New digital tools at the service of people who care

Campus InnoBreaks

New digital tools at the service of people who care

OKencasa (Basque Country) and myCarenet (Catalonia).

Held on July 11, 2023.

Care tasks involve supporting and assisting people who need help to carry out their daily activities for various reasons (illness, disability, aging, etc.). The role of non-professional or informal carers is key in the face of dependency, but the time and energy devoted to these demanding tasks can involve changes in their daily life and in their physical and emotional health.

For this reason, it is important to recognize the importance of the social contribution of carers and to provide them with adequate care support. In recent years, initiatives and platforms have been promoted that provide tools and resources to face care tasks effectively and allow the creation of optimal support networks for caregivers, with the aim of reducing their stress and exhaustion and be able to provide quality care without compromising their health and well-being.

  • OKencasa, platform launched in 2018 that offers support to non-professional carers who take care of elderly or dependent people. Through the Zaindoo app, it offers the permanent support of a professional, online training, tools to organize care tasks, and discounts or advantages in physiotherapy services, legal advice, home adaptation, etc. The aim is to accompany and improve the quality of life of the carer and to facilitate their day-to-day care, i.e. to take care of the people they care for.
  • myCarenet, application launched in 2018 that allows the person with some type of dependency or their family member or caregiver to weave and co-create their own support network, in their own home and in their usual environment. With an inclusive and community perspective, and at the same time preventing an eventual feeling of unwanted loneliness, myCarenet allows the burden of care to be shared, lightening the burden of the main carer.


  • Iñigo Kortabitarte, OKencasa (Basque Country)
  • Albert Puig, myCarenet (Catalonia)


Community work platforms and activation of neighborhood cooperation.

Community work platforms and activation of neighborhood cooperation.

Community work platforms and activation of neighborhood cooperation – HOPLR  (Belgium i A-Porta (Catalonia) – Held on 29/11/2022
Preventive action against neglect and child abuse

Preventive action against neglect and child abuse

AFST – Allegheny Family Screening Tool (USA) and PIPPI – Intervention Program for the Prevention of Institutionalization (Italy) – Held on 14/06/2022
4.0 solutions that empower and facilitate personal autonomy

4.0 solutions that empower and facilitate personal autonomy

APP&TOWN COMPAGNON (Spain, Canada) and REHAB-LAB (France) – Held on 06/04/2022
ICT tools to combat loneliness in the elderly

ICT tools to combat loneliness in the elderly

TEKNOADINEKO (Euskadi, Spain) and ELDCARE (Catalonia, Spain) – Held on 08/02/2022
Online peer-to-peer psychosocial support services

Online peer-to-peer psychosocial support services

CIRCLES (San Francisco, USA) and IPSO (Konstanz, Germany) – Held on 14/12/2021
New tools for remote social services users monitoring

New tools for remote social services users monitoring

WACS (UK) and DigiContact (Netherlands) – Held on 22/10/2021

Mano, an app for social professionals working on the streets and in shelters

Publications Bank of innovations

Mano, an app for social professionals working on the streets and in shelters

Associació AURORE

Free app that facilitates and helps to improve the work of public service professionals working with vulnerable people, on the street and in sheltered areas.

Mano is a freely accessible application for smartphones that allows workers to continuously and closely monitor the people they follow during reception procedures and activities. It also has a web interface for computers. It thus makes it possible to complete and consult the medical-social files of these people, avoiding the loss of information and the need to constantly renew it. In addition, it also allows workers and their respective teams to have all tasks grouped together –those already carried out and planned– and to be alerted to future deadlines and commitments. It also automatically generates anonymous statistics and reports.

All of this guarantees the protection of the data of the people accompanied, which are encrypted and only the people who form part of the monitoring team have access to them. In fact, Mano’s functionalities have been specially conceived and designed by the users who use them and, for this reason, the tool is constantly being improved. The users have been trained by Mano, both on the streets and in the reception areas, as well as in telephone assistance.

Banc d’innovacions


Predictive Telecare Service in Home Care

The Adinberri Foundation has launched a telecare service that enables anticipation and action through a personalized intervention plan based on the 4P model: prediction, prevention, personalization, and participation.
From Your Eyes

From your eyes, AI technological tools for visually impaired people

From Your Eyes promotes AI-based solutions to improve the daily lives of visually impaired people.

