants and refugees

Welcome is a Horizon 2020 project led by UPF with 5 participating countries. The smartphone assistant will facilitate the knowledge of the host society and the processes of labor insertion, based on information appropriate to the profile of each person, and will provide information on the most frequent demands of the immigrants and refugees.
An excellent conference by Rebecca Richmond (UK) opens the cycle “Big Data and Social Services”

An excellent conference by Rebecca Richmond (UK) opens the cycle “Big Data and Social Services”

In this inaugural lecture, Mrs. Richmond answered the question of why with Big Data can we respond better to the needs of the citizens ?. The cycle will continue on October 29, with the debate How can we improve today’s social services through Big Data, and other activities on November 19, January 31 and March 10.
The new Strategic Plan for Social Services wants to promote research and innovation

The new Strategic Plan for Social Services wants to promote research and innovation

The Minister of Labor, Social Affairs and Families of the Catalan Government, Chakir el Homrani, has presented the base document for the Strategic Plan for social services 2020-2024, which aims to respond to the current challenges, achieve a universal offer, and at the same time articulate and organize – To overcome current fragmentation and to deploy an information, innovation, knowledge and research system.
The Alzheimer’s Platform and the Maresme Foundation, the first partner-collaborating entities

The Alzheimer’s Platform and the Maresme Foundation, the first partner-collaborating entities

Amb l’objectiu d’ampliar la base social d’iSocial neix la modalitat dels socis-col·laboradors: organitzacions que entren a formar part d’iSocial per participar en els espais interns de generació de projectes (Labs) i per col·laborar en l’impuls de la fundació i el seu sosteniment econòmic. La Federació d’Alzheimer i la Fundació Maresme han estat les primeres organitzacions a donar aquest pas.

ELPIDA, a learning community to improve the quality of life of persons with intellectual disabilities

Publications Bank of innovations

ELPIDA, a learning community to improve the quality of life of persons with intellectual disabilities

Foundation of Research and Technology, Greece

Foto: ELPIDA Project

Open e-learning platform to provide the necessary knowledge and skills on how better to support the needs of children of all ages with intellectual disabilities. It contains six interactive educational modules providing more training, awareness raising and/or attitude change on key areas that have been identified with the active engagement of family members of PWID. These topics / areas are: Human rights, Communication, Ageing, Stress management, Transition to adulthood, and Sexual health.

The main objective of ELPIDA project is to improve the quality of life of persons with intellectual disabilities by empowering family members and especially parents. Project partners believe that knowledge to be gained by parents of persons with intellectual disability through this educational platform will have a positive impact their children and will contribute to a better transition to adulthood, social inclusion, and better quality of life in general.

Also the project aims to create a large community of well informed and adequately equipped participants who will feel competent to support the needs of their family member with intellectual disabilities.


Banc d’innovacions

Vila Veïna, a new public community care system

Vila Veïna, a new public community care system

Nou sistema públic de cures de la ciutat de Barcelona que pretén aconseguir un model d’atenció sociosanitari més reduït i proper a les persones usuàries.
Hotel Social per a persones drogodependents en situació de sensellarisme

Social Hotel for drug addicts in a homeless situation

Social Hotel for drug addicts in a homeless situation.
Inclusively, plataforma digital de cerca de feina per a persones amb discapacitat

Inclusively, a digital job search platform for people with disabilities

Inclusively, a digital job search platform for people with disabilities.

Les meves ajudes, an on-line tool to facilitate access to social assistance

Publications Bank of innovations

Les meves ajudes, an on-line tool to facilitate access to social assistance

Barcelona’s City Council

Foto: Ajuntament de Barcelona

A simulator called “Les meves ajudes”, allows on line consultation of the social aids a person is entitled to regardless of the Administration that manages them.

The simulator works anonymously and, based on the input, indicates which social aids may be requested, estimates the amount, and links to the procedures to be followed to request them.

Les meves ajudes

Banc d’innovacions

Vila Veïna, a new public community care system

Vila Veïna, a new public community care system

Nou sistema públic de cures de la ciutat de Barcelona que pretén aconseguir un model d’atenció sociosanitari més reduït i proper a les persones usuàries.
Hotel Social per a persones drogodependents en situació de sensellarisme

Social Hotel for drug addicts in a homeless situation

Social Hotel for drug addicts in a homeless situation.
Inclusively, plataforma digital de cerca de feina per a persones amb discapacitat

Inclusively, a digital job search platform for people with disabilities

Inclusively, a digital job search platform for people with disabilities.

