Gillie.AI, artificial intelligence that monitors patients at home

Publications Bank of innovations

Gillie.AI, artificial intelligence that monitors patients at home


Image taken from Gillie.AI’s website

Cloud service that, thanks to Gillie.AI technology, analyzes the medical and welfare data of people with long-term care needs, to turn them into practical information and personalize their attention.

Artificial intelligence allows those who take care of patients at home to constantly monitor their physical and mental wellbeing through a platform that monitors the condition of patients remotely.

Gillie.AI’s software analyzes the reports that workers produce when visiting patients and draws conclusions: if there has been an improvement, if the patient’s situation has worsened in a particular aspect… By doing this, risk patterns can be easily identified and urgent needs can be anticipated.

In addition, professionals can organise patients’ visits according to how critical their state is and receive direct notifications to their smartphones in case of emergency.

GILLIE Healthcare

Banc d’innovacions

Usuària utilitzant l'aplicació eRueca amb el mòbil

e-Rueca, a virtual support for citizens at risk of exclusion

e-Rueca is a virtual social center that provides information, guidance, and support to individuals in situations of social exclusion through a multi-channel online connection.
Projecte e-Fabrik - Joves col·laboren amb persones amb discapacitat per crear ajuts funcionals

E-Fabrik, innovative and solidarity solutions for people with disabilities

E-Fabrik is an innovative initiative that brings together young people and individuals with disabilities in a creative community with the aim of jointly conceiving solutions to address the challenges faced by people with disabilities in their daily lives.
Imatge d'una habitant del projecte Llar Casa Bloc a l'entrada de l'edifici.

Llar Casa Bloc, Social Housing and Support for Empowering Individuals in Vulnerable Situations

“Llar casa bloc” is a social housing network project promoted by Hàbitat3, providing social support and technological resources to promote autonomy and empowerment among its residents.

iSocial members visit Broomx to discover their immersive technology

Publications News

iSocial members visit Broomx to discover their immersive technology


Yesterday, the fourth and final day of the sessions organised by iSocial was held to let the fundation’s members get to know the immersive technology of Broomx. After the initial presentation made in the Innovation Coffees in social services, about twenty professionals from the member entities of iSocial have participated in the four sessions, held at the catalan start-up’s office in Poblenou (Barcelona). During these visits, they have been able to discover how the MK360 projector works and then discussed the possible uses in their work fields: dementias, intellectual disability, youth mental health, addictions, behavioural disorders and gender violence, among others.

The applications of immersive technology, which have long been present in sectors such as culture or tourism, have already shown good results in other sectors like health or education. The projector created by Broomx offers advantages that can allow this technology to spread to the social field more easily. Some studies at medical centres such as Vall d’Hebrón Hospital, the Guttmann Institute and Olot Hospital have proved the advantages that this new technology can offer both to users, their families and also to the professionals who take care of them.

The entities involved in these sessions will now jointly explore the possibility of testing specific applications of this immersive technology in their services, centres and resources.


22 professionals from iSocial organisations participate in the 1st InnoTrip in the Netherlands

22 professionals from iSocial organisations participate in the 1st InnoTrip in the Netherlands

For four days they visited innovative services and projects in the fields of disability, youth care, access to housing, mental health and community work.
We participated in the 31st European Social Services Congress in Malmö (Sweden).

We participated in the 31st European Social Services Congress in Malmö (Sweden).

It has been dedicated to technological innovation in social services, and we have introduced our Nidus app for the homeless people.
An InnoLab looks at the transformation of professional roles in the social sector

An InnoLab looks at the transformation of professional roles in the social sector

25 human resources managers from 14 member organisations and 12 municipalities are looking for solutions to the difficulties in recruiting, retaining and motivating professionals in the social services sector.
First steps of the project for the digitisation of the Basic Social Services in Catalonia

First steps of the project for the digitisation of the Basic Social Services in Catalonia

DigitaliSSB is led by iSocial, in partnership with the URV, the Grífols Foundation and 19 local councils and county councils.
We are starting a new project to combat unwanted loneliness in the Catalan Pyrenees.