Reviu, a platform that promotes transparency in housing access

Reviu is an online platform for sharing and searching for apartment reviews, with the primary goal of providing transparent and real information about the real estate market.

I·ROC, a tool that evaluates the recovery process of mental health service users

I·ROC is a tool that measures the recovery process of people using mental health services

SmartSocks, socks that detect distress in people with dementia

SmartSocks that enable the detection of risk situations in people with dementia

Manawanui, Self-Directed Support for people with disabilities

Manawanui is a project aimed at enhancing the autonomy and freedom of choice for people with disabilities

Moods, promoting good screen use among teenagers and young people

Publications Bank of innovations

Moods, promoting good screen use among teenagers and young people

Nous Cims Foundation and Adsis Foundation

Community intervention project with a comprehensive approach to prevent risks in the use of new technologies among adolescents and young people and promote their proper use.

The Moods Project was born from the realisation that, in a modernity governed by social networks and mobile phones that change the way we live and relate to each other, new technologies pose new challenges and risks –such as addiction, pathological gambling, grooming, cyberbullying or social isolation– to be prevented. Specifically, it is aimed at adolescents and young people, as the name of the project indicates: mood is the English word that refers to the state of mind and is a colloquial expression widely used among young people.

The project is developed through a set of workshops and interventions that are carried out in secondary schools with the aim of promoting the good use of screens among students. It is well known that the use they make of social networks and new technologies is diverse and can have consequences on mental health. Through the workshops, participants reflect on and become aware of their use of screens. Thus, the project provides them with tools that allow them to identify risky and addictive behaviours. In addition, the workshops encourage critical thinking –allowing them to reflect on video games and online gambling, for example– and debate on the values that are transmitted through networks and on the need and importance of combining virtual leisure with live leisure. The project includes an impact evaluation plan that allows measuring and assessing the changes produced among participants through questionnaires.

The project has been implemented in the neighbourhood of Horta Guinardó, in Barcelona, and in Quatre Carreres, in Valencia, where a team of professionals has given workshops to young people aged between 12 and 16 in secondary schools in the neighbourhoods. Apart from workshops in secondary schools, the project also includes prevention workshops in leisure and free time organisations and training for families and teaching teams from the schools.

Banc d’innovacions


Predictive Telecare Service in Home Care

The Adinberri Foundation has launched a telecare service that enables anticipation and action through a personalized intervention plan based on the 4P model: prediction, prevention, personalization, and participation.
From Your Eyes

From your eyes, AI technological tools for visually impaired people

From Your Eyes promotes AI-based solutions to improve the daily lives of visually impaired people.

Reviu, a platform that promotes transparency in housing access

Reviu is an online platform for sharing and searching for apartment reviews, with the primary goal of providing transparent and real information about the real estate market.

I·ROC, a tool that evaluates the recovery process of mental health service users

I·ROC is a tool that measures the recovery process of people using mental health services

SmartSocks, socks that detect distress in people with dementia

SmartSocks that enable the detection of risk situations in people with dementia

Manawanui, Self-Directed Support for people with disabilities

Manawanui is a project aimed at enhancing the autonomy and freedom of choice for people with disabilities

Résorption-bidonvilles, the digital platform to accelerate slum upgrading and integration in France

Publications Bank of innovations

Résorption-bidonvilles, the digital platform to accelerate slum upgrading and integration in France

Résorption-bidonvilles, Dihal (Interministerial Delegation of Acommodation and Access to Housing)

Information, exchange and management platform promoted by the French government to effectively accelerate the improvement and integration of slums, known in French as bidonvilles. Through this tool, citizens can report on the situation in these neighbourhoods, administrations can follow the progress of the actions being carried out and associations can collaborate in improving the living conditions of their inhabitants. 

This online platform –which is simple, agile and adaptable to the needs of each user– was born out of the realisation that in recent decades, in France, slums have reappeared, where precarious people live in housing that does not meet hygiene and sanitation standards and where basic services (access to water, access to sanitary facilities, waste disposal, etc.) are largely absent. There are currently more than 300 slums in the French Metropolitan Area, where more than 16,000 people live. The social marginalisation of the population living there is alarming: lack of schooling, non-participation in the labour market, neglect and discrimination of all kinds, among others.