Agreement with Social Work Barcelona University to consolidate the collaboration with iSocial

Publications News

Agreement with Social Work Barcelona University to consolidate the collaboration with iSocial


Montse Cervera, president of the iSocial Foundation, and Violeta Quiroga, director of the School of Social Work of the Barcelona University, have signed an agreement between both institutions to consolidate and expand the collaboration that already existed since the inn Ongoing by the iSocial Foundation. The agreement will promote and facilitate the participation of teachers of the School in the educational activities of iSocial, and the collaboration in research and innovation projects in the field of Social Services.

At the moment several professors and professors of the School of Social Work UB comprise of the Social Council of iSocial, and take part in the formative offer of iSocial for the teams of Social Services of city councils and regional advice. At the same time, the Social Work School is a partner of two iSocial innovation projects: one in the field of children and young people migrating alone; and the other in the field of homeless people.

With about 1,100 students, the School of Social Work of the University of Barcelona is the main center for training in Social Work and Social Services in Catalonia, and also the oldest center since its origins go back to 1953. In addition to the Degree in Social Work offers a wide range of specialization, postgraduate and master’s courses to deepen into professional practice in Social Services.


New project: We promote an App to innovate in the care of adolescents and young people migrated alone

New project: We promote an App to innovate in the care of adolescents and young people migrated alone

On October 15 the Social Foundation and other 8 organizations, we have taken the kick-off meeting of the project, which will develop and experience a package of digital tools for mobile phones aimed at improving and strengthening the socio-educational accompaniment that the Catalan Government’s attention and protection system offers to about 4,000 adolescents and young people migrated alone.
Experts ask for communication strategies to prestige the Social Services system

Experts ask for communication strategies to prestige the Social Services system

In a debate organized by the iSocial Foundation on October 10, the invited experts say that the lack of a clear identity, invisibility or, even, a distorted and stigmatized image, are now a burden for the responsible administrations And for professionals working in Social Services.
We start the international project of a voice assistant for immigrants and refugees

We start the international project of a voice assistant for immigrants and refugees

Welcome is a Horizon 2020 project led by UPF with 5 participating countries. The smartphone assistant will facilitate the knowledge of the host society and the processes of labor insertion, based on information appropriate to the profile of each person, and will provide information on the most frequent demands of the immigrants and refugees.
An excellent conference by Rebecca Richmond (UK) opens the cycle “Big Data and Social Services”

An excellent conference by Rebecca Richmond (UK) opens the cycle “Big Data and Social Services”

In this inaugural lecture, Mrs. Richmond answered the question of why with Big Data can we respond better to the needs of the citizens ?. The cycle will continue on October 29, with the debate How can we improve today’s social services through Big Data, and other activities on November 19, January 31 and March 10.
The new Strategic Plan for Social Services wants to promote research and innovation

The new Strategic Plan for Social Services wants to promote research and innovation

The Minister of Labor, Social Affairs and Families of the Catalan Government, Chakir el Homrani, has presented the base document for the Strategic Plan for social services 2020-2024, which aims to respond to the current challenges, achieve a universal offer, and at the same time articulate and organize – To overcome current fragmentation and to deploy an information, innovation, knowledge and research system.
The Alzheimer’s Platform and the Maresme Foundation, the first partner-collaborating entities

The Alzheimer’s Platform and the Maresme Foundation, the first partner-collaborating entities

Amb l’objectiu d’ampliar la base social d’iSocial neix la modalitat dels socis-col·laboradors: organitzacions que entren a formar part d’iSocial per participar en els espais interns de generació de projectes (Labs) i per col·laborar en l’impuls de la fundació i el seu sosteniment econòmic. La Federació d’Alzheimer i la Fundació Maresme han estat les primeres organitzacions a donar aquest pas.

Agreement between UOC and iSocial to join forces in the strengthening of innovation in the social sector

Publications News

Agreement between UOC and iSocial to join forces in the strengthening of innovation in the social sector


This Tuesday, June 11th, the rector of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya-UOC, Mr. Josep A. Planell, and the president of the iSocial Foundation, Ms. Montse Cervera, have signed a framework collaboration agreement between both institutions, to promote joint training and research activities and to join forces in the development of innovation projects for the social sector.