We are starting a new project to combat unwanted loneliness in the Catalan Pyrenees.

DISS Alt Pirineu-Aran will implement the Basque Tecnoadineko system developed by iSocial member Agintzari in the 6 counties of the Pyrenees.
INTRESS, new member of iSocial

INTRESS, new member of iSocial

It is a social entity with 2,000 professionals and services in Catalonia, the Balearic Islands and Madrid. It has become the 15th member of iSocial.

NIDUS Social Exclusion

Lab Innovation projects

NIDUS Social Exclusion

NIDUS Social Exclusion is a project to develop a digital toolkit for the homeless and for the social workers who support and accompany them.


The new NIDUS service, promoted by iSocial and its member NGO, is based on a digital platform, accessible from smartphones and computers, which offers homeless people a package of technological tools that facilitate the improvement of their living conditions and of their process of reintegration into society: a “digital safe” that allows them to save their documentation in the cloud; a chat system to easily communicate with social professionals who offer follow-up and support; an alarm button to call for help in a serious situation; a map of points of interest, services and resources that can respond to your needs; and a notification system to receive notices from NGO and municipal services that support them.

NIDUS ‘main digital tool is the digital safe, which allows a digital copy of the most important documentation to be safely stored in the cloud, and which at the same time serves to carry out administrative procedures. Given that the project was born mainly to respond to the serious problem of the loss of documentation that regularly affects these people, The loss of vital documentation (identity, administrative, work, family…) is a chronic problem that involves a lot of bureaucratic burden in the social NGO and the public social services that attend to them. It is estimated that social professionals should spend 20-30% of their time caring for the homeless to collect or retrieve their documentation, and this bureaucratic burden forces them to reduce the time spent on social support. In addition, the loss of documentation and its consequences is one of the main causes of anxiety and mental disorders in the homeless community. To resolve this, the project starts from the verification that today more than 80% of homeless people in Catalonia have a mobile phone, that other international projects have demonstrated the benefits of safe keeping their personal documentation in the cloud, and that the existing free cloud storage tools are not suitable for your profile and needs.

It is estimated that in Catalonia there are 53,118 people who suffer from a situation of homelessness, of which 5,571 people live on the street directly or spend the night in shelters but have to spend the rest of the day on the street. In the city of Barcelona, the number of homeless people who sleep on public and private resources that exist in the city has doubled in 12 years, and the number of people living in settlements has grown by 93% since 2015.

Today, social and residential exclusion is part of digital exclusion, and vice versa. Several studies have also shown the potential of digital inclusion in homeless people: physical and mental health, access to support networks, decreased victimization, or breaking relational barriers.

Led by


ADB Associació Benestar i Desenvolupament
Sant Pere Claver
Grup Atra

In collaboration with

Mobile World Capital Barcelona
Ajuntament de Barcelona Àrea de drets socials
Ajuntament de Girona
Ajuntament del Prat de Llobregat

Supported by

Generalitat de Catalunya Departament de Drets Socials

Fundació IDEA becomes iSocial’s eleventh entity member

Publications News

Fundació IDEA becomes iSocial’s eleventh entity member


IDEA Foundation’s board has recently approved to become a partner entity of iSocial. With this new addition, iSocial counts with  11 social entities members, including  founders, patrons and partners-couplers.

The IDEA Foundation (Insertment, Development, Accompanying) is an entity from Sabadell founded in 1985 that has as its fundamental goal the promotion and attention of children, teens and young people in social exclusion conditions. It develops its activity in the areas of education in leisure, non-regulated training, child protection and social diagnosis. Its activity takes place mostly in Catalonia, but it also carries out cooperation projects in Mozambique in the field of at-risk children.