The platform aims to transform public action and create a collaborative dynamic, connecting various actors –public administrations involved, landowners, associations that intervene with the inhabitants– that can help to improve precarious neighbourhoods, both at the level of decision-making and implementation. Access to the platform is open, but requests are validated by local administrators. Moreover, actors who have access to the platform can only consult information and report on interventions concerning the territory in which they are registered. Only users registered at the national level –ministries, central administrations or national associative partners– can consult all the data.

However, it is a tool with a global approach that combines social integration, respect for public order and the prevention of resettlement. In this sense, the platform makes the situation of the inhabitants of the bidonvilles visible –although no personal data is ever shared– and strengthens the power of action of each actor on the ground. It also makes it possible to draw up action plans and interventions, facilitate coordination between actors and measure and promote the results of the actions carried out.

Banc d’innovacions


Predictive Telecare Service in Home Care

The Adinberri Foundation has launched a telecare service that enables anticipation and action through a personalized intervention plan based on the 4P model: prediction, prevention, personalization, and participation.
From Your Eyes

From your eyes, AI technological tools for visually impaired people

From Your Eyes promotes AI-based solutions to improve the daily lives of visually impaired people.

Reviu, a platform that promotes transparency in housing access

Reviu is an online platform for sharing and searching for apartment reviews, with the primary goal of providing transparent and real information about the real estate market.

I·ROC, a tool that evaluates the recovery process of mental health service users

I·ROC is a tool that measures the recovery process of people using mental health services

SmartSocks, socks that detect distress in people with dementia

SmartSocks that enable the detection of risk situations in people with dementia

Manawanui, Self-Directed Support for people with disabilities

Manawanui is a project aimed at enhancing the autonomy and freedom of choice for people with disabilities

b-resol, a channel for alerts against bullying in adolescents

Publications Bank of innovations

b-resol, a channel for alerts against bullying in adolescents


An alert channel that provides early detection of possible cases of bullying, cyberbullying, eating disorders, addictions and other common problems among adolescents. It is designed especially for adolescents, but also for adult teachers and specialised staff, who receive, manage and document the alerts.

b-resol was born out of concern for the large number of abuses and mistreatments of minors that occur in educational, sporting or leisure environments, and the difficulty for the victims to report them. The figures are alarming: 40% of pupils have experienced some form of bullying during their schooling. Beyond being used by educational centers, it is also useful for youth and sports organizations where young people socialise.

On the one hand, b-resol speaks the language of teenagers, as it is a friendly and intuitive app. Students can communicate their suspicions or alerts derived from unwanted situations, whether experienced or observed, to the trusted people designated by the educational centre. Through this mobile application, which is free and available on all devices, they can do so securely, confidentially and anonymously, if they wish. On the other hand, b-resol is also easy for adults, with a comprehensible internal web environment. Apart from enabling a chat with the sender of the alert, it also allows for a complete follow-up of the incident –of the actions taken– and the generation of reports and statistics.

Thus, b-resol stands as an example of good use of mobile technology as an innovative element and how it can be used to raise social awareness. It is therefore a complementary tool to the protocols implemented or planned to deal with cases of bullying, and is suitable for digitised adolescents and for centres and organisations immersed in digital transformation.

Banc d’innovacions


Predictive Telecare Service in Home Care

The Adinberri Foundation has launched a telecare service that enables anticipation and action through a personalized intervention plan based on the 4P model: prediction, prevention, personalization, and participation.
From Your Eyes

From your eyes, AI technological tools for visually impaired people

From Your Eyes promotes AI-based solutions to improve the daily lives of visually impaired people.

Reviu, a platform that promotes transparency in housing access

Reviu is an online platform for sharing and searching for apartment reviews, with the primary goal of providing transparent and real information about the real estate market.

I·ROC, a tool that evaluates the recovery process of mental health service users

I·ROC is a tool that measures the recovery process of people using mental health services

SmartSocks, socks that detect distress in people with dementia

SmartSocks that enable the detection of risk situations in people with dementia

Manawanui, Self-Directed Support for people with disabilities

Manawanui is a project aimed at enhancing the autonomy and freedom of choice for people with disabilities

Codi Colors, inclusive method for learning the piano

Publications Bank of innovations

Codi Colors, inclusive method for learning the piano

Codi Colors

Codi Colors, mètode inclusiu per a l’aprenentatge del piano

Innovative method of musical education designed for people with disabilities to learn to play the piano and enjoy making music. It allows them to feel fulfilled thanks to the practical results of the method, enabling them to play songs and pieces following a score based on basic musical concepts.