The agreement already includes a first list of three activities promoted by the iSocial Foundation in which the UOC will collaborate in the coming months. First, the UOC will sponsor the “Big data and Social Services” conferences organized by iSocial with Obra Social La Caixa, starting in September, taking over the invitation of international speakers. And secondly, it will collaborate on two digital innovation projects led by the iSocial Foundation, one aimed at children and young people eweed alone, and another aimed at homeless people, through teachers and students of their University Master’s in Development of Mobile Applications, and the Hubbick program for accelerating start-up technology.

This agreement adds to the agreement established with the Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation last February, and it becomes the second institution that establishes a stable collaboration agreement with iSocial to strengthen the activities and projects of the foundation.


New project: We promote an App to innovate in the care of adolescents and young people migrated alone

New project: We promote an App to innovate in the care of adolescents and young people migrated alone

On October 15 the Social Foundation and other 8 organizations, we have taken the kick-off meeting of the project, which will develop and experience a package of digital tools for mobile phones aimed at improving and strengthening the socio-educational accompaniment that the Catalan Government’s attention and protection system offers to about 4,000 adolescents and young people migrated alone.
Experts ask for communication strategies to prestige the Social Services system

Experts ask for communication strategies to prestige the Social Services system

In a debate organized by the iSocial Foundation on October 10, the invited experts say that the lack of a clear identity, invisibility or, even, a distorted and stigmatized image, are now a burden for the responsible administrations And for professionals working in Social Services.
We start the international project of a voice assistant for immigrants and refugees

We start the international project of a voice assistant for immigrants and refugees

Welcome is a Horizon 2020 project led by UPF with 5 participating countries. The smartphone assistant will facilitate the knowledge of the host society and the processes of labor insertion, based on information appropriate to the profile of each person, and will provide information on the most frequent demands of the immigrants and refugees.
An excellent conference by Rebecca Richmond (UK) opens the cycle “Big Data and Social Services”

An excellent conference by Rebecca Richmond (UK) opens the cycle “Big Data and Social Services”

In this inaugural lecture, Mrs. Richmond answered the question of why with Big Data can we respond better to the needs of the citizens ?. The cycle will continue on October 29, with the debate How can we improve today’s social services through Big Data, and other activities on November 19, January 31 and March 10.
The new Strategic Plan for Social Services wants to promote research and innovation

The new Strategic Plan for Social Services wants to promote research and innovation

The Minister of Labor, Social Affairs and Families of the Catalan Government, Chakir el Homrani, has presented the base document for the Strategic Plan for social services 2020-2024, which aims to respond to the current challenges, achieve a universal offer, and at the same time articulate and organize – To overcome current fragmentation and to deploy an information, innovation, knowledge and research system.
The Alzheimer’s Platform and the Maresme Foundation, the first partner-collaborating entities

The Alzheimer’s Platform and the Maresme Foundation, the first partner-collaborating entities

Amb l’objectiu d’ampliar la base social d’iSocial neix la modalitat dels socis-col·laboradors: organitzacions que entren a formar part d’iSocial per participar en els espais interns de generació de projectes (Labs) i per col·laborar en l’impuls de la fundació i el seu sosteniment econòmic. La Federació d’Alzheimer i la Fundació Maresme han estat les primeres organitzacions a donar aquest pas.

ValuAble, tools for work inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities in the hospitality sector

Publications Bank of innovations

ValuAble, tools for work inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities in the hospitality sector



International certification of hospitality establishments that are socially responsible in the employment of people with intellectual disabilities

ValuAble is a network of companies and European associations and foundations related to Down syndrome that provides international certification to hospitality establishments that are socially responsible in the professional inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities.

Additionally, ValuAble has developed different tools to facilitate the integration of these individuals into their work environment. Firstly, the application “On my own at work,” which is individually adapted to each worker and helps them develop their job. Secondly, videos aimed at both employers and workers that show examples of how the correct relationships between people with intellectual disabilities and their coworkers should be.

Finally, a set of training tools aimed at the establishment managers to facilitate obtaining the certification.


Banc d’innovacions

Vila Veïna, a new public community care system

Vila Veïna, a new public community care system

Nou sistema públic de cures de la ciutat de Barcelona que pretén aconseguir un model d’atenció sociosanitari més reduït i proper a les persones usuàries.
Hotel Social per a persones drogodependents en situació de sensellarisme

Social Hotel for drug addicts in a homeless situation

Social Hotel for drug addicts in a homeless situation.
Inclusively, plataforma digital de cerca de feina per a persones amb discapacitat

Inclusively, a digital job search platform for people with disabilities

Inclusively, a digital job search platform for people with disabilities.

