The basque cooperative group Angintzari, new iSocial member – Agintzari euskal erakundeak iSozialean sartzea onartu du

Publications News

The basque cooperative group Angintzari, new iSocial member – Agintzari euskal erakundeak iSozialean sartzea onartu du

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It becomes the thirteenth member entity of iSocial. AGINTZARI is a cooperative group with more than 40 years of experience and with strong implementation in Euskadi.

iSocial erakundeko hamahirugarren erakunde kidea da. Agintzari kooperatibak 40 urte baino gehiagoko ibilbidea du, eta ezarpen handia du Euskadin.

The board of the basque cooperative group Angintzari today approved its adhesion to the iSocial Foundation as a social-collaborator entity. With this new incorporation, the social entities of ISOCIAL are already thirteen, and supposes the first link of an entity from outside Catalonia.

AGINTZARI is a social initiative cooperative, with more than 40 years of experience, and is integrated into the Bogan group together with the Zabalduz and Hirube cooperatives. This group has more than 700 social education and psychology professionals. In its status as a social company involved in the development of the community, it operates in the field of social intervention, and related systems, such as the educational and socio -health field, working on the implementation of innovative proposals and in the management of Quality services aimed at overcoming the social needs of people and groups in a difficulty.

Angintzari’s relations with Isocial began in 2021, with several visits and meetings in Bilbao and Hernani (in photography), and since then the collaboration to boost joint projects has been increasing, in areas such as withouthogarismo, extined young people or the Attention to the loneliness of the elderly.

Agintzari euskal kooperatibaren zuzendaritza-kontseiluak gaur onartu du Fundacion iSocial erakundearekin bat egitea. Inkorporazio berri horrekin, dagoeneko hamahiru dira iSocial osatzen duten gizarte-erakundeak, eta Kataluniatik kanpoko erakunde baten lehen lotura da.

Agintzari gizarte-ekimeneko kooperatiba da, 40 urte baino gehiagoko ibilbidea du, eta BOGAN taldean sartuta dago (Zabalduz eta Hirube kooperatibekin batera). Talde horrek gizarte-hezkuntzako eta psikologiako 700 profesional baino gehiago ditu. Komunitatearen garapenean inplikatutako gizarte-enpresa den aldetik, esku-hartze sozialaren eta horrekin lotutako sistemen esparruan jarduten du, hala nola hezkuntzaren eta arlo soziosanitarioaren esparruan, eta proposamen berritzaileak abian jartzen eta kalitatezko zerbitzuak kudeatzen lan egiten du, zailtasun-egoeran dauden pertsonen eta kolektiboen gizarte-premiak gainditzera bideratuta.

Agintzari eta ISocial arteko harremanak 2021ean hasi ziren, Bilbon eta Hernanin hainbat bisita eta bilera eginez (argazkigintzan), eta, ordutik, proiektu bateratuak bultzatzeko lankidetza gero eta handiagoa izan da, besteak beste, etxegabetasunean, zaharkitutako gazteetan edo adinekoen bakardadearen arretan.



iSocial and nine other institutions promote BALL, the first Living Lab focused on ageing

iSocial and nine other institutions promote BALL, the first Living Lab focused on ageing

The Barcelona Aging coLLaboratory (BALL) aims to create innovative solutions, involving end-users.
Professionals of Ampans, Maresme Found., Joia Found., ATRA Group and Support-Girona participate in an exchange in Ireland

Professionals of Ampans, Maresme Found., Joia Found., ATRA Group and Support-Girona participate in an exchange in Ireland

Within the framework of the European project StepForME, led by iSocial, which aims to exchange good practices in the use of new technologies in youth mental health.
52 professionals from the Àuria Group and 5 ABSS from Girona in the course “From ACP to Self-directed Support”.

52 professionals from the Àuria Group and 5 ABSS from Girona in the course “From ACP to Self-directed Support”.

A total of 25 Social Services professionals from the Vegueria of Girona have been following a new edition of the training course “From Person-Centred Care to Self-directed Support” of the iSocial Foundation since 23rd September.
The Alba Group becomes the fourteenth member of iSocial

The Alba Group becomes the fourteenth member of iSocial

This September, the Alba Group approved its membership of the iSocial Foundation as a partner-collaborating organisation.
iSocial Foundation has completed 4 years. We are no longer a start-up, find out why. .

iSocial Foundation has completed 4 years. We are no longer a start-up, find out why. .