Codi Colors –in English, the Colour Code– works by associating each note with a colour. This simplified structure makes musical structures much easier to memorise and learn. It is put into practice through complete graphic and didactic material. Thus, it counts with a book for the student and a support book for teachers and families, in which the methodology and advice for its application are explained.

Both books consist of a repertoire of 57 traditional, popular and signature songs written with the code and accompanied by illustrations. The pieces –all of an accessible level– are arranged according to degree of difficulty and theme, mostly referring to the different seasons of the year. The scores are adapted to make them easier to understand: they are written in treble clef, without time signatures or values, and the size of the staves is large, among other things. In addition to the books, more specifically prepared teaching material –an adapted music booklet and coloured stickers– make it possible to implement the method, which can be perfectly combined with coloured instruments (bells, pipes, bells, horns, carillons, etc.).

Although Codi Colors is mainly aimed at pupils with very diverse special educational needs –physical, sensory, communication, intellectual, mental disorders–, it is not only for these groups. Thus, Codi Colors paves the way for making music and avoids the difficulty of conventional music reading for everyone. It is valid for the initial learning of music -for students at an early age-, for musical awareness and for musical language or instrument classes. In addition, the music learning system works for both group and individual lessons.

Banc d’innovacions


Predictive Telecare Service in Home Care

The Adinberri Foundation has launched a telecare service that enables anticipation and action through a personalized intervention plan based on the 4P model: prediction, prevention, personalization, and participation.
From Your Eyes

From your eyes, AI technological tools for visually impaired people

From Your Eyes promotes AI-based solutions to improve the daily lives of visually impaired people.

Reviu, a platform that promotes transparency in housing access

Reviu is an online platform for sharing and searching for apartment reviews, with the primary goal of providing transparent and real information about the real estate market.

I·ROC, a tool that evaluates the recovery process of mental health service users

I·ROC is a tool that measures the recovery process of people using mental health services

SmartSocks, socks that detect distress in people with dementia

SmartSocks that enable the detection of risk situations in people with dementia

Manawanui, Self-Directed Support for people with disabilities

Manawanui is a project aimed at enhancing the autonomy and freedom of choice for people with disabilities

iSocial presents in Bilbao the report “Technological innovation and social services”.

Publications News

iSocial presents in Bilbao the report “Technological innovation and social services”.

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On March 20, about 90 people have attended in the auditorium Bilbao Berrikuntza Faktoria (BBF) of the University of Mondragon, in the Basque Country, a public event to present the report “Technological innovation and social services” prepared by the iSocial Foundation.

The event consisted of a welcome by the president of the iSocial Foundation, Montse Cervera; the presentation of the report by the director of the foundation, Toni Codina; a presentation by Ms. Nagore Ipiña, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences of Mondragon University, on “The person as the center of digitalization”; a round table on “Incorporation of technology in social services: challenges and difficulties”, by Mr. Sergio Murillo, Deputy of Social Action of Bizkaia, and Mr. Mikel Palazuelos, Head of the Social Care Area of NTT Data; and, finally, a joint conclusion by Ms. Sergio Murillo, Deputy of Social Action of Bizkaia, and Mr. Mikel Palazuelos, Head of the Social Care Area of NTT Data. Sergio Murillo, Deputy of Social Action of Bizkaia, and Mr. Mikel Palazuelos, Head of the Social Care Area of NTT Data; and, finally, a joint conclusion by Ms. Adriana Martínez, director of APTAS (Association for the Promotion of Social Technology), and Ms. Lucía Merino, coordinator of the Basque Observatory of the Third Social Sector.

At the end of the event, refreshments were served and all attendees received a bookmark that included a QR code to download the report “Technological Innovation and Social Services”.

Coinciding with the event, the iSocial Foundation also launched a language version of its website in Basque, at the domain.