1st session in Sabadell of “Leadership and Innovation in Social Services”

Publications News

1st session in Sabadell of “Leadership and Innovation in Social Services”


On May 7th, the entire Social Services coordinator team of the Sabadell City Council, made up of 15 people, has begun the course of the iSocial Foundation “Leadership and Innovation in Social Services”, at the Casal Pere Quart in the city. The course consists of 15 sessions of three hours, and will take place during the months of May and June. This first day, Urgell Poch, a social worker and a political scientist, led a session on “Today’s basic Social Services Challenges of municipalities”.

This period of two months of training will then be complemented by a four-month individual and group accompaniment process, for the implementation of acquired learning, and a final evaluation. The teaching team is made up of 8 expert people with a long history of work in the Social Services sector.

The “Leadership and Innovation in Social Services” Program aims to provide tools for municipal and county Social Services professionals who carry out management and / or coordination functions, so that they face innovative and creative challenges with their teams, the challenges of improvement and transformation that the organization demands, in order to achieve a quality service provision that responds to the new needs and expectations of each territory.

Based on the analysis of the current challenges of Social Services and the new paradigms, ethical principles and professional debates within the sector, tools and solutions are being developed that allow professionals to manage their interventions that respond to a proactively, introducing an appropriate management of knowledge and continuous improvement, both with the professional teams themselves and with the group of internal and external stakeholders.

It is a flexible program that the iSocial Foundation adapts to the needs and characteristics of each City Council or the County Council.


New project: We promote an App to innovate in the care of adolescents and young people migrated alone

New project: We promote an App to innovate in the care of adolescents and young people migrated alone

On October 15 the Social Foundation and other 8 organizations, we have taken the kick-off meeting of the project, which will develop and experience a package of digital tools for mobile phones aimed at improving and strengthening the socio-educational accompaniment that the Catalan Government’s attention and protection system offers to about 4,000 adolescents and young people migrated alone.
Experts ask for communication strategies to prestige the Social Services system

Experts ask for communication strategies to prestige the Social Services system

In a debate organized by the iSocial Foundation on October 10, the invited experts say that the lack of a clear identity, invisibility or, even, a distorted and stigmatized image, are now a burden for the responsible administrations And for professionals working in Social Services.
We start the international project of a voice assistant for immigrants and refugees

We start the international project of a voice assistant for immigrants and refugees

Welcome is a Horizon 2020 project led by UPF with 5 participating countries. The smartphone assistant will facilitate the knowledge of the host society and the processes of labor insertion, based on information appropriate to the profile of each person, and will provide information on the most frequent demands of the immigrants and refugees.
An excellent conference by Rebecca Richmond (UK) opens the cycle “Big Data and Social Services”

An excellent conference by Rebecca Richmond (UK) opens the cycle “Big Data and Social Services”

In this inaugural lecture, Mrs. Richmond answered the question of why with Big Data can we respond better to the needs of the citizens ?. The cycle will continue on October 29, with the debate How can we improve today’s social services through Big Data, and other activities on November 19, January 31 and March 10.
The new Strategic Plan for Social Services wants to promote research and innovation

The new Strategic Plan for Social Services wants to promote research and innovation

The Minister of Labor, Social Affairs and Families of the Catalan Government, Chakir el Homrani, has presented the base document for the Strategic Plan for social services 2020-2024, which aims to respond to the current challenges, achieve a universal offer, and at the same time articulate and organize – To overcome current fragmentation and to deploy an information, innovation, knowledge and research system.
The Alzheimer’s Platform and the Maresme Foundation, the first partner-collaborating entities

The Alzheimer’s Platform and the Maresme Foundation, the first partner-collaborating entities

Amb l’objectiu d’ampliar la base social d’iSocial neix la modalitat dels socis-col·laboradors: organitzacions que entren a formar part d’iSocial per participar en els espais interns de generació de projectes (Labs) i per col·laborar en l’impuls de la fundació i el seu sosteniment econòmic. La Federació d’Alzheimer i la Fundació Maresme han estat les primeres organitzacions a donar aquest pas.