By 2020, a total of 6,327 children, teens and young people have benefited from the socio-educative services and programs of the IDEA Foundation in Catalonia, through 218 professionals.

The IDEA Foundation has been at the same time, since 2019, one of the drivers behind iSocial’s FLAPP! project, and a large number of professionals and teenagers from the minors centers that it manages have participated in the co-creation workshops of this digital platform and in the pilot tests to experiment and evaluate it.

At the same time, IDEA professionals have participated as teachers in some of the training courses for municipal social services teams that iSocial Foundation has taught in recent years.


22 professionals from iSocial organisations participate in the 1st InnoTrip in the Netherlands

22 professionals from iSocial organisations participate in the 1st InnoTrip in the Netherlands

For four days they visited innovative services and projects in the fields of disability, youth care, access to housing, mental health and community work.
We participated in the 31st European Social Services Congress in Malmö (Sweden).

We participated in the 31st European Social Services Congress in Malmö (Sweden).

It has been dedicated to technological innovation in social services, and we have introduced our Nidus app for the homeless people.
An InnoLab looks at the transformation of professional roles in the social sector

An InnoLab looks at the transformation of professional roles in the social sector

25 human resources managers from 14 member organisations and 12 municipalities are looking for solutions to the difficulties in recruiting, retaining and motivating professionals in the social services sector.
First steps of the project for the digitisation of the Basic Social Services in Catalonia

First steps of the project for the digitisation of the Basic Social Services in Catalonia

DigitaliSSB is led by iSocial, in partnership with the URV, the Grífols Foundation and 19 local councils and county councils.
We are starting a new project to combat unwanted loneliness in the Catalan Pyrenees.

We are starting a new project to combat unwanted loneliness in the Catalan Pyrenees.

DISS Alt Pirineu-Aran will implement the Basque Tecnoadineko system developed by iSocial member Agintzari in the 6 counties of the Pyrenees.
INTRESS, new member of iSocial

INTRESS, new member of iSocial

It is a social entity with 2,000 professionals and services in Catalonia, the Balearic Islands and Madrid. It has become the 15th member of iSocial.

TippyTalk, a solution for people with a verbal disability to communicate

Publications Bank of innovations

TippyTalk, a solution for people with a verbal disability to communicate


Kids using TippyTalk on a tablet. Picture taken from TippyTalk website.

Application that allows people with nonverbal autism to express themselves through images representing elements of everyday life. By choosing different icons, they can decide who they want to talk with – their mother or father, for example – and tell them what they need, how they feel or what draws their attention. Parents, or the caregiver, receive a text message that allows them to understand what the person with autism cannot explain by words.

The person who takes care of someone with autism can download the app from the App Store or Play Store, and create several items that will be chosen by the person who uses it. These can be your own photos, drawings or any image, and anyone doing this will also be able to write the text that you will receive via SMS according to the selected items. For example, when a fridge is pressed, it means that the person is hungry. In addition, you can also typeset a sound or a word that sounds each time an item is selected.

Currently, the application is only available in English, although you can change settings to put the words in any language. In terms of subscription, TippyTalk is a paid application, but they offer 14 days of free trial.


Banc d’innovacions

Usuària utilitzant l'aplicació eRueca amb el mòbil

e-Rueca, a virtual support for citizens at risk of exclusion

e-Rueca is a virtual social center that provides information, guidance, and support to individuals in situations of social exclusion through a multi-channel online connection.
Projecte e-Fabrik - Joves col·laboren amb persones amb discapacitat per crear ajuts funcionals

E-Fabrik, innovative and solidarity solutions for people with disabilities

E-Fabrik is an innovative initiative that brings together young people and individuals with disabilities in a creative community with the aim of jointly conceiving solutions to address the challenges faced by people with disabilities in their daily lives.
Imatge d'una habitant del projecte Llar Casa Bloc a l'entrada de l'edifici.