We are now facing a new stage marked by the start of new projects, growth in all indicators, increased projection and visibility, and economic consolidation.
The basque cooperative group Angintzari, new iSocial member – Agintzari euskal erakundeak iSozialean sartzea onartu du

The basque cooperative group Angintzari, new iSocial member – Agintzari euskal erakundeak iSozialean sartzea onartu du

It becomes the thirteenth member entity of iSocial. AGINTZARI is a cooperative group with more than 40 years of experience and with strong implementation in Euskadi. iSocial erakundeko hamahirugarren erakunde kidea da. Agintzari kooperatibak 40 urte baino gehiagoko ibilbidea du, eta ezarpen handia du Euskadin.

FIN(DA)WAY, an app for the reception and integration of refugees and asylum-seekers

Publications Bank of innovations

FIN(DA)WAY, an app for the reception and integration of refugees and asylum-seekers

Préfecture de Var

App aimed at guiding and facilitating the integration of refugees and asylum seekers, addressing their demands and needs and helping them to achieve a quick and autonomous adaptation in the host community.

FIN(DA)WAY provides access to information on the rights of refugees and asylum seekers, while helping them find resources related to training and employment. After co-creation and testing sessions with more than 60 people, the main contents and information included in the digital application are the following: help in finding places to stay or eat, information on transportation and documentation, facilities for learning French, the possibility of storing each person’s documentation within the application, and a contact book with their location. In addition, social professionals can also have access to communicate and interact with users.

The objective of FIN(DA)WAY is that refugees and asylum seekers can access the tool during the process of the first reception, in order to achieve autonomy from the first moment and speed up their integration into the country. In addition, it is an easy-to-use application, free of charge, with offline access and available in six languages (French, Pashto, English, Arabic, Russian and Spanish).

It is a service that offers immediate and personalized information and is subject to change, adapting to new demands, contents and services.

CRE-e, a multichannel guidance for employability

Publications Bank of innovations

CRE-e, a multichannel guidance for employability

Red Cross

Remote service to guide unemployed people in their job search, aimed at resolving doubts and accompanying them in the employability process through different channels and online activities.

Its objective is to provide job seekers with tools and information through a free telephone line, email, a Whatsapp channel and social networks (Instagram, Facebook and Twitter). With a call or message, the service’s professionals provide a personalized response in less than 72 hours to the questions and queries raised by users.

Its objective is to provide job seekers with tools and information through a free telephone line, email, a Whatsapp channel and social networks (Instagram, Facebook and Twitter). With a call or message, the service’s professionals provide a personalized response in less than 72 hours to the questions and queries raised by users.

In addition, the CRE-e multichannel has a content platform accessible to everyone free of charge. There are two main tools; the first is online conferences that aim to help people improve their employability. Each week they invite expert speakers to talk about various topics: employment and training resources, job search tools, labor market, and possible market niches. They also discuss specific initiatives aimed at young people, tips to give visibility to the curriculum for people over 50, and tools to work on digital skills, among others. Secondly, within the web platform there are all kinds of key resources so that people can resolve doubts autonomously. In addition, specific content on women’s issues (gender violence, labor rights, etc.) is included.

CRE-e complements the personalized itineraries that have been developed in Red Cross since 2014 for people at risk of social exclusion, a comprehensive response to people who present diverse situations and trajectories, in order to alleviate the situation of vulnerability they live in.

Primero, a digital platform for the protection of children in migratory contexts

Publications Bank of innovations

Primero, a digital platform for the protection of children in migratory contexts


Open source software platform that helps social services, humanitarian and development workers manage data related to child protection through tools that facilitate case management, incident tracking, migrant child tracing and family reunification.

The platform collects and manages data on children encountered in emergency migration contexts, and combines proven tools, global best practices and the latest open source technology to offer social service and humanitarian protection workers an easy-to-use and scalable solution to their data management challenges.

Primero enables its users to document events and violations to provide protection programs with up-to-date information on risk factors and patterns of violations. At the same time, child victims of violence can be linked to the services they need and prevention measures can be implemented to mitigate future risks. The platform’s powerful analytics and reporting tools ensure that the data is actionable.

Primero offers intuitive digital forms and clear workflows to help document case management processes, from identification and registration, to assessment, case planning, referrals and transfers, and case closure. With robust monitoring capabilities including email notifications for certain processes.

The platform uses sophisticated matching technology to match follow-up requests made by caregivers with the records of children registered as separated or unaccompanied. Matching criteria can be configured to meet the needs of the context. These functions are supported by a comprehensive case management module to ensure that children receive appropriate care.