B·MINCOME, looking for the best way out of poverty

Publications Bank of innovations

B·MINCOME, looking for the best way out of poverty

Barcelona City Council

Foto: Barcelona City Council

B·MINCOME is a pilot project for the establishment of a municipal inclusion salary in the city of Barcelona, which is testing with one thousand vulnerable families in the ten most deprived Barcelona neighborhoods, the efficacy and efficiency of combining a stable financial help with active social-employment policies.

B·MINCOME is a project pilot to fight against poverty and inequality based in the development of an integral policy which combines a public passive policy (a Municipal Inclusive Support, a financial help that supplements the income of the selected people and families) with four active social-employment policies: a combined education and employment plan; actions for the encouragement of the socio-collaborative economy; grants for the rehabilitation of homes which may allow room rentals; and a program for participation in community networks.


Banc d’innovacions

Vila Veïna, a new public community care system

Vila Veïna, a new public community care system

Nou sistema públic de cures de la ciutat de Barcelona que pretén aconseguir un model d’atenció sociosanitari més reduït i proper a les persones usuàries.
Hotel Social per a persones drogodependents en situació de sensellarisme

Social Hotel for drug addicts in a homeless situation

Social Hotel for drug addicts in a homeless situation.
Inclusively, plataforma digital de cerca de feina per a persones amb discapacitat

Inclusively, a digital job search platform for people with disabilities

Inclusively, a digital job search platform for people with disabilities.

Call for technological solutions for the elderly

Publications News

Call for technological solutions for the elderly


Although there are already many technological solutions to improve the quality of life of the elderly, more must be done. That is why the Mobile World Capital Foundation, Barcelona City Council and 5G Barcelona have launched a call to find solutions that can have a positive impact on the daily lives of the elderly.

The deadline for submitting proposals is May 22 and the winners will have the opportunity to carry out their proposal in the city of Barcelona with the financial and operational support of MWCapital. Digital, truly disruptive and innovative technological solutions are sought that can have a positive impact on the daily life of the elderly to live independently at home as long as possible.


New project: We promote an App to innovate in the care of adolescents and young people migrated alone

New project: We promote an App to innovate in the care of adolescents and young people migrated alone

On October 15 the Social Foundation and other 8 organizations, we have taken the kick-off meeting of the project, which will develop and experience a package of digital tools for mobile phones aimed at improving and strengthening the socio-educational accompaniment that the Catalan Government’s attention and protection system offers to about 4,000 adolescents and young people migrated alone.
Experts ask for communication strategies to prestige the Social Services system

Experts ask for communication strategies to prestige the Social Services system

In a debate organized by the iSocial Foundation on October 10, the invited experts say that the lack of a clear identity, invisibility or, even, a distorted and stigmatized image, are now a burden for the responsible administrations And for professionals working in Social Services.
We start the international project of a voice assistant for immigrants and refugees

We start the international project of a voice assistant for immigrants and refugees

Welcome is a Horizon 2020 project led by UPF with 5 participating countries. The smartphone assistant will facilitate the knowledge of the host society and the processes of labor insertion, based on information appropriate to the profile of each person, and will provide information on the most frequent demands of the immigrants and refugees.
An excellent conference by Rebecca Richmond (UK) opens the cycle “Big Data and Social Services”

An excellent conference by Rebecca Richmond (UK) opens the cycle “Big Data and Social Services”

In this inaugural lecture, Mrs. Richmond answered the question of why with Big Data can we respond better to the needs of the citizens ?. The cycle will continue on October 29, with the debate How can we improve today’s social services through Big Data, and other activities on November 19, January 31 and March 10.
The new Strategic Plan for Social Services wants to promote research and innovation

The new Strategic Plan for Social Services wants to promote research and innovation

The Minister of Labor, Social Affairs and Families of the Catalan Government, Chakir el Homrani, has presented the base document for the Strategic Plan for social services 2020-2024, which aims to respond to the current challenges, achieve a universal offer, and at the same time articulate and organize – To overcome current fragmentation and to deploy an information, innovation, knowledge and research system.
The Alzheimer’s Platform and the Maresme Foundation, the first partner-collaborating entities

The Alzheimer’s Platform and the Maresme Foundation, the first partner-collaborating entities

Amb l’objectiu d’ampliar la base social d’iSocial neix la modalitat dels socis-col·laboradors: organitzacions que entren a formar part d’iSocial per participar en els espais interns de generació de projectes (Labs) i per col·laborar en l’impuls de la fundació i el seu sosteniment econòmic. La Federació d’Alzheimer i la Fundació Maresme han estat les primeres organitzacions a donar aquest pas.