Llar Casa Bloc, Social Housing and Support for Empowering Individuals in Vulnerable Situations

“Llar casa bloc” is a social housing network project promoted by Hàbitat3, providing social support and technological resources to promote autonomy and empowerment among its residents.

MK360, immersive technology for the care and welfare of older people

Publications Bank of innovations

MK360, immersive technology for the care and welfare of older people

Broomx and Grup Arrels

Users of the Grup Arrels enjoying an immersive experience. Retrieved from Broomx’s website.

Projector that allows immersive group experiences of 360 degrees to the range of services, residences, and open centres for older people to perform cognitive, physical, sensorial, and emotional stimulation activities with great therapeutic power.

Thanks to the collaboration between the Catalan company Broomx and the Foundation Grup Arrels, they have fostered diverse experiences of application of immersive technology MK360 in old users of different services: treatment of people with cognitive disorders, dementia and Alzheimer’s; the creation of relaxing spaces where music and images surround the users; funny and energizing experiences, such as the projection of a roller coaster tour; or the recreation of city sites in an immersive way, an experience that has been especially useful during the months of residential confinement due to Covid-19.

The 360-degree images that the Grup Arrels projected through the projectors MK360 of Broomx were recorded by the group’s own socio-sanitary professionals, using their mobile phones, in community and neighbourhood spaces (parks, markets, streets, etc.) in the city of Barcelona.


Banc d’innovacions

Usuària utilitzant l'aplicació eRueca amb el mòbil

e-Rueca, a virtual support for citizens at risk of exclusion

e-Rueca is a virtual social center that provides information, guidance, and support to individuals in situations of social exclusion through a multi-channel online connection.
Projecte e-Fabrik - Joves col·laboren amb persones amb discapacitat per crear ajuts funcionals

E-Fabrik, innovative and solidarity solutions for people with disabilities

E-Fabrik is an innovative initiative that brings together young people and individuals with disabilities in a creative community with the aim of jointly conceiving solutions to address the challenges faced by people with disabilities in their daily lives.
Imatge d'una habitant del projecte Llar Casa Bloc a l'entrada de l'edifici.

Llar Casa Bloc, Social Housing and Support for Empowering Individuals in Vulnerable Situations

“Llar casa bloc” is a social housing network project promoted by Hàbitat3, providing social support and technological resources to promote autonomy and empowerment among its residents.

Easy Reading, making webpages accessible to people with cognitive disabilities

Publications Bank of innovations

Easy Reading, making webpages accessible to people with cognitive disabilities

Athena, Dart, FunkaNu, JKU, KI-I, PIKSL, Texthelp, TUD, W3C

Test of the Easy Reading software. Retrieved from the Easy Reading website

Software for Internet users with cognitive disabilities that offers a wide tool package to make it easy to read and understand any existing web page. It can be installed on the computer of those people who need it, and Easy Reading is responsible for adapting the content of web pages in the way most useful way for the user: making the structure simpler; changing the colours and design; explaining the content with symbols, videos or images; defining the words that the text includes; passing the text to a voice; etc. The software offers all these functions semi-automatically, as they require a certain interaction with the user.

To develop the project, “peer research” has been used to take into account the real needs of users, involving those who will use the end product, in this case people with cognitive disabilities. These are the main target group of Easy Reading, but not the only one, as it can also benefit old people with cognitive disabilities or other people with cognitive difficulties.

Easy Reading

Banc d’innovacions

Usuària utilitzant l'aplicació eRueca amb el mòbil

e-Rueca, a virtual support for citizens at risk of exclusion

e-Rueca is a virtual social center that provides information, guidance, and support to individuals in situations of social exclusion through a multi-channel online connection.
Projecte e-Fabrik - Joves col·laboren amb persones amb discapacitat per crear ajuts funcionals

E-Fabrik, innovative and solidarity solutions for people with disabilities

E-Fabrik is an innovative initiative that brings together young people and individuals with disabilities in a creative community with the aim of jointly conceiving solutions to address the challenges faced by people with disabilities in their daily lives.
Imatge d'una habitant del projecte Llar Casa Bloc a l'entrada de l'edifici.