Primero is a progressive web application (PWA) and leverages the latest technology to combine the best of web and mobile apps. The web app works across all browsers, regardless of operating system and on any device (mobile, tablet, laptop). It requires no previous user experience and can also be used offline, so that social workers can manage their work from anywhere, wherever they are. At the same time it offers the security and efficiency of digital case management in low connectivity configurations.

iSocial members discuss systems for measuring social impact

Publications News

iSocial members discuss systems for measuring social impact


In a new Innovation Coffee, in which 11 Catalan and Basque member organizations took part.

Yesterday, May 31st, the iSocial member organizations held a new Innovation Coffee, in virtual format, this time dedicated to reflecting on the systems for measuring social impact. Professionals from 11 organizations, 9 Catalan and 2 Basque, took part.

After a welcome from the president, Montse Cervera, an interesting dialogue took place with 4 member entities that in recent years have measured their impact on people and society with different methodologies: Ampans Foundation, Educational Platform, Foundation Sant Pere Claver and Fundació Support-Girona. On behalf of Ampans, Jordi Mir spoke, giving his point of view on the methodology Integrated Social Value Methodology – VSI that this foundation has been using for six years. On the part of Plataforma Educativa, Sonsoles Garcia spoke about the MasBusiness company, which explained the ONLBG methodology. Speaking on behalf of the Sant Pere Claver Group, Raul Alcazar spoke about his experience in using the SROI methodology. And Josep Maria Solé spoke on behalf of Support-Girona, also in relation to the use of the SROI system.

The dialogue between the four speakers and the subsequent debate with the other participating professionals, about twenty, were led and masterfully facilitated by Carmen Castrejon of Plataforma Educativa.

As a next step, the iSocial Foundation will draw up a comparative document on the various methodologies for measuring social impact, which will allow member organizations to make progress in tackling this challenge.

Measuring social impact is a useful action to learn and improve management. It facilitates decision making. And it gives legitimacy to the entity in front of the agents involved and in front of the community where it is inserted.

However, it is a complex task, both because of the important qualitative component of the methodologies and because of the difficulty of dedicating resources to this activity.

The desirability of measuring the impact, the diversity of existing methodologies and the difficulty of the task led the iSocial Foundation to choose this topic of discussion for Innovation Cafés with member entities.


iSocial and nine other institutions promote BALL, the first Living Lab focused on ageing

iSocial and nine other institutions promote BALL, the first Living Lab focused on ageing

The Barcelona Aging coLLaboratory (BALL) aims to create innovative solutions, involving end-users.
Professionals of Ampans, Maresme Found., Joia Found., ATRA Group and Support-Girona participate in an exchange in Ireland

Professionals of Ampans, Maresme Found., Joia Found., ATRA Group and Support-Girona participate in an exchange in Ireland

Within the framework of the European project StepForME, led by iSocial, which aims to exchange good practices in the use of new technologies in youth mental health.
52 professionals from the Àuria Group and 5 ABSS from Girona in the course “From ACP to Self-directed Support”.

52 professionals from the Àuria Group and 5 ABSS from Girona in the course “From ACP to Self-directed Support”.

A total of 25 Social Services professionals from the Vegueria of Girona have been following a new edition of the training course “From Person-Centred Care to Self-directed Support” of the iSocial Foundation since 23rd September.
The Alba Group becomes the fourteenth member of iSocial

The Alba Group becomes the fourteenth member of iSocial

This September, the Alba Group approved its membership of the iSocial Foundation as a partner-collaborating organisation.
iSocial Foundation has completed 4 years. We are no longer a start-up, find out why. .

iSocial Foundation has completed 4 years. We are no longer a start-up, find out why. .

We are now facing a new stage marked by the start of new projects, growth in all indicators, increased projection and visibility, and economic consolidation.
The basque cooperative group Angintzari, new iSocial member – Agintzari euskal erakundeak iSozialean sartzea onartu du

The basque cooperative group Angintzari, new iSocial member – Agintzari euskal erakundeak iSozialean sartzea onartu du

It becomes the thirteenth member entity of iSocial. AGINTZARI is a cooperative group with more than 40 years of experience and with strong implementation in Euskadi. iSocial erakundeko hamahirugarren erakunde kidea da. Agintzari kooperatibak 40 urte baino gehiagoko ibilbidea du, eta ezarpen handia du Euskadin.