La Confederación ASPACE, nueva entidad miembro de iSocial

ASPACE Catalunya, new member of iSocial

ASPACE, an organization specialized in supporting people with cerebral palsy, becomes the 19th member of the Foundation
Montferrer i Castellbò integrates healthcare professionals into the Vincles project

Montferrer i Castellbò integrates healthcare professionals into the Vincles project

The training is part of a pilot project aimed at integrating the healthcare system into the Vincles project
Trobada Solidigital Andorra

Solidigital’s Second Project Meeting Takes Place in Andorra

The seven partner organizations of the European project gather in Andorra to coordinate Solidigital’s deployment plan.
Vincles Alt Urgell

iSocial meets with the 19 Mayors of Alt Urgell to present the Vincles project

Last Wednesday, July 24, we met with nineteen municipal representatives from the Alt Urgell region to explain the Vincles project.
REIR, nova entitat membre de iSocial

REIR joins as a new member of the iSocial Foundation

The iSocial board has approved the incorporation of REIR (Resources for Children at Risk), a social intervention organization that operates mainly in the Vallès Oriental region, as a new member of the Foundation.
Grupo Servicio Sociales

The iSocial Foundation welcomes Grupo SSI as a new member organisation

Grupo Servicios Sociales Integrados (SSI) is a Basque cooperative dedicated to improving the quality of life of people in vulnerable situations.

Simulateur Aides Sociales, a tool that informs citizens of the social aids

Publications Bank of innovations

Simulateur Aides Sociales, a tool that informs citizens of the social aids, CNIL, CAF, Assurance maladie, Agefiph, Pôle Emploi, Assurance retraite, Crous, Anah, Anil

A fast and efficient tool that informs the French population about the social assistance they are entitled to receive. Powered by several public and private actors and with an individualized online service, the simulator estimates to users the assistance benefits that are due to each of them.

The Simulateur Aides Sociale was born out of the realization that a large part of French citizens are unaware of the many social systems and benefits –both national and local– to which they are entitled and from which they can benefit. In France, billions of euros of social assistance do not find beneficiaries, either due to lack of awareness, demand or receipt, resulting in the loss of considerable income per household. The simulator, launched by the French government and in partnership with various associations and companies in the technology sector, aims to combat the high rate of non-appeals for social assistance by informing and guiding among the many existing aids.

It is a free tool that enhances the rights to social assistance of each person with a very simple and effective operation. With guaranteed anonymity and confidentiality of information, each user is asked to answer a few questions about family and professional life. Then, in a few minutes, the simulator classifies more than 1,000 social systems and lists the benefits available to each person according to their personal situation. Once the user is aware of the benefits, the relevant claims can be made and the financial aid can be received.

The benefits available in the simulator are grouped according to their function (health, housing, transport, professional integration, family, etc.) and are both national and departmental, depending on the place of residence entered by the user. However, it should be borne in mind that the result obtained from the simulation is indicative and does not guarantee that the user will end up receiving the aid, as only the organization empowered to grant it can decide whether the user is actually eligible.

Banc d’innovacions


Predictive Telecare Service in Home Care

The Adinberri Foundation has launched a telecare service that enables anticipation and action through a personalized intervention plan based on the 4P model: prediction, prevention, personalization, and participation.
From Your Eyes

From your eyes, AI technological tools for visually impaired people

From Your Eyes promotes AI-based solutions to improve the daily lives of visually impaired people.

Reviu, a platform that promotes transparency in housing access

Reviu is an online platform for sharing and searching for apartment reviews, with the primary goal of providing transparent and real information about the real estate market.

I·ROC, a tool that evaluates the recovery process of mental health service users

I·ROC is a tool that measures the recovery process of people using mental health services

SmartSocks, socks that detect distress in people with dementia

SmartSocks that enable the detection of risk situations in people with dementia

Manawanui, Self-Directed Support for people with disabilities

Manawanui is a project aimed at enhancing the autonomy and freedom of choice for people with disabilities

Afrolab, Afro-entrepreneurship support programme

Publications Bank of innovations

Afrolab, Afro-entrepreneurship support programme

PretaHub, British Council, Coventry University

Programme to support, promote and boost Afro-entrepreneurship with an exclusive and innovative methodology. With the aim of strengthening the Afro-Brazilian market, Afrolab offers technical and creative training to entrepreneurs. It does so with a special focus on inventiveness and self-knowledge, being a space for growth, learning and personal and professional transformation.

Afrolab is thus a business expansion programme that acts as a talent accelerator and incubator for black, indigenous and Kilombola entrepreneurs. It is the result of the realisation that, despite the fact that Brazil has the largest black population in the world outside the African continent, black consumers are still considered a niche market and entrepreneurs are under-represented. The figures highlight the difficulties faced by Afro-Brazilians when it comes to entrepreneurship, which results in the majority of black entrepreneurs in the country not being registered in the formal economy.