Llar Casa Bloc, Social Housing and Support for Empowering Individuals in Vulnerable Situations

“Llar casa bloc” is a social housing network project promoted by Hàbitat3, providing social support and technological resources to promote autonomy and empowerment among its residents.

Helpper, people with support needs connect with people willing to help them

Publications Bank of innovations

Helpper, people with support needs connect with people willing to help them


Young helpper helping an elderly woman to do groceries. Retrieved from Helpper’s website.

Service that connects people who need some support for their daily life tasks (helppies), with people close to them, in the same neighbourhood or village, who are willing to help them (helppers).

Helppper is a model that seeks the comfort of both sides, because it allows helppers to specify what their availability is (schedule, types of service they can offer, if they offer it free or with remuneration, etc.); and the helppies to select the support to be received (what person, for which support needs, schedule, modality, price, etc.). Helpper offers three subscription modalities: Basic, Standard and Premium, to make it easier for each person to personify the level of assistance they want to receive.

People with disabilities, with chronic diseases, elderly people, parents and mothers who are very busy, and even carers who need help in caring for dependents, can access the service.

The types of assistance or possible tasks to offer/receive include: small home repairs; food aid; support with administrative processes; travel and transport support; company to mitigate unwanted loneliness; babysitting; etc.

The service is available in French and Dutch.


Banc d’innovacions

Usuària utilitzant l'aplicació eRueca amb el mòbil

e-Rueca, a virtual support for citizens at risk of exclusion

e-Rueca is a virtual social center that provides information, guidance, and support to individuals in situations of social exclusion through a multi-channel online connection.
Projecte e-Fabrik - Joves col·laboren amb persones amb discapacitat per crear ajuts funcionals

E-Fabrik, innovative and solidarity solutions for people with disabilities

E-Fabrik is an innovative initiative that brings together young people and individuals with disabilities in a creative community with the aim of jointly conceiving solutions to address the challenges faced by people with disabilities in their daily lives.
Imatge d'una habitant del projecte Llar Casa Bloc a l'entrada de l'edifici.

Llar Casa Bloc, Social Housing and Support for Empowering Individuals in Vulnerable Situations

“Llar casa bloc” is a social housing network project promoted by Hàbitat3, providing social support and technological resources to promote autonomy and empowerment among its residents.

Virtual visits to social services to bring them closer to citizenship

Publications Bank of innovations

Virtual visits to social services to bring them closer to citizenship

Vitoria-Gasteiz City Council

Example of a virtual visit. Retrieved from Vitoria-Gasteiz City Council website.

Service that allows virtual visits to the different social services offered by the City Council of Vitoria-Gasteiz. It is a combination of Google Street View and YouTube 360 technologies to be able to offer an immersive and real experience without moving from home. This technology enables the realization of interactive visits, while at the same time providing summary videos of the sites through the local social services website.

Visits are tours that serve to make the services and their facilities known, using them agilely and easily, either through the interaction with the computer’s mouse, touch-like to mobile devices, or even with virtual reality glasses. Spaces can be visited virtually at any time, and thanks to the 360 degrees’ video format the feel is similar to being present in the visited site.

This information instrument seeks, not only to connect social services with citizenship, but also to other institutions, third sector entities, etc. to promote networking and cooperation between services.