Harvi, hearing habilitation in noise environments through virtual reality  

Publications Bank of innovations

Harvi, hearing habilitation in noise environments through virtual reality  

Eunate (Associació de Famílies de Persones Sordes de Navarra)

A tool that improves the hearing of deaf people in noisy environments. It is a technological device that improves the daily life of these people and facilitates their auditory, linguistic, educational, occupational and socio-emotional development.

The initiative makes it possible to work on hearing in virtual environments with a 360° field of vision and surrounding sound. With this technological innovation, deaf people can enter everyday spaces such as a dining room, a shopping mall or a terrace, and hear the different background sounds in these places, facilitating their participation and interaction when they are in these environments.

The auditory discrimination tool is used with a speech therapist, who controls the volume of the different sounds to promote learning in the identification of “background noise”, and to develop strategies to improve listening and communication.

The project has been developed by EUNATE, an organization that works with deaf people and their families, with the aim of reducing the barriers to inclusion that this group has and promote a comprehensive and global improvement for them.

Youth and Family Office, community-based model for raising vulnerable children.

Publications Bank of innovations

Youth and Family Office, community-based model for raising vulnerable children.

Youth and Familiy Office

Community model of care for vulnerable children and teenagers in the Austrian municipality of Graz, which seeks to strengthen resources for families, and to identify and resolve their specific needs. It is designed so that the child or teenager and the family are at the center, with an approach that takes into account the domestic and social context in which they live.

The initiative has been developed in four districts of the city, and focuses mainly on avoiding the institutionalization of the most vulnerable children. The program’s approach is preventive, offering families who are expecting a child to receive information free of charge and to participate in a wide range of activities to prepare them for future parenting. Some of the activities offered are home visits by professionals, as well as free lectures and courses. Attendance at these courses provides a booklet with stamps that provide an economic incentive exchangeable for other services in the city, such as visits to parental counseling centers.

Once the children are born, parents receive counseling, and if special needs are identified, they can be transitioned to specialized services. The program is also aimed at older ages, including adolescence, with services such as nursery schools or youth centers, as well as leisure activities and digital support.

Graz’s model promotes flexible assistance tailored to the needs of each family, which is always involved in the research and identification of solutions.

Getxo Zurekin, community accompaniment at the end of life

Publications Bank of innovations

Getxo Zurekin, community accompaniment at the end of life

Fundación doble sonrisa

A local community network that supports and accompanies people who are in a situation of advanced illness, offering a model of health, social and community care to improve their well-being and quality of life that goes beyond the resources and capacity of the health and social services systems.

The network acts in different areas: raising public awareness of the importance of care and support for dependent people or those at the end of life; training neighbors in palliative care; and promoting research to foster a paradigm shift in community care.

The network also provides information on the resources available in the municipality in relation to palliative care and the situation of people with advanced illness, in the form of a local observatory that seeks to detect support needs based on a pioneering collaborative methodology where citizen participation is key.

Getxo Zurekin believes in the strength of the community and in networking among people of the same population to take care of each other, to reach where public services cannot reach.

We’ve started “All by myself”, an aggregator of ICT tools for the intellectually disabled

Publications News

We’ve started “All by myself”, an aggregator of ICT tools for the intellectually disabled


The project is promoted by Found.iSocial, Found.AMPANS, Found.Maresme, Found.Catalana Síndrome de Down and Found.Support-Girona.

This May, the iSocial Foundation has launched a new innovation project in the field of social action, “All by myself”, that will develop over the next two years a global and intelligent software tool that adds the best ICT tools at the service of inclusion and support for the independent living of people with intellectual disabilities and / or mental illness. This is a project promoted jointly with four iSocial member foundations: the AMPANS Foundation in Manresa, the Maresme Foundation in Mataró, the Catalan Down Syndrome Foundation in Barcelona and the Support-Girona Foundation in Girona.

The new digital tool “All by myself” will help people with intellectual disabilities and / or mental illness to empower themselves, encourage their pro-activity and facilitate their autonomy in all areas, especially in the framework of Independent living, both for people who are moving to live alone and for those who continue to live with their families. The project was born from the need expressed by people with intellectual disabilities and mental illness who use mobile phones with some ease to solve the dispersion of existing ICT tools and have a single tool that classifies, evaluates and makes them easy. accessible.

“All by my self” will provide a digitally inclusive, cognitively accessible and easy-to-read tool for people with intellectual disabilities and mental illness, and will facilitate improvements in community inclusion with the support of ICT solutions in such diverse fields. such as social and family relations, parental function, education, training, work, health, citizen and political participation, culture, leisure, sport or leisure activities. To achieve this, the ICT tools that the tool will add will facilitate knowledge, liaison and participation in all those initiatives that provide services to make possible the Independent Living of people with intellectual disabilities and mental illness, with the added benefit of cross-border technology and being able to connect people with initiatives and solutions from other environments and countries.