In response to the in-depth analysis of the challenges and specificities of black businesses, Afrolab provides practical tools for business management and is a space for effective creation and production. It consists of workshops that take place within the framework of various festivals organised mainly in Brazil, where several entrepreneurs can participate. The initiative includes self-knowledge activities, creative immersion cycles, apprenticeships, courses and workshops. Thus, it avoids entrepreneurship conceived as a solitary and individualistic process and is committed to forging a community of entrepreneurs, taking into account the unique contribution of each entrepreneur in the process.

The initiative has a systemic perspective: it provides support and training to companies from their conception and origin to the final disposal of the products and services developed. In this way, it aims to help them overcome some of the biggest challenges they face, such as the denial of access to credit, financial literacy and technology. Apart from training courses and exchange and networking sessions, Afrolab opens commercial channels in Brazil and Latin America.

Banc d’innovacions


Predictive Telecare Service in Home Care

The Adinberri Foundation has launched a telecare service that enables anticipation and action through a personalized intervention plan based on the 4P model: prediction, prevention, personalization, and participation.
From Your Eyes

From your eyes, AI technological tools for visually impaired people

From Your Eyes promotes AI-based solutions to improve the daily lives of visually impaired people.

Reviu, a platform that promotes transparency in housing access

Reviu is an online platform for sharing and searching for apartment reviews, with the primary goal of providing transparent and real information about the real estate market.

I·ROC, a tool that evaluates the recovery process of mental health service users

I·ROC is a tool that measures the recovery process of people using mental health services

SmartSocks, socks that detect distress in people with dementia

SmartSocks that enable the detection of risk situations in people with dementia

Manawanui, Self-Directed Support for people with disabilities

Manawanui is a project aimed at enhancing the autonomy and freedom of choice for people with disabilities

DigitaliSSB (Promotion of the Digitalization of the Basic Social Services of Catalonia)

Lab Innovation projects

DigitaliSSB (Promotion of the Digitalization of the Basic Social Services of Catalonia)

DigitaliSSB. Digitalització dels Serveis Socials Bàsics

DigitaliSSB is a project for the improvement of management and social intervention of the Basic Social Services in Catalonia through the design, development, implementation and evaluation in 18 Basic Areas of Social Services of two technological solutions: DigitaliSSB-Intervention, and DigitaliSSB-QdC.


The first technological solution, DigitaliSSB-Intervention, will facilitate the improvement of communication and the relationship, both among professionals and between professionals and users of the Basic Social Services Areas, plus a self-management service for users and a group activity management. It will also have different modules for sharing data and documents with a biometric signature platform, with data sources from other administrations and with “file management” information systems. At the same time, it will have a virtual assistant that will respond to information requests and other user-friendly tools (resources map, social aid simulator, personal space) to offer citizens guidance on the services and resources in the territory that can respond to their social needs and, in the case of citizens who are already users of social services, a personal space where they can have all the information on their social history with the Basic Area of Social Services and manage their relationship with social professionals (appointments, communication with professionals, etc.).

The second solution, DigitaliSSB-QdC, is a solution for decision making, planning and evaluation of social care, in the form of Dashboards for the 18 participating Basic Areas, to be used for analysis, decision making, planning and evaluation by the people in charge. They will be developed and implemented using the Power BI tool and service, one for each of the Basic Areas of Social Services participating in the project. The information obtained will be consolidated based on the people served and will be transformed into useful information for analysis and decision-making on the people served by the social services, the services provided, the costs of the services and the workload of the different professionals in each of the Basic Areas, among others.

The project is promoted by a group formed by the iSocial Foundation, which leads the project; the Rovira i Virgili University Foundation; and the Víctor Grífols y Lucas Foundation and its Chair of Bioethics at the University of Vic. At the same time, it has the collaboration of the Barcelona City Council as a knowledge partner, and the participation of 18 Basic Areas of Municipal and County Social Services: Tarragona City Council, Lleida City Council, Girona City Council, Reus City Council, Manresa City Council, Amposta City Council, Calafell City Council, Banyoles City Council, Garrotxa Social Action Consortium, Vallès Oriental Regional Council, Mancomunitat La Plana, Regional Council of La Noguera, Regional Council of Pla d’Urgell, Regional Council of Pallars Jussà, Regional Council of Pallars Sobirà, Regional Council of Alt Penedès, Regional Council of Alt Camp and Regional Council of Ribera d’Ebre.



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