Ayuntamiento de Vitoria-Gasteiz

Banc d’innovacions

Usuària utilitzant l'aplicació eRueca amb el mòbil

e-Rueca, a virtual support for citizens at risk of exclusion

e-Rueca is a virtual social center that provides information, guidance, and support to individuals in situations of social exclusion through a multi-channel online connection.
Projecte e-Fabrik - Joves col·laboren amb persones amb discapacitat per crear ajuts funcionals

E-Fabrik, innovative and solidarity solutions for people with disabilities

E-Fabrik is an innovative initiative that brings together young people and individuals with disabilities in a creative community with the aim of jointly conceiving solutions to address the challenges faced by people with disabilities in their daily lives.
Imatge d'una habitant del projecte Llar Casa Bloc a l'entrada de l'edifici.

Llar Casa Bloc, Social Housing and Support for Empowering Individuals in Vulnerable Situations

“Llar casa bloc” is a social housing network project promoted by Hàbitat3, providing social support and technological resources to promote autonomy and empowerment among its residents.

There is growing interest in our FLAPP! project

Publications News

There is growing interest in our FLAPP! project


FLAPP!, the app for teenagers and young people with emancipation and inclusion needs developed by the iSocial Foundation, is increasingly arousing interest among social organizations, administrations and international organizations. After being born in Catalonia in 2019, with the support of the General Directorate of Child and Adolescent Care of the Catalan Government, and having been developed, tested and evaluated during the year 2020 in collaboration with the University of Barcelona and six Catalan social NGO, since 2021 the samples of interest from other territories and institutions have multiplied.

We highlight the presentations made to the network of municipalities FAMSI of Andalusia; to the Ministry of Social Policies of the Basque Government; to the National Institute for Social Action of Morocco; to the UNICEF-Mexico migration team; or to UNICEF-Europe. Likewise, in Catalonia it has aroused the interest not only of the collaborating entities of the protection system, but also of other entities linked to the programs of new opportunities or to programs of attention to the mental health of young people.

Another noteworthy fact is that we have also received proposals to develop variants of FLAPP! for other areas of social intervention. Based on these, the iSocial Foundation has decided to develop a variant of FLAPP! aimed at homeless adults, considering the interest expressed by some catalan municipalities such as Barcelona and Girona. This new app, which does not yet have a name, will be developed by iSocial during 2021 and 2022, and will offer people in a situation of homelessness and the Administrations and specialized entities, a set of digital tools to improve support and accompaniment. to these people and facilitate their empowerment. Like FLAPP!, it will be tested and evaluated in collaboration with a research team from the University of Barcelona and various NGO that are members of iSocial.

You can find more information about FLAPP! on the explanatory webpage of the project and also on the Web version of the application.


22 professionals from iSocial organisations participate in the 1st InnoTrip in the Netherlands

22 professionals from iSocial organisations participate in the 1st InnoTrip in the Netherlands

For four days they visited innovative services and projects in the fields of disability, youth care, access to housing, mental health and community work.
We participated in the 31st European Social Services Congress in Malmö (Sweden).

We participated in the 31st European Social Services Congress in Malmö (Sweden).

It has been dedicated to technological innovation in social services, and we have introduced our Nidus app for the homeless people.
An InnoLab looks at the transformation of professional roles in the social sector

An InnoLab looks at the transformation of professional roles in the social sector

25 human resources managers from 14 member organisations and 12 municipalities are looking for solutions to the difficulties in recruiting, retaining and motivating professionals in the social services sector.
First steps of the project for the digitisation of the Basic Social Services in Catalonia

First steps of the project for the digitisation of the Basic Social Services in Catalonia

DigitaliSSB is led by iSocial, in partnership with the URV, the Grífols Foundation and 19 local councils and county councils.
We are starting a new project to combat unwanted loneliness in the Catalan Pyrenees.

We are starting a new project to combat unwanted loneliness in the Catalan Pyrenees.

DISS Alt Pirineu-Aran will implement the Basque Tecnoadineko system developed by iSocial member Agintzari in the 6 counties of the Pyrenees.
INTRESS, new member of iSocial

INTRESS, new member of iSocial

It is a social entity with 2,000 professionals and services in Catalonia, the Balearic Islands and Madrid. It has become the 15th member of iSocial.