The new digital tool will also facilitate the professional or voluntary work of personal assistants and professional, family and volunteer referrers to Independent Living programs for people with intellectual disabilities and mental illness; contribute to the advancement of a new way of providing distance services for people with intellectual disabilities and mental illness that is useful to specialized agencies and public systems; and will provide useful knowledge for improving Independent Living programs and planning future services for people with intellectual disabilities and mental illness.

The project has the support and funding of the Department of Social Rights of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

The project is expected to promote and promote dignity, personal freedom, equal opportunities, lowering barriers and the social inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities and mental illness, strengthening Independent Living programs and contributing to move towards the social model of disability enshrined in the United Nations International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.


iSocial and nine other institutions promote BALL, the first Living Lab focused on ageing

iSocial and nine other institutions promote BALL, the first Living Lab focused on ageing

The Barcelona Aging coLLaboratory (BALL) aims to create innovative solutions, involving end-users.
Professionals of Ampans, Maresme Found., Joia Found., ATRA Group and Support-Girona participate in an exchange in Ireland

Professionals of Ampans, Maresme Found., Joia Found., ATRA Group and Support-Girona participate in an exchange in Ireland

Within the framework of the European project StepForME, led by iSocial, which aims to exchange good practices in the use of new technologies in youth mental health.
52 professionals from the Àuria Group and 5 ABSS from Girona in the course “From ACP to Self-directed Support”.

52 professionals from the Àuria Group and 5 ABSS from Girona in the course “From ACP to Self-directed Support”.

A total of 25 Social Services professionals from the Vegueria of Girona have been following a new edition of the training course “From Person-Centred Care to Self-directed Support” of the iSocial Foundation since 23rd September.
The Alba Group becomes the fourteenth member of iSocial

The Alba Group becomes the fourteenth member of iSocial

This September, the Alba Group approved its membership of the iSocial Foundation as a partner-collaborating organisation.
iSocial Foundation has completed 4 years. We are no longer a start-up, find out why. .

iSocial Foundation has completed 4 years. We are no longer a start-up, find out why. .

We are now facing a new stage marked by the start of new projects, growth in all indicators, increased projection and visibility, and economic consolidation.
The basque cooperative group Angintzari, new iSocial member – Agintzari euskal erakundeak iSozialean sartzea onartu du

The basque cooperative group Angintzari, new iSocial member – Agintzari euskal erakundeak iSozialean sartzea onartu du

It becomes the thirteenth member entity of iSocial. AGINTZARI is a cooperative group with more than 40 years of experience and with strong implementation in Euskadi. iSocial erakundeko hamahirugarren erakunde kidea da. Agintzari kooperatibak 40 urte baino gehiagoko ibilbidea du, eta ezarpen handia du Euskadin.


Lab Innovation projects


All By Myself is a research project on an agregator of ICT tools at the service of inclusion and support for the autonomous life of people with intellectual disabilities.


Project that is developing a global and intelligent software tool that adds the best ICT tools to the service of inclusion and support for the independent life of people with intellectual disabilities and/or mental illness, in order to empower them, to encourage their pro-activity and to facilitate their autonomy in all areas, especially in the framework of Independent Living programs, both for people who take the step to live alone and those who continue to live with the family. The project is born from the need expressed by people with intellectual disabilities and mental illness who use mobile phones with some ease to solve the dispersion of existing ICT tools and have a single tool that classifies, values and makes them easily accessible.

“All by myself” will offer a digitally inclusive, cognitively accessible, and easy-to-read tool for people with intellectual disabilities and mental illness and will facilitate improvements in inclusion in the community with the support of ICT solutions in such diverse fields. such as social and family relations, parental function, education, training, work, health, citizen and political participation, culture, leisure, sport or leisure activities. To achieve this, the ICT tools that the tool will add will facilitate knowledge, liaison, and participation in all those initiatives that provide services to make possible the Independent Living of people with intellectual disabilities or mental illness, with the additional advantage offered by the technology of overcoming borders and being able to link people with initiatives and solutions from other environments and countries.

Led by

Fundació iSocial


Fundació El Maresme Discapacitats
FCSD Fundació Catalana Síndrome de Down

Supported by

Generalitat de Catalunya Departament de Drets